
PostrgesSQL is the latest victim in the holo-CoC-st

Attached: Carl-the-Cuck-Loving-v.-Virginia-Martin-Luther-King-Jr-Civil-Rights-segregation-cuck-cuckservatism-5 (571x585, 33K)

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open source is a meme at this point
its corporate just like anything else

look on the bright side, you can get proprietary-level quality for free
just don't forget to mitigate the data harvesting

What the fuck

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>proprietary-level quality
lol nice meme

>[...] This Code is meant to cover all interaction between community members, whether or not it takes place within infrastructure [...]
I don't know if they stop and think what all this verbose pseudo-legalese actually implies. I believe they do, but I still hope they don't.


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Nah, that's all fine. One day I sat down and read my old high-school's CoC booklet they gave to parents upon admission and found out that I was liable to expulsion if I got caught doing any of these anywhere in the world while wearing uniform:
> commiting crimes, infractions, misdemeanors, felonies
> bad behavior in general
> touch interactions with persons of the opposite gender other than holding hands or hugging normally
I'd be really happy to provide a picture of that page to prove I'm not lying, although it would be in portuguese, but I have no idea if I still even have the booklet lying around in a box or something.

to prove I'm not lieing*

Wow a maintainer who doesn't instantly cow to sjw bullshit. It's depressing that this is impressive.

>Stacey Haysler (Chair)
>Lætitia Avrot
>Vik Fearing
>Jonathan Katz
>Ilya Kosmodemiansky

Wow, a coc committee led by a Stacey and jews. Shocking!

When will it end...

"Lying" is correct

>coc committee

you mean a COCC?

When people stop self-denial about the SJW problem.
These people will infect every aspect of our lives.

That's because by wearing a uniform, you literally are representing the organization behind it. It is perfectly resonable for the organization to expect a certain standard of behaviour from you while you wear it.
On the other hand, stuff like implies that you are representing the organization in every form of documented communication you conduct. It can be –and has been– used to attempt to remove developers on any offhand email or tweet they make.

Prívate code is better for coders, more money and safe jobs over free source.

This. Proprietary software is better for end users and for software makers. "Free" software is only good for sjw commies and big corps.

> coc committee
Code Conduct Committee for Programmers

hard to swallow redpills

>"Free" software is only good for sjw commies and big corps.
And the Chinese.

Its actual McCarthyism at this point.
Be Salem Witch Trials next, with the novel twist, the actual witches be The Accusers this time around.

lmao dude like just fork it

t. Proprietary developer
There is a reason why tons of companies are using OSS in their stack. Maybe you can start to learn how to mop the floor

t. Oracle DB developer


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Glancing over this one, it doesn't seem that political. Hope it remains that way.

Here’s what you need to do in order to avoid the CoC if someone complains about you:

1. Claim everyone on the CoC committee was in on it with you.
2. Since everyone on the committee is now theoretically personally involved with the complaint, they will be excluded from investigating the complaint.
3. Go party since nobody can do anything.


It sounds fair as long it's not under control of cultists, but it probably is.
The "don't discriminate against the race" and "don't retaliate" in theory go DIRECTLY against the SJW tactics.
If the first one was "don't be a racist", they could use the privilege plus power definition from the horrid book related (basically the thing that created the SJWs), and the second one goes directly against their strategy of trying to get people fired.

Attached: white awokeness.png (335x477, 102K)

Based and redpilled.

The best model is open source but with a profit model attached. If nobody is getting paid then your community will be 100% people whose time is literally worthless.

>t. Moneylet

to be honest, a CoC(k) is better than what happened to redis.

At the end he did change the terms though.
He made a poll on Twitter and the results where something like 52% in favour, rest against. The same proposal on it's GitHub issue received a almost completely negative response, but it was too late.
The thing is, if you participate in Twitter, you're bound to get worn down by people who have made their life's mission to push this kind of crap. That's what eventually happened at the end, he got "convinced' by conversations with the creator of Rails and some other people.
And while the change maybe doesn't break backwards compatibility, it still legitimizes what's nothing more than unfounded (and probably fictional) outrage.

Accept it user: just like in communism in practice it has always been about benefiting a few (the ruling party) while neglecting those who actually do the work (everyone else), in OSS there are people pushing... uh, exactly the same thing.

The only smart choice is to contribute to things you actually care about, and if they decide to pull some shit like this, and if shit gets bad enough, fork the project and merge the actually decent changes that happen upstream. You're free to modify your fork as you wish too, no need the maintainers' approval (you're the maintainer now). Other people may even like your fork more! (e.g. Gitea forked from Gogs, now I haven't seen anyone actually using Gogs, but many Gitea deployments)

>But, but, the upstream will just merge my changes and the status quo will be maintained
As said, you work on things that benefit you personally. Also, while the spirit of GPL says that have to share your contributed code, it doesn't mean that you have to go through the whole "create a PR and say pretty please" hoops, just that you have to make your source available. If they want to integrate your changes in to upstream, let them do so, that's exactly how FOSS software operates.

With that said, if you don't contribute to the community (you're just a user), then you'll have to accept that you have no say on how development is conducted for the thing you like.
Think of it as if you were using proprietary software made behind closed doors, with the main difference being that you're now aware of why things are going down the drain (if that's what comes to happen).
But regardless, the enlightened man response to this is to do what most companies do: make use of the gratis software, and make money off it; "contribute back" by filling bug requests that are going to be fixed for you at no cost.
You're then not bound to silly over-reaching policies, but still benefit from the work of others. The people who actually have skin in the game are obliged to be welcoming to you, your bug reports, and your feature requests (err, ideas) as long as you're civil about it.
What's not to like?

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wtf i hate Stacey now!

Out all famous maintainers antirez is the most moe.


All right, Jow Forums what databases are CoC-free? Let's make a list.

MongoDB (?)

uh, because redis is literally nonfree software now?

CoCked and deceptive (see ).

>Judith H. Katz

Stop spreading this misinformation. Redis remains BSD-2.

and core redis is fucking useless. what's your point?


Why is it useless? What extensions do you need? Also, to quote antirez,
>This is not open core. Redis Labs is doing things that you would never see from me: for bandwidth, and because I believe that not all the softwares must eventually become huge. So I think that calling this model “open core” is misleading, nothing is removed from the Redis table, just new things are explored, while trying to follow the “Redis way” in other areas otherwise not touched by the Redis project.

depends on the use. but the AGPL licensing was tolerable, but this bait and switch bullshit is forcing the use of alternatives.

RMS didnt account for enemy actors infiltrating codebases and destroying them.
GPL and BSD are now deprecated.
We need to go back to closed source w/ benevolent dictators.

>depends on the use.
So... do you actually use Redis?

I wouldn't know. I don't work for that particular team/product anymore, but yes some of the modules going AGPL started some of the pains. mainly things like ReJSON and other useful modules for specific types of information processing.

OK, I understand how it sucks if you were relying on these extensions. If they aren't a Redis hosting provider, your old team can probably continue to use them, but it isn't certain. The worst thing about the "Commons Clause" license is that it is ambiguously worded (you mustn't have "a product or service whose value derives, entirely or substantially, from the functionality of the Software") and has never been tested in court. I dislike it.

However, I think this does not reflect badly on Redis itself. It is as useful as ever for those who didn't use these extensions. Plain Redis can actually work with JSON through Lua, and how I'd do it. I think the actual mistake here was that antirez let Redis Labs call themselves "Redis Labs". People using their plug-ins thought they were official and not the product of a startup that could fuck off with the code when the profits tanked.

s/and how/and that's how/
It's super underrated.