The iPhone XS Max is objectively the best phone you can buy

The iPhone XS Max is objectively the best phone you can buy.
How will Android babbies ever recover?

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You know it's literally meaningless, right?

t. ex iPhone user

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New pixel will be able to zoom 2x without detail loss thanks to neural networks.
This using only a single back camera.

How do they run games like PUBG and Fortnite?

Stop postinf this in every thread Pajeet.

Stop posting this SHIIIIIT. iPhone opens up apps faster due to slightly faster chip, Samsung has more ram and reopens it fast, non of this matters in the context of different animations that both phones have and the fact that unless you play focknight it won’t fucking matter how fast your phone is.

Forgot to take your meds?

geekbench a benchmark that runs minibatches on the small cache of iphone and gets impressive results
but on android it runs its batches on the slower ram

meanwhile in the real world on every speed test that has happened all the iphones after opening 4 apps clear the cache and close them down
hence why on the second pass is slower than a turtle

iphone has a fast cache moron a fast but small cache
ram has literally nothing to do with it because the calls arent being made on the ram moron

Except that you're forgetting the chronic overheating and thermal throttling iPhones have.

t. ex-iPhone user who got the "your iPhone needs to cool down" lockdown for 5 or more minutes after web browsing for an hour or so

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The cache IS the ram you dipshit, phones don't have pagefile anymore.

imaging telling lies on the internet.

>literally show objective proof iPhones can't sustained their performance for longer than a few minutes
>have literally owned them and experienced this myself
>"hurrr durrr fake news

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>Have literally owned them and experienced this myself
You're lying, you haven't owned it.

i mean you went on another level of stupidity

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I have and had similar problems. Put placing my iPhone in the freezer made the lockout only last like 3 minutes max.

Where do you think the cache is stored dipshit? Or do you think phones have a sekrit 1GB of L3 CPU cache?

every arm core has its own private l2 cache and what was known back then as the primary l1 and l2 cache is now a massive l3 shared cache

the fact that you dont even know the basics of your beloved phone or you know the basics of ARM design shows that you need to log off the internet and shut up


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How the FUCK are you gonna store apps on 2MB cache you dipshit?

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-literally- no reason to buy a high end phone over a cheaper one

You all just hate iPhones because you're all poor, LOL

That's all nice and shit but what y'all gonna do with this power? Not even shilling android phones because we don't need there either. How about we start improving battery life for once.

oh my god please im losing iq points just by replying to you
first of all the private l2 is 256kb for each core
second it was an 8mb l2 cache that is more than enough to prefetch and store up to 4 maybe 5 apps

You shit in the street.
How will you ever recover?

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Based and redpilled.

Get the fuck out

ez, just get a Pixel 3 that will have the best camera ever put on a smartphone

dude fortnight lmao


>ez, just get a Pixel 3

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1 street shtting iPoojeet
19 baited morons
4 based and redpilled Jow Forumsentoomen

I just read vault 7 stuff and I'm starting to doubt you

shut up virgin you drive toyota and have lagdroid while i have iphone and ferrari

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>Vodaphone India

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Why are you having so much shit on your home screen?
Why does it look worse than the jpg images I saved back in 1999?

>Why are you having so much shit on your home screen?

Why are you for speaking retard like?

Are you illiterate?

I'd usually give you the retard retort with the argument vs grammar, but that is something that should be used WHEN using incorrect grammar.

So stop being a retard and answer the question.

Never mind, don't puke out your shit opinion here.

Your grammar was fine, it just makes you sound like a nigger or a pajeet.

So you just wanted to point out your stupid opinion that everyone that have anything against Apple are niggers and pajeets

Ok then.

Jow Forums cracks me up.

>hey Jow Forums windows is better for video games
>w-who cares about speed and performance, at least i have my freedom
>hey Jow Forums intel performs better than amd in almost every game
>a-at least i'm not sucking jewish cock schlomo!
>hey Jow Forums despite ios being slightly slower than android it hangs less, is more polished and better overall despite being on inferior hardware

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>w-who cares about speed and performance, at least i have my freedom
Apple doesn't offer freedom. It's the most locked down option available.
>a-at least i'm not sucking jewish cock schlomo!
Apple doesn't offer superior corporate ethics. They go to great lengths to sweep issues under the rug and gaslight users into believing they're the unlucky few and not experiencing a widespread design flaw.

In the examples you gave, the user is making a tradeoff, accepting lower performance in exchange for something else of value such as freedom or not supporting corporate assholery. But in choosing Apple you don't get that. You just get inferior performance at a higher price.

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It isn't an opinion, the colloquial grammar you were using is only used by people that live in poor minority areas. I don't really care about some image that triggered your monkey brain.

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>shit OS
>no 3.5mm
>no removable battery
>high price/performance ratio
>faggot status symbol
>"objectively best"

based scat poster

>10% improvement over previous gen.

That’s actually terrible for Apple A series processors.