Do you take notes, Jow Forums?


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I don't

uh with a notebook and pen duh

yeah With VIM

this desu

>going to lectures

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Photoshop for notes because I like the layer system and it allows me to make quick diagrams. I know it's not designed for this but I've yet to find a better alternative. I don't like text based note-taking because it's not free flow.

Then I restructure them, and type them up into Zim, so I can search through em later.

on a white piece of paper with a pen or with notepad if I am on my laptop.

With any random text editor that I have on hand. I save my notes in Notes.txt. If it is something I have to look at ASAP, like when I get home, I save my notes to Important.txt.

I sometimes buy fancy notepads like the one pictured, but I never use them since I think my notes are a bit too lame for a fancy notepad.


I forgot to mention, if i dont have a piece of paper around and i am on the go, i write my note on my smartphone in telegram. i created a telegram group with only myself in it.
this way i have the note on all my devices and i dont need another app

With a Pentel GraphGear 500 + Ain Stein HB leads
writing on a cheap A4 5mm notebook

with my fuckin brain

Thinkpad X61 tablet + MS Onenote

On my vimwiki setup using GTD methodology.

You can chat with yourself in telegram. So you don't have to create a group.

shitty note pad from walmart. shitty pen i found lying around in the library.

Personal Notes
>Standard Notes

Work Notes

org-mode all the way

>not using a Neural Net to translate your hand written notes into a legible format


BoostNote and I write my notes in markdown on my laptop

am I the only one who thinks it's a good idea to use zim or some other desktop wikki for notes?

+ fisher bullet pen

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With Emacs. What else would I use?


Hi, me.

my brain

Yes it's the saved messages chat

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did u know that u can save notes in your brain?

a big legal pad and a pen

pen and paper you hopeless autists

this system actually sounds kinda based user.

I only take notes to help keep me focused during lectures, I don't actually read them after.

>Pentel GraphGear
Absolutely based my friend.

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Damn this Chinese nigga straight
B O O L I N them ciggies SON

Pencil and paper when solving maths problems at work or at home, especially when I want to sketch shit in between equations.
Vim for everything else. LaTeX if it contains nested lists, tables and/or equations and will be looked at by others. Plain text for all quick notes, to do lists etc.
If no paper or laptop is available, write a plaintext file on phone using file manager's text editor (Amaze).
If it's something really urgent I'll create an alarm on my phone for a certain time when I know I'll most likely be able to deal with it. If it's important but not urgent, add a line to my startup script that opens the relevant text file on boot.

>LaTeX if it contains nested lists, tables and/or equations and will be looked at by others.
Have you considered Markdown + pandoc? It allows for inline LaTeX math and environments like equation and align.

What advantages does that have over just writing a LaTeX doc?

My cs class takes off -5% of your ENTIRE GRADE for every 3 classes you miss.

Note taking =/= documentation. The former is for experimenting and testing on the fly, the latter is for easy referencing in the future.

Is this bait?

computer if computer not in use
paper if computer in use

Markdown source is more human readable and there's less overhead.

LaTeX source is plenty readable with proper use of whitespace, especially math environments. The point is to have easily readable documents for others, not sources. My colleagues don't get to see the .tex, only the .pdf.


Anyone else here play Kanye Quest 3030?
Want to talk a little about it? I'm fooling around with the idea of redoing it

fuck forgot image

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random bits of paper that i will almost certainly lose because once i write it down i'll remember it