Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following: 0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine. 1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything. 2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS. 3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.
Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question. *Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage. *Many free software projects have active mailing lists. *Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.
$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
Very rude. I'm afraid that due to my hefty CoC you can no longer post in Linux™ related threads. Further dissent will have your access to Jow Forums's Technology forum closed.
redpill: what you perceive isn't the reality, the reality is obscured and more dangerous than you think bluepill: reality is exactly as you perceive, everything is just fine
blackpill: the world is doomed, suicide is the only solution
Grayson Reyes
It's a made up story, yes. Linus left to write his own compiler and init system.
Jayden Hughes
>wants people to foreveralone at search engines >is antisocial found the incel
James Thompson
it'd be pretty cool to get a leenus made language. Too bad it'd probably be My_super_specific_C_Flavor#23432409408502
David Smith
Maybe he's just on vacation with Terry.
Brody Smith
This month was a hard pill to swallow for Jow Forums.
Sebastian Morris
At least things can't get any worse.
Julian Perez
Just imagine the error messages though
Connor Brown
What is Tux' gender?
Aiden Jenkins
They probably will. At this point I'm considering just giving up on this entire thing altogether. It's all such a pain. I wish I had been born 50 years earlier, so I could have been present at the golden age of computing and retired by now.
>"You're a fucking idiot, trying to add an interger and string, you know this isn't Javascript right? I'd love a language that's actively hostile but to the point.
Parker Nguyen
>At least things can't get any worse. you read the threads about our new ads and unique visitor fingerprinting?
Ian Nelson
Please respond.
Why shouldn't I always use ${variable} in Bash instead of $variable? Is there a reason to other than it's 2 characters more?
Actually ${} is the defined form for parameter expansion in bash, other shells have it different. Braces are required only in certain circumstances, but it's considered good practice to use them all the time.
>Is there a reason to other than it's 2 characters more? Well readability can suffer, since bash can be heavy on special chars, but no there is not.
On linux we don't use passwords; everyone is passable and welcome.
Owen Foster
I had a nice Debian set up going for me on HP Envy15 for the past 2 years but then I bought a printer that would only work with Windows. So i installed Windows 10 on a 50GB partition. It overwrote the boot process in a manner that only Windows would boot unless I interrupted the boot process and selected the disk i wanted to boot from. So far so good.
2 days later, while in windows, everything froze and blue screen appeared. The computer is stuck in a restart loop. It wouldn't even let the Windows boot usb to load and remains stuck in the same cycle.
To the rescue, an Ubuntu 18.04 live boot with which i overwrote the 50GB Windows installation. More woe to me! It failed to write grub to wherever it is supposed to be written and grub-install can't find the "canonical path of /cow". (contd.)
Ryder Hill
>(contd.) nobody gives a fuck about your blog.
Download supergrub2, put it on a pendrive, boot it and use that to start whatever working OS you have on your computer then repair grub from within. >a printer that would only work with Windows also calling bullshit on this one. you might need a firmware or a not-installed-by-default cups gutenprint driver.
Thomas Collins
Now the computer starts up to a grub prompt and when I tried to load the Debian installation this merry wonderment pops up. (See pic)
When I select Debian here, it spews text for 15 mins on a black screen and I think it ultimately loads in some kind of emergency mode.
my system just froze and I had to reboot via power button.
How do I find out why this happened?
Christian Brown
trying to install linux but I keep getting a squashfs error about a node the pc can't read. tried download the os img twice and burnt 3 cds so far. is this a problem with my ssd? should I format it?
Josiah Robinson
Jaxon Martin
>find python script on github >try running it >requires "requests" module >look it up >can't install it without "pipenv" >look it up >requires "homebrew" >the official site doesn't have any documentations or guides for your os
>install something via package manager >it's already 5 versions behind every time
Jonathan Morales
Why is ArchLabs such bullshit?
Samuel Scott
I'm trying to install Manjaro as the only OS on my Toshiba A660. Everything seems to go well, boots into the Live USB and installs fine. But when the laptop restarts it refuses to boot to the SSD (the only drive in the laptop). I get a quick flash of text saying boot failed, then it sends me to the boot menu. If I select the SSD with Manjaro installed, it just fails and spits me back to the boot menu. What the fuck is going on?
Nathaniel Rivera
Landon Diaz
nice meme, you sadistic little fuck.
Justin Williams
Press e and show us the boot options
Evan Sanders
manjaro devs are literally scum and failed to update grub even on the official releases. had the same problem on t420. if youve been using manjaro for a couple months, literally just install arch (i used manjaro as a starting distro tho desu shouldve used antergos) been using it for a month and perfectly stable, just dont recklessly install unmaintained packages and stability is not a concern.
Grayson Jackson
Cause it provides nothing that isnt already available in vanilla Arch by its self.
Aiden Martin
I wouldnt use for anything other than throwaway accounts.
Enjoy getting using public wifi or even the eyes of the dev himself snooping thru
Parker Reyes
>arch wiki
Liam Taylor
can you tell what's wrong with this? trying to build from source firefox esr but this happens
Lets say I have a 256GB external USB hdd /dev/sdb with debian on it (only a root partition and a kernel on it). Built into the computer theres a hdd /dev/sda with fedora installed. Its a non-efi system. I have grub installed on sda but not on sdb. My idea was that i'd boot grub on sda and the do something like set root='hd1,msdos1' linux /boot/linux-kernel-4.whatever root=/dev/sdb1
Doing this actually finds the kernel, but halfway in the theres a kernel panic and it complains about not being able to mount something. Is my idea flawed or did I just fuck up something when installing debian onto /dev/sdb?
Kevin Harris
Isaiah Price
Yeah and it keeps malfunctionning if you dare to tweak it. Their WM with the polybar combo has the most fragile pre-config I ever tested. Can't dare to change a thing without breaking shit. Fuck their busan meme, I'm back on xfce4 arch.
can I achieve tearfree rendering with modesetting? I didn't install intel graphics drivers yet
Zachary Powell
launching compton with sfx fixed the problem for now. I'll test on videos
Jayden Thompson
plain makepkg does that aswell
David Cox
How do you build chromium with pgo? I have the build script edited to specify a phase 1 to build the profile and then run again with phase 2 to use the profile. However if i enable these flags, chromium throws out a fuck ton of brand new errors on literally every single step of the process. Removing pgo from the build script completes as normal.
Gavin Rivera
say you want to run a script but you don't want to always be in its root directory, can you dynamically get its absolute path no matter where it is? I mean, can a script get its own absolute path even if I'm outside of its root directory?
Easton Rivera
install ubuntu sudo apt install wine now just get a Windows XP theme for GNOME and you have your own handmade Zorin OS
I installed arch without nerworkmanager but chose netctl because i only have wifi and no ethernet and i found out that wifimenu that is on the archiso is part of that. Now is it a nm replacement or i need that too? I want to connect to wifi automatically and also be able to use the ethernet in future.