One year after graduating with CS degree

>one year after graduating with CS degree
>still no job

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Jfc user. Dont tell me you forgot the internships.

>You didn't do [internships|personal projects|coding contests|open source contributions]
>no job for you!

I've been out a few months, and am in the same boat. I have a pretty solid portfolio, and I've gotten some callbacks, but then I end up screwing up the interviews. Really just thinking about ending it all desu senpai. At least coding has been fun, should have probably done some internships though.

why would you want a job user

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we lied about cs being a real engineering washout degree?

>interviews go well
>but then they wheel in the whiteboard

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>You didn't prove your worth in an oversaturated market with salaries higher than the average GP.

>companies literally asking for calculus proofs now
What's the end game of programming interviews?

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better get on that, the value of your degree drops exponentially for every year you're unemployed. after five you might as well have not gone to college at all

How does this even happen? Do you fags go to shit schools, put in no effort to actually find a job, or is this bait and I'm stupid for replying?

>nearing end of college
>half of internships/co-ops only take you if you're willing to work 40h weekly with a high-end GPA
>some might take you but they're seasonal
>starting entry level jobs come out and expect you to have a massive background already

Legit if you want a job you gotta hook up your professors and network with people. HR's for these companies are fucking trash and rely off buzzwords, most them don't have a STEM background.

I had that same issue studying EE, sucked ass finding a job even when I had job experience as a fucking TA of a class.

thanks god i have chosen career in law, Jow Forums reminds me every day that I did the right choice

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I hope you're going to HYP.

None of that shit matters except for internships. As soon as you get one you're guaranteed a FT offer. Use your remaining summers to climb up the ladder.

real talk help my homie escape prison please

Went to a Nowhere State University and have applied to about 80 places so far. Could code better than 90% of people there, but only got a 3.1 GPA. Guess I fucked up lol. Should probably have probably learned a trade instead.

I have

>3.5 gpa
>personal projects
>open source contribution (significant feature addition)

Can't even get a callback. I'm learning meme web frameworks now in the hopes that I can get past the keyword filters.

Zoomer just starting out on a CS track here. How do I into a successful career?

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have you not read the thread. internships. the job hunt starts in university, not after

It's all about who you know. You don't even need college for many things these days. If you self teach then work long and hard while creating a portfolio to prove you're better than others. But again, it's always about who you know.

I graduated in 2013 with a 6 month internship and some personal projects on my resume. Still took me 6 months of failing interviews to land that first job. Keep trying. Also fuck recruiters for everything but practice talking to employers.

What do you even put in a portfolio?

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The whiteboard meme fucking kills me.
How often does this shit happen to you guys?

>3 months before graduating with a CS degree
>multiple offers, signed a contract last week

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Just bombed an interview. Got asked to implement the bubble sort sorting algorithm on a whiteboard, and sum all the primes below 2 million. Never heard of bubblesort until then, and they actually expected me to compute the primes myself. They walked me through the sorting algorithm, but I couldn't catch on and failed. Then I told them I could sum the primes if I had them, but they weren't impressed. I've never felt so defeated.

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>Work hard, one teacher notices I'm really good, I help him with projects because I actually enjoy what I do
>He puts in a good word for me at a local msp
>Get tossed right into a sysadmin position
>60k starting right out of school
That was 5 years ago, now I got the degree and the experience and no debt, I'm a sys engineer now, make Bank but tired as fuck all the time.
Still working on that work life balance thing.

got intervew at Google, failed and stopped looking
don't feel like working for less than 100k

How much make?

X = a
where a is the sum of all primes below 2 million

85k, up for review soon though, expecting a small raise, I'm gonna see if they will give me an even 90.
Gonna let them offer first though, if they offer me six digits that would be cool, never made that much before, changes perspective a bit.

What's it like to be a sysadmin?

Go for 100k bro.

Ask for 100k, you can always negotiate down but you can't negotiate up

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it's almost as if you need to actually write software if you want to get a job writing software

>don't find a job
>get discouraged and start turning into NEET
>parents keep asking how interviews and job search is going
>dad installed a whiteboard in my room for birthday to "help me practice"
Should I just kill myself?

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Hectic as fuck, but I can do it and I enjoy it for what it's worth.
You never really do one thing, your not like the shovel guy at the construction site who just digs all day then goes home, you have to do pretty much everything under the sun to maintain not only the environment but the current business model as well, stuff like the ITIL process and documentation and such.

I might do that, I don't want to give them sticker shock but if they plan to keep me 5 more years they are gonna have to pay me that much pretty soon anyway.
I've been offered up to 95 elsewhere, the current set-up is just my baby now basically and I have things the way I like them so they are easy to work on and upgrade.

Still, if my current employer can't recognize that value then eventually it will be time to move to someone who can. I don't think it will come to that though, my boss is usually a pretty cool guy.

>dad installed a whiteboard in my room for birthday to "help me practice"
Oh no

How do I beat the whiteboard meme if I'm just good at dev + linux things?
I don't have a CS background, so almost all my experience is hands-on experience actually building shit

pictures of niggers

>"diversify your portfolio"

>Took a job at helpdesk.

What now.

An interview problem I couldn't find a good solution on the spot, it's something like this :
- input : price of an item for each day (30 days)
You can buy once, and then sell once the product. How to find the best combinaison of day to buy/sell for max profit
Am I a brainlet or what? I just can't think properly in interviews. I guess it starts with sorting the prices but that's not enough since you can only buy and then sell

Getting a job is the most boring and NPC way to make money
Starting my own business was way more exciting and fulfilling than being employed to some soulless corporation (unethical swines who dodge their taxes) or boring wanna be start up company
And not only financially wise it’s the better deal IF you succeed, also in terms of personal freedom it trumps everything

> graduate in year
> have faang offer
> have startup that could be worth something

What do?

omelette du fromage ?

Should have just networked. I got a job through my WoW guild.

Think this works.
def f(x):
n = len(x)
low,low_index = [x[0]]*n,[0]*n
high,high_index = x[n-1],n-1
profit = high - low[0]
best = (0, n-1)
for i in range(1,n):
if x[i] < low[i-1]:
low[i] = x[i]
low_index[i] = i
low[i] = low[i-1]
low_index[i] = low_index[i-1]
for i in range(n-2,-1,-1):
if x[i] > high:
high = x[i]
high_index = i
if high - low[i] > profit:
profit = high - low[i]
best = (low_index[i],high_index)
print("Buy at {} and sell at {} to make {}".format(best[0], best[1], profit))

>went to school part time
>literally work three shitty part time jobs (not related to degree) on the side so i can be debt free once i graduate
>finish bachelors degree
>employers hold it against me that i couldnt get a field related part time job or contribute to XYZ in my non existing free time

why wouldn't sorting work? just sort the prices then buy when price is at array[0] and sell when price is at array[29]

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They'll want linear solution.

Bc you can`t sell before buying
Need an extra if there

I wouldn`t use sorting, but I can only think of an n^2 solution
Grug Brainlet ?

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I actually had that same question on my interview, and with a small hint I got it.
The trick is realizing that when you're reading prices, once you get a lower price you'll always make a bigger profit buying at that price, so you can discard the previous one.
So you just iterate over the loop, save the min price and compare the profit.

(int, int) GetBuySellPrices(int[] stock)
int maxProfit = 0;
int priceBuy = 0;
int priceSell = 0;

int minStock = stock[0];

for (int i = 1; i < stock.Length; i++) {
if (stock[i] < minStock) minStock = stock[i];
else if (stock[i] - minStock > maxProfit)
maxProfit = stock[i] - minStock;
priceBuy = minStock;
priceSell = stock[i];

return (priceBuy, priceSell);

>One year before graduating with a CS degree
>Internship under my belt, and I am now a junior software developer working part time
>Thinking about dropping out to work full time

If anyone here in uni is reading this, make sure you do coding in your spare time - this will put you ahead of the lazy shitmunchers. Bonus points if its something they don't teach at your uni. Ideally you should get an internship before graduating, but you might need to have done some shit outside of uni to score that.

Be willing to relocate. You're young and have minimal attachments. You probably don't even have a gf. Do what you need to do to get started.

Also, buy 'cracking the code interview' - it is unironically a good book.

>fumbled through CE/CS
>all internships were bullshit
>job 1 month after grad
>maintain database for a large firm and do some extra C# stuff

(no smug loli pic because I'm actually at work and not pretending)

DON'T drop out, it will bite you in the ass 10 years later. At least in my country to be in a managerial position you need to have a university degree.

Then use insertion sort lmao

Then you are retarded. I'm hope you neck yourself soon.

That's an interesting problem. I can only think of an n^2 solution right now.

I see, that means the most obvious way would be to brute force the best prices starting from each day of month. I wonder if there's a solution that's faster than O(n^2).

this is an O(n) solution

>once you get a lower price you'll always make a bigger profit buying at that price

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From that point on I meant. You still saved the profit from the first bump & it's bigger than the second bump, so the algorithm works.

don't worry. meritocracy is about to get abolished. then shitpeople like you will be able to sue yourself into a comfy tech job

>Year 2 of 4 year degree
>Already have a part-time job as a software developer
Try harder I guess

glad i went to my first college job fair in 09, you could just walk in with any app you wrote ready to go and the recruiters would suck you off right then and there.

>two degree in 4 years
>associate degree in web development and bachelors degree in software engi
>just finished masters degree in networking
>age 26
>still no job

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How tf did you not get an internship?

pajeet works for less user. at least youve got your white privilege to keep you afloat

How do people on Jow Forums NOT get an internship
In the yurop country I'm in, every single IT related company is begging to take students for interships as they're cheap

I have a google interview tomorrow.

I got a C in data structures when I took it two years ago.

Hold me Jow Forums I'm scared I'm not gonna make it. I've been grinding leetcode and implementing graph algos nonstop for days as practice (interview scheduled last minute)

>two degrees in 4 years


Don't underestimate the power of 'soft skills' questions. Pretty sure that lost me a job at Amazon.

Thanks. I'm not generally a sperg so I have that going for me, and I have tons of experience with internships / open source.

My study list so far is:
>Dynamic programming
>graphs / shortest paths / MSTs
>Disjoint sets
>N log n sorting algos
>B tree implementation
>Trie implementation

Am I missing anything big? I never got a lot of this in school (liberal arts college specialized in history)

the pay is garbage tho
plus if you are european, aim for a company abroad

Random Stack and Queue questions, LRU cache.
Divide and conquer (common algos, recurrence -> time complexity: master theorem etc).
Max flow.
Order Statistics.
Simple number theory algorithms (GCD, Prime sieve, etc)
Surface level understanding NP-Completeness.
Surface level understanding of linear programming.

I forgot probabilistic algorithms. Karger's min-cut is common example.
Also good to know for things like generate uniform distribution in unit sphere (just generate uniform andom in unit cube and throw out ones that are outside sphere, still faser tahn more compelx metjod)

Thanks, but I may be over my head for most of these.

School doesn't prepare people for the industry. That preparation is typically self driven. If someone just showed me their diploma and literally nothing else I would probably not even interview them.

At least do hashing, stacks, queues, know some max flow applications (not actual algo), what a dag is, quick select/median of medians (at least that it exists and time complexity), and the simple gcd/sieve.
Important max flow property is that integral weights -> integral max flow so you given unit weights you can make selection of edges to get matching etc. Good trick.

Also for divide and conquer you can just know that complexity is not always log(n)/nlog(n) many new people think that because they only remember sorting and binary search. it depends on algo and recurrence, e.g., Karatsuba algorithm.

Thanks a bunch. I'm going to add LRU, max flow, and the prime sieve to my study list, and read the Wikipedia for everything else. On my plate today is also implementing prim's/krukal's, and brushing up on some n choose k problems.

Many thanks.

Thanks all for looking out for each other

>went to 10 interviews
>get 5 offers
>reject all
>became neet

>tfw no degree
>tfw easily getting programming jobs
NEVER fall for the CS meme

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I've been very lucky, I was as intern for 10 months during my last year in CS, and before I even graduated I already had a job offer, been here for nearly 3 years (4 if you include my internship).
It's a huge global company, chances are if you have a device with any semiconductors or anything that throws/receives any signals, it went through us.

I'm a flipboi in the Philippines and for a very valid reason, I need to get the fuck out of my own country ASAP. I've been applying to pretty much everything in Taiwan(because I have a qt3.14 taiwanese gf) which fits my resume.

>Big Data, Distributed Systems, Hadoop, C, C++, Java, Python
>Niche skill in Product Lifecycle Management
Obviously I never had to go through applying for jobs, how long does it usually take for companies to respond?

I've been monitoring all of them (30+ now) and so far only Siemens seems to have gone beyond receiving my application, probably because of my PLM knowledge and me being an expert in one of their products.

Is the leet code meme real? What should you be doing before you get an internship?

Most places will only ask questions that are "easy" on leet code. Big N companies will require grinding leetcode in order to pass their phone screens.

At most web dev shops, the hardest question I've ever gotten are tree problems or little brain teasers, nothing heavily algorithmic.

Frankly, if I could redo things today?

I would have become a mechanical, electrical or process engineer instead. I already worked as a developers years before I took my education, I basically just did it to get it on paper as it was suddenly required. Those other kinds of engineerings are free of pajets and all the cancer you have today, which you didn't back in the day.

everyone here learns all the coding by them selves anyways, still learned a lot of math though a lot of automation and so too, but not enough compared to ie process engineers

Applying for companies themselves is really hit and miss. First of all, they mostly trust recruiters, referrals, and they may have a specific list of roles which might include dev at any point in time, because cost is a factor.

Personally I've had no trouble getting into jobs even within the week by using a recruiter. If you do that on a Monday, you'll have your interview later in the week, like Tuesday, then do several interviews throughout the week, and then get a decision shortly after

What are pajets, are they like new cheap workers from india? Also do you think they care at all about whether you speak another spoken language? Such as Korean, Japanese, or Chinese?

>thinking companies care about CS degree
When did this meme start anyway? More than half the people at work don't have a CS degree

>Interview tomorrow
>Their giving me a 1 week paid test
>Recruiter said he can't justify the salary I'm asking and have to show what I can do first
I'm so nervous fuck. But I'm dead set on not working for minimum wage.

code monkeys are a dime a dozen. you have to prove you're not an NPC who thinks "all programming languages are the same once you can do a 'for' loop"

What is your experience and the most complex project on your portfolio?

How do I make a portfolio :(

Literally just make stuff and put it on github.

>How do people on Jow Forums NOT get an internship
By being an American without the cash to get into a top university.

I really don't know what to make though, how do you guys get ideas? I'm currently making a little game on unity, but I feel like I need more.

That's a good start. It depends on what you want to specialize in. Most interviewers have told me that they at least skimmed my code on GitHub. If you're interested in web dev, write a fully featured product and 'launch' it. If it's games, publish a few unity games.