who fagged up my chrome?
Who fagged up my chrome?
Other urls found in this thread:
>using chrome
Google. It just happened to me too. I don't remember upgradeing.
who fagged up your OS by installing chrome?
who fagged up your PC by using windows?
>you did this
it was the gayniggers
>using chrome in the first place
It's the newest update; Google changed the UI. I've had it for about four days now.
Check your task scheduler; Google has lots of tasks set to run in the background to update your software.
>implying you had a choice
God damn. Thank you.
I like Chrome's feature a lot.
Windows 10 is very functional, especially for me a VR developer.
Those fuckin CIA niggers
thanks nigga, my eyes were bleeding.
possible to fix the suggested url when you write in url window? They changed it so there's a description of the site on the left side and the url on the right side.
>My chrome
Spoken like a true luser
>who fagged up my gay club?
You seem surprisingly upset over some text on a webpage
yeah? well your mom
bye kid
I just hate the "my " thing because it reminds me of how lusers talk about computers
>do you have a facebook?
hows ur linux box
>I like Chrome's feature a lot.
What features?
im getting more ads on Jow Forums again since getting this update
It's no coincidence. Google and Hiro are conspiring against you, user.
Good, thanks
Hybrid is better imo
Damn, that looks like ass. I'm glad I only use Safari and Edge.
>having auto updates turned on
it's exactly why I turn it off whenever I can
Give it a chance. Material Design is the better UI.
That flag will be removed Soon™ nigga
First gmail, now this. What is with this nu-web design bullshit?
I don't like the gmail redesign but the chrome redesign doesn't look half bad to me
Well, if they're track record of flag removal with updates is anything to go by, yes, they will eventually remove the flag. There's used to be two flags that allowed users to disable material design on bookmarks and extensions, both of which I had turned on. I think about two or three updates back, they removed them and forced material design on everyone's bookmarks and extensions pages now.
Google is pushing material design hard; better learn to live with it.
>windows 10
>logged into chrome so google knows literally everything you do on your computer
It's built for retarded phone users. Welcome to the future.
>Type chrome://flags in the address bar and press Enter.
>Use the search bar to find the UI Layout for the browser's top chrome setting.
>From the drop-down menu, select Normal.
>Restart Chrome.
You're welcome.
It's Google's material design; they're implementing it across the board for every device, be it desktop, mobile, tablet, web, etc.
open the chrome://flags and change "Omnibox UI Swap Title and URL" to disabled to get the url on the left again
based and redpilled
Looks better desu
The one thing I absolutely loathe is the useless user button that pushed over all my fucking extension icons. I keep pressing it because it now occupies the spot that my bookmark button was for years.
I don't have a problem with Material Design, I have a problem with rounded corners/edges. Looks disgusting
(you) did for using chrome
>fire all your white, male nerds
>replace them with pink haired SJWs
>this happens
Firefox removed rounded corners with their new UI so Chrome stepped in to fill the void.
shouldve used Waterfox desu...
really ugly new ui
desu I prefer the new looks for FF and Chrome
should have been always like this
why do people still freely install botnets?
Thought it sucked at first, but after going back to the old design, I realized just how much of an improvement it is. Material design is very nice-looking when done right. Only thing I'd adjust is the tab height.
>implying there's any non-cucked and non-compromised browser
>how to tell if someone is a sóyboy on the internet
>they like the new chrome design
I'm more annoyed by what happened to gmail. it used to be a real clean design and then they started to put rounded edges on everything like I'm some sort of fucking child that keeps running into the coffee table. Women traits in corporations were a mistake
>Chrome user
Get out of here Rajeesh
Jumped ship to Quantum. Looks good. Feels good.
>privacy badger
My nigga.
it's not only the faggy look, but it's more slow that before
you're absolutely retarded
Thank you based user
>against chrome
>probably uses brave or chromium
This isn't 2012 any more, my friend. Just cut the bullshit.
Google was jealous that Firefox got to shit their pants so they went ahead and did it too
imagine unironically tying your google account to your web browser so they can see everything you do