Sanity check

Is he right? Do we need to get rid of this term?

Attached: python sanity check.png (890x822, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

> change words to something neutral
> get green square on github
> apply for internships
> "wow user, nice green squares on your github page"
> get internship

We need to get rid of lame and silly, but sanity check is fine.

I'm diagnosed schizoaffective. Have been for well over a decade. I'm on a whole host of medication for it. "Ableist language", is the absolute least of my concerns in my day to day life. And for others I know through support groups. In fact it gets my back up having people be offended on my behalf. I'm quite capable myself of telling a cunt when he/she is being a cunt thank you.

And if you're one of the people that has a problem with "ableist language", harden the fuck up.

do you glow in the dark?

> .... developers submit wrong words get permanban from FOSS and get add to toxicpersonlist

do I glow in the dark?

>sanity check
He clearly didn't pass.

when the leftist runs out of things to fuss about, he/she will simply invent something
>we've hit peak ted k.

Soon each single word other than "Greetings" and "Have a nice day" will be deemed offensive towads someone

t. Autistic-schizophrenic homosexual brown skinned man who likes furry

well that's the issue. people like you and i aren't even human to them. if they met us they would still call us racist/ableist/saneist or whatever. they're just that stupid.

Do we glow in the dark?

>sanity check
lul python's about to die. everyone uses that term.

Theoretically, can't you say that every word is offensive to someone, and thus force people to get rid of it? As such, no work can ever be done, since you always need to change terms.

For example, even the word "python" is technically insensitive and discriminatory towards animals who aren't of the Python genus. As such, is it not our duty to inform them of this?

>Have a nice day

Attached: trigger face.jpg (512x411, 80K)

I can understand the others, but

>no arguments, just obey

do they glow in the water are turning the frogs gay?

This is what happens when children try too hard.
Its a non issue and should be treated as such

fucking kek, snek gonna die



nah we should impale the sjws

i demand a list of their addresses, i'll have someone do it personally

As someone who is diagnosed non-neurotypical with a host of shit wrong with me, I do not care and I am personally very tired of people politicizing me against my will to push an agenda I don't care about. In their crusade to do All That Is Rightâ„¢, the liberals have effectively dehumanized me. I am forced to be offended by things, or I am a bad disabled person. It is no different than the white savior complex they love to complain about so much.

To go a step further, I have never met a single person who is confirmed to have any kind of issue with their sanity that cares about these things. I have met many people trying to feel special due to a close relationship with people like me championing causes out of some misguided sense of justice, operating under the idea that they are helping people like me when in reality they are looking to receive a pat on the back. That is completely disgusting, and is more damaging to non-neurotypical or mentally unhealthy people than the usage of any particular word, in my opinion.

I am just one person, however, and I don't know every crazy retard. So take all of this with the recognition that maybe people shouldn't be so fucking upset about words unless they've got a diagnosable disorder, and even then nut up fuccboi ain't no one got time for that shit.

>when in reality they are looking to receive a pat on the back.
Look at Coraline Ada's twitter for example. Retweeting all the sycophantic posts to her in a self congratulatory way.

Don't worry sir, I will fight your battles for you and give voice to the voiceless. No need to thank me, citizen.

>Have a nice day

Check your diurnal privilege some of us are night owls.

>saneist terms

Silly and stupid are fine the rest I already don't use

well that's nice for you but a majority of disabled people actually do care about it. do you participate in any disabled communities?

cool anecdotal evidence there.
seeing people shout "autist" and making triggered jokes actually makes me not want to participate. autism is an integral pert of who I am and I have very severe ptsd.
I don't understand how people can find it difficult to understand why for many people like me it is alienating to see serious and painful parts of my life used as a joke or insult.

Consider suicide

Grow some balls, you beta bitch.

>"just ignore them, they'll sure be gone"


don't even have an argument lol

Kill your self retard

>silly is now an "ableist/saneist term"
fuck this world

not having a good day user?

You missed the obvious one. Python is a common slang term for penis, and you know how quick penises stir up SJWs.

>Corey Dale Ehmke

They don't do it because they care about you. They couldn't care less about you. The only thing they care about is themselves, doing this makes them feel good. It's narcissistic.

There's no negative judgment implicated in the term "sanity check", just the implicit assumption that we want code to be sane. If you want to write insane code, feel free to do so.

Here's a fucking idea you faggots at github/python grow a fucking pair of balls and stop being fucking faggots. Stop chopping your fucking dicks off and taking fucking hormones. Stop being beta fucking cucks.

I hope silicon valley is hit by a fucking asteroid.

Attached: fc98018_get-the-fuck-out bob.jpg (630x630, 54K)

>this or function identifies as an and function
>please use the proper pronouns to address my variables

Maybe North Korea will actually whip out a nuke and deal with it for us.

Whoever is in charge of Python needs to close it and tell them to not be such a retard.

at this fucking rate the amount of feces and general degeneracy overflowing in the god damn streets of S.F. theres bound to be some biological mutation that births itself out of the primordial ooze of their dilation stations and shit repositories that it will eventually make it's way to Marin and completely wipe out all of the fucking elitist faggots who force their bitch boi liberal brain dead zombies to deprecate the entirety of that entire coast through sheer zombie-level illnesses at which point the world itself will be forced to nuke S.F to ensure the future of mankind. Filth. Absolute fucking filth.

based user

>I hope silicon valley is hit by a big fucking steroid.

>unironically using python for anything but quick pentesting
but why

you're breaking the CoC

man you Jow Forumsfags write an awful lot of SJW fanfiction

> People with medically proven insanity should be allowed to contribute

medicine can't prove 'insanity' user

Excuse you

Attached: 1498590133714.jpg (640x480, 152K)

>participate in any disabled communities
Most of the people in those don't have disabilities but want attention.

Didn't python get rid of master/slave too

shouldn't they be more worried about earthquakes?


Asteroids, earthquakes, biological warfare, mass suicide by onions - whatever the fuck it takes. Kill them all for the love of humanity and all that is sacred.

Who knows what's next. They'll try to ban binary because it's not politically correct.

Oh for fucks sake they wordfiltered s o y across the entire fucking board.

Who the fuck is that cuck? It's a rethorical question, so don't start explaining, I seriously don't want to know.

you're the cuck

absolutely, we definitely need insane people to feel comfortable when working on python.

>the goal of this issue is not to stir up arguments, because I'm a retarded millennial who assumes that my virtue signalling is infallible and there is no argument against it and anyone who disagrees with me is a nazi


Attached: Screen Shot 2018-09-20 at 19.29.09.jpg (1218x584, 92K)

>many developers deem such efforts as "trolling"
>please note the precedent has already been set
just because other projects have been successfully trolled in the past doesn't mean it's not trolling

>Carol Willing

Attached: 09otFEXI.png (501x444, 179K)

There is nothing to see here guys, /---/ was wrong again.

so all the people I've met who've needed feeding tubes to live, cannot walk unassisted, are unable to see or anything else under the sun because of diagnosed medical conditions in fact are not really disabled
this is honestly your brain on Jow Forums





Online "communities" were a mistake.

no, allowing normies on the fucking internet was a mistake and dont ask me how but apparently now chopping your fucking cock off and giving children hormones is normal

fuck. i vote asteroid 2020.

I hate these dumb baizuo.

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You're talking about physical disabilities and mental disabilities. There are more resources for the physically disabled. It is much harder to treat mental illness. Especially since they stopped locking the mentally ill up in asylums and focused more on "care in the community".

There's a block of flats in my town. About 12 units in all. Social housing. Every single one is taken up by someone with a mental illness or a drug addiction. A few weeks back, one of the guys in it took a turn and cut his own throat with a stanley knife while having an armed stand off with the police. He's now back in the flat from a few days ago. We was kept on a secure unit and then tossed back out to deal with the world himself.

There's a hell of a fucking difference between someone that is willing to get into an armed stand off with police and cut his own throat and a multicoloured haired faggot that finds emails berating people for shit code and problematic language in commit logs and documentation. And support communities don't exist for them unless you're down the scale into mental retardation.

Defending social media on Jow Forums. What next.

>autism is an integral pert of who I am and I have very severe ptsd.
>very severe ptsd.
What war did you fight in?

>As such, no work can ever be done, since you always need to change terms.
Why would anyone ever want to that?
That seems to be a horrible world where people are extremely vulnerable to misinformation.

the ones to blame are not the leftards who try to push their agenda. the ones to blame are the retarded cuck maintainers who let themselves being bullied into accepting this shit

>the ones to blame are the retarded cuck maintainers who let themselves being bullied into accepting this shit
Like the comedians who apologise for jokes because of the perpetually offended on everyone else's behalf twitter mob. Spineless fucks.

>support communities don't exist for them
That's what social workers do.

do you consider Jow Forums "social media"?

social media != online communities you fucking retard


Jow Forums is neither a community nor social media.

Actually, social workers aren't involved with mental health. That's done by CPNs (community psychiatric nurses). Social workers, in the UK at least, predominantly deal with problematic families that are dealing with the law and such. My mum is a retired social worker. She and her teams had absolutely nothing to do with mental health, unless it was a crossing of paths, where a parent or child came into contact with the mental health teams, and she'd work with the family while the mental health team dealt with the ill individual.

I reckon that having a stand off with the police would likely count as having issues with the law desu.

>Jow Forums isn't a community

I was imprisoned and tortured for years by one of my parents as a child and they made attempts on my life, among other things. if you think ptsd is limited to veterans you don't know anything about it.

there is pretty significant overlap between physical and mental disability communities, most people with physical disabilities end up developing mental illness because of the shit we put up with.
don't even know what your point is honestly. people disabilities shouldn't be used as pejoratives regardless of if it is mental or physical.

You never talked to people with a true disability. All your opinions come from echo chambers of people needing to be offended for someone else. You never talked to someone with a true disability. Instead of spouting your quasi-religious crap, listen to someone with a disability for once.

Wheelchair bound people do not want to be considered weak, or half humans. They want the right to make disabled jokes, they want other people to treat like them everyone else, and that include making legs joke in their company. Laughter is the surest way to fight depression. Wheelchair bound people need it, and they will fight to the death for the right of NOT being offended.

By considering those people as easily triggered weak manbabies, you are being actively harmful. If have nothing but scorn for you. You are part of the problem. You are an ableist of the highest order, and the worst is that you don't even know. You have internalized ableism so much, and so deeply, that you don't notice your deeply problematic rhetoric.

Interesting, all programming languages will develop into brainfuck

where the fuck do I say that people who use wheelchairs are weak? I know plenty of people who use wheelchairs and people who need all kinds of assistive technology to live, as I do. and a vast majority of those people want to be treated with respect and not have their existence used as insults or what the fuck ever. stop pulling shit out of your ass and trying to lie about what so many of us think, I don't need you to speak for me and I don't try to speak for other people. I'm only telling you what I think and what other people have told me they think.

Who elected you king of wheelchair users?

I really am a npc

i never said every single disabled person or person who uses a wheel chair thinks this way, but i've been in disabled communities for many years now. it pretty clear to me how the people who i personally know feel. besides, i have a condition that will require wheelchair use as it deteriorates, so i will be a wheelchair user in less than a decade. my opinions aren't going to suddenly change then. and i already need assistive technology to move around and live.


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it's gamergate bro

Well, while I empathise with your situation, I would posit that the situation itself is no different than most other lefty PC nonsense, such as people getting offended at some of Frankie Boyles outragously funny material about autism. I would say that the only baromoter should be whether or not the joke is funny.

literally gas everyone who works in silicon valley / seattle and then return back to common sense.

politics have no fucking place in STEM

this is retarded
