what are the implications?
he's being blackmailed and someone else edited parts of the apology?
it was written by a committee?
linus is a retard and wrote parts of it in libreoffice?
Linus' Apology Possibly Forged
The goim know, shut it down
back to your containment board:
It's obviously CIA niggers, what else? See Terry.
>hurr everyone who talks about linux is Jow Forums
He isn't coming back :-(
Linus mostly use some emacs derivate, usually “old programmers” avoid write text on editors, but maybe he send draft to organization and organization add “political apologist” and resend.
More conspiracy take all Linus message and search for no-ASCII
>Author code of conduct to stop contributors from antagonizing people on Twitter
>Have CoC contribution accepted
>Immediately go on Twitter and antagonize people
So, if the CoC is being observed, the commit must be removed and the author banned.
Of course, we all know that's not going to happen.
This will be the first in a long line of double standard enforcement.
The correct thing to do is to fork and leave the CoC idiots to wallow in their own shit.
Someone should go through his other messages and look for the same. If this occurs frequently, it's nothing.
lmao you are so desperate to shut it down
digits confirm it
Go back to /x/ please.
into the fucking trash it goes
But user, that doesn't apply to him.
This is the game they want to play
They want you to shitpost and argue with them
Rage post all you want on Le Reddit, twitter, github, Jow Forums
What they don't want is action
Action is forking and walking away from the project they commandeered
The only correct action right now is to fork and leave en masse
Anyone who stays behind are sympathizers and should be viewed with extreme suspicion if they try to later return
We already have the fork
We just need more people to notice
This is unsurprising. I was been involved in a SJW-heavy community and I know one person who left and refusing to put out a statement/apology that was written for him by a moderator.
Something's definitely glowing in the dark.
Holy shit, his sarcastic reply to that too. How does anyone not hate this thing? You don’t have to have an issue with tranny’s to find him reprehensible in every way.
If you were a tranny you could at least be nice, and not ugly inside and out.
How does this have nothing to do with technology? Linus is an incredibly influential figure in the tech world. What he’s doing now is a big deal and a lot of programmers are sick of CoC’s and these people invading every repo on GH.
If death of Dennis Ritchie has enough to do with technology to warrant a sticky, then author of Linux being removed from his project clearly does.
Clearly he saw what happened to Terry and decided to GTFO before someone arranges a little "accident" for him.
Why do you even argue with the shills? They aren't interested in the discussion, they just want to derail it. You can write a book and they'll give you yet another short inflammatory low-effort reply with 5 words max.
Hide & ignore them.
It bumps the thread, and I just copy pasted the reply I previous wrote.
Haven't you realized? Jow Forums took over Jow Forums. this controversy is just exposing how deep it has rooted. I still want the tranny to kill himself though.
Holy yikes. Did you personally forge it or what? Why are you so emotionally invested into this specific tech discussion? This is like the 5th thread with this exact same outburst.
Come on user, this stuff is actually fun to speculate about. Sjws are an issue, you don't have to be pol to recognize that.
I agree with you though that pol is cancer
Because Jow Forums users are basically the right wing versions of sjws that take shit way too seriously. They honestly aren't capable of doing anything aside from blaming the jews and posting meme charts that support their gay ideology.
That outburst is embarassing but I don't blame him.
Are they just like SJWs in the way that they are hijacking existing open source projects and forcibly removing people who do not agree with their ideology?
they are worse because they encourage actual irl mass murderers
>encourage actual irl mass murderers
Most are arguing in favor of separation, not murder.
>just ignore it! it's nothing! it will go away!
Where have I heard this before? Nice mentality my man.
So why does no one care about this?
If they had the power I believe they would do such things.
There is a lot more public support for the left at the moment which explains why leftist commie sjws aren't lambasted by as many people, but mark my fucking words if the pendulum swung the other way Jow Forumsacks would be the new sjws.
I never said to ignore the fact that linus may have been cucked out of his own project you dumb nigger, that and the "muh post meritocracy" shit actually concerns the hell out of me because it shows how bad this sjw bullshit has really gotten.
And what scares me is that most people ARE going to ignore it and it will eventually go away like everything fucking does these days.
I swear to God nothing is real anymore.
There's shills on this thread. Fucking hell. Pic related. Linux takeover confirmed.
>it is true in my imagination
Thanks for the explanation.
>2 years before #metoo
The swedish historian Peter Englund has made an observation on political violence. If you kill because of personal rage, the rage will only go so far. And I guess the same thing goes if you kill for profit.
But if you kill for the greater good, there's no upper limit on how many you may kill. Good will never be good enough.
I'd say that the BSD community is safer. Not despite, but because of the devilettes. The women can express their femininity and therefore set a standard. Not even trannies and hambeasts can destroy them.
Here's some triggering:
Wow, such triggering!
Stop posting this ugly fat hag
>More conspiracy take all Linus message and search for no-ASCII
I've done this and found nothing, but I need an archive of all kernel mail. Can someone mine it from these shitty search sites?
lefties like that abomination are huge hypocrites and victims of "it's okay if we do it" mentality
>meritocracy filtered them out because they didn't meet the skill criteria
>implement CoC which on surface level allows everyone to contribute as long as they don't impact other contributors in a negative way
The wall takes no prisoners.
>Because Jow Forums users are basically the right wing versions of sjws
athat's more worrying than what i thought was worst case
It's something to look into at least. ESR has also suggested blackmail as a possible explanation for Linus' seemingly overnight change in his attitudes towards this stuff. Doesn't seem natural at all.
Jow Forums isn't really taking over, nor are they the issue. I've visited the board a few times I agree with most of what they say, that there are neo-Marxists taking over academia and tech, that there are Jews in positions of power screwing things up, and that race mixing is a plot to create a rootless underclass of consumerist slaves. I mostly just disagree with them on economics and their 1930s German LARPing. The views that the average Jow Forums user holds are the same ones I hold in private, and that my father holds, and that my grandfather held, and that my great grandfather held.
Shitlibs aren't normal. They're freaks who mutilate themselves and their children. They push for policies that ruin nations. They're a disgusting freakshow of upper class spoiled children who LARP as commies while they abuse the working class.
This is why I hate them, and this is why I want them out of the kernel that I run on all of my machines. Fuck SJWs.
>Linus has nothing to do with technology
I don't think it had anything to do with the CoC commit, but it uses its own CoC and promotes it, so it is in violation of its own CoC.
>ESR has also suggested blackmail as a possible explanation for Linus' seemingly overnight change in his attitudes towards this stuff.
I'm thinking it was more of a case of certain large corporations threatening to pull developers and create a fork.
Big if true.
(((Who))) are behind this tho ?
I recognize that code.
quite an experience to live in fear isnt it?
absolute cringe
what is this even supposed to mean
>if you don't like pol then ur an sjw XD
Jow Forums was right again. What do you have to say for yourself, Jow Forums?
That just sounds like corporate blackmail. My money is on Google.
I don't know, you tell me. Seems like shitlibs are terrified to live anywhere near the violent third worlders they invite into Western nations.
Explain the Linux debacle to me please. I'm not getting it.
All I'm seeing is a bunch of people bitching about a tranny or something?
Trannies have somehow pressured Linux Torvalds into accepting a faggy code of coduct filled with SJW shit that needlessly drags politics into software, and now he's taking time off. As this is happening, the pink and blue haired bags of feces are celebrating their subversion of yet another OSS project, with drinks and all. This serves only to divide the Linux community and drive away developers.
I see they got only discount models.