How fuck mac became popular?

How fuck mac became popular?

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marketing to simpletons and then pivoting to the position of a jewelry company once the brand was ubiquitous

cult of personality


fuck off back to Jow Forums toothpaste.

1st, That's an iPad, not a Mac.

It's simple: macOS is a great, great operating system, and Mac's are excellent computers. Apple also has the best costumer experience, from buying to servicing, to upgrading.

By giving free devices to celebrities.

A very effective marketing ploy I might add. Very much this^^

People are more comfortable coming out as gay these days


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because its better than the competence, how else

>interracial cuck porn

>Apple also has the best costumer experience, from buying to servicing
>to servicing
Almost took the bait, but you went too far.


Imagine having a computer that does what you want instead of needing you to babysit it all the time.

it just werks

this Jow Forumstard posted his body on Jow Forums, he's actually pretty built

This. iOS is unredeemable shit but OS X is rock-solid. It's basically UNIX but with commercial support.

people are stupid and see their stupid friends using stupid toys so they pay $999.99 to look even more stupid

faggotry, and flouride.

They're both built on Darwin, Apple's home-brewed Unix. How is iOS "unredeemable shit"?

>How fuck mac
In anus

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>Interracial cuck porn

So is RHEL...

Based, see you often here and on Jow Forums

The OS might be fine, depending on what you want to do with it, but the hardware is invariably underpowered trash compared to Windows laptops at the same price point. I can see the appeal if you have a specific need for a OSX exclusive proprietary software, but the value proposition is generally very bad and driven by marketing ploys and vanity for the vast majority of their consumers, not informed decisions.

iOS is incredibly limited in what it can do and is intentionally crippled. No Bluetooth file transfers, no USB mass storage support, unable to save files from internet, unable to use browsers other than Safari. It's like a dumbphone with apps.

>No Bluetooth file transfers, no USB mass storage support
- you shitting me now, right?

Now watch as a mactoddler quotes every single point with
>why do you need that?

Earlier this week I needed to send a certificate for the university's wifi network. We were in the basement of the building where cellular coverage wasn't available. I downloaded the certificate beforehand and was able to send it via Bluetooth to those who had an Android phone and they installed it and connected within seconds. Meanwhile the iPhone users had to exit the building so they could go to the IT website and install said certificate. Had their OS supported reception of files over standard p2p protocols such as Bluetooth they wouldn't have to leave to find an area with cell coverage.

>Work hospital IT
>Users can submit "from home" tickets
>Have to use Team Viewer to remote in to their machines
>Mfw the user has a Mac

We can typically tell Mac users to piss off and wait until the morning. At home users usually call about shit that's not important like "I can't view my paystub".

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Wrong thread buddy

We're getting rid of all macs at my place
Most users are ok with it but there a few who are acting like children

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Humans evolved to have a sense of divine, so the smarter guy on the tribe could guide em into thriving.
And Steve Jobs found how to exploit this sense to sell crap.

>Steve Jobs
>Literally stole another guy's idea and got rich from it
>Gets cancer
Maybe there is justice in the world.

found the Windows XP user


Smart people use Apple.
Dumb poorfags and poo2loos use Windoze and Angroid

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I think I'll need some source to check if he's that built myself

It wasn't the cancer that killed him, it was him being so full of himself that he believed he could treat it with an all-apple diet.

Attached: shill alert.jpg (225x225, 13K)

Some things actually are good, despite Jow Forums telling you otherwise. Wanna know why?

It's because Jow Forums is predominantly underage.

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I like this photo. It's cool to be able to laugh at yourself, and to post your face on Jow Forums takes balls.

>unable to save files from internet
False. You've always been able to download photos and videos from the internet, and since iOS 11 you can save literally any type of file, and it gets stored in the Files app under "Saved to device," which is basically a downloads folder.

>unable to use browsers other than Safari
Chrome, Firefox, Vivaldi, Opera, all available on iOS.

Now this literally changes everything...
Can you open those files in supported apps? Can you transfer them to a computer or move files in from a computer?
Those are just Safari skins. Apps aren't allowed to use their own web rendering engine.

>He had a rare form of pancreatic cancer that was actually treatable
Yep, he was an idiot.

>Can you open those files in supported apps?
Yes. Apps can conjure the Files app for importing, and on iPad you can just drag/drop through split screen.
>Can you transfer them to a computer or move files in from a computer?
Yes, but not like you can with Android. You have to either use AirDrop or iCloud to do so. Or you can use a Lightning >SD, microSD or USB dongle to put specific files on an SD card or flash drive and transfer them to your computer that way.
But if you plug the device directly into a computer, nothing will happen unless you've iTunes installed, in which case you'll just end up syncing.

Well, I wouldn't say he was an idiot per se. He was a genius in one category and thought he knew more about the other category than he really knew.

>How fuck mac became popular?
I can literally see the Indian in this post.

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Yes, upgrading, buying a new computer to replace the older, like a normal person.

Or do you think normal people are like paneers/neets like you that out GTX2080s in desktops still using DDR2 RAM, or SSDs in 1366*768 laptops?

Luk what, there's no better than Apple Store service, GTFO pajeet.

la gran boca...

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Lol, RHEL = Linux

A quite okay OS for servers for those who can't afford z/OS, but it doesn't run iTunes, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, AutoCAD, Fortnite, etc.

Quality products


> I can literally see the Indian in this post.
> India
Literally the territory where Apple has the least Macs or iOS devices.
t. Insecure pajeet

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This. Appeal to tech illiterates, sell them subpar hardware with shiny paint job to give the illusion of quality

They don't need to use Apple products to to be paid to shill them, and shilling is something your people do very frequently, Pajeet.

>Order phone
>Critical update released while it's on the way. Yessss...

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Quality and uncluttered offerings while dell and hp had so endless intel shovelware.

post the op picture on fit, go to an archive and search your posted image and you'll find the thread

You are such a cuck

post the op picture on fit, go to an archive and search your posted image and you'll find the thread

by making quality products with a stable, unix-based operating system

then steve jobs died and tim cock turned apple into a fucking meme

What are the other options?

Windows 10 is an absolute mess in both functionality and UI consistency. It ADVERTISES AT YOU. The operating system, tries to sell you things. I don't think you realise how irredeemable this is.

Linux is alright, currently getting fucked over, however it does require a lot of sacrifices, especially with your time.

It literally only leaves MacOS as the only remaining option that isn't a pile of shit. There is nothing else.

It's popular because the UI is fundamentally intuitive and robust (hence why changes to it over the past 18 years have been additive rather than substitutive), and because Apple puts the user experience front and center rather than coddle lazy, entitled developers.

Reread and try again.
>OP hates Applel.
>OP has bad grammar.
>Indians hate Applel.
>Indians have bad grammer.
>"I can literally see the Indian in this post." is a blatant, obvious reference to the sour grapes mentality.
God, you people are dumb sometimes.

Pretty sure being the only company worth $1T is not a meme.

How many dicks can you fit in that mouth, holy shit!

The one that says genetically superior always makes me laugh, all the poor trash whites and negroes buying Apple phones as status symbols.

by not being windows


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Youre an absolute retard

Normies love it because it's sleek and expensive and popular
Noob techies love it because it's not windows and is unix
Non-noob techies love it because it's unix and business apps work better for it. So it works better if you aren't 100% comfortable with working in a corporate environment on just linux

Thats not a mac you dipshit

Linux is shit, admit it, can't even drag and drop correctly and the window management is a joke.

what the fuck, no, I've been using it at home for years now, drag and drop works, and the window management just works as well


It works

>no porn edits
rly Jow Forums ?

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Anyone has the urge to just grab some dirty pliers and start doing the funny silly tooth pulling minigame

bsd and redpilled


>THE window management
brainlet detected, there's not only one window manager for linux

That’s German not Dutch
Nice attempt though my mutt chum

I'd pay money to able to run the official supported macOS on my own PC build without the headaches of hackintoshing. But that will never happen.

every poo2loo I know uses an iPhone