Passive Income

How do I use technology to generate passive income?

Attached: passive income.jpg (275x183, 7K)

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Go watch Superman 3 or Office Space.

Self diagnose yourself with autism and try to get disability

>passive income
make bots that create ad-revenue'd websites of flavor-of-the-day/week/month concepts based on analytics

otherwise, invest in $VTI

Spiderman and Elsa it is

use google's AI API to guess it's own captcha and complete surveys for you across multiple instances

buy a few used computers, put minecraft servers on them, install some plugins and maybe write one or two, then make it pay-to-win behind a "donation" wall
output is pretty low right now because of fortnite, but still profitable
just keep them going until the next big thing comes you that you can run private servers for and do the same thing

i started out over a decade ago with runescape p2w private servers
runescape servers were 2000 - 2010, minecraft servers were 2010 - 2020, after 2020 some other big thing will rise up to farm children's parents' money off of


Robot bank robber. Trust me.

smart, mind if i use this?

yes I do, actually, send 15% of profits as royalties in eth

Attached: eth.png (292x294, 13K)

buy treasury bills

teh QQQ

2% return on 4 weeks? I must be reading it wrong.

Attached: スクリーンショット 2018-09-21 12.22.27.png (1584x892, 186K)

it'll be 10% next year

I'm already getting 10% on my Roth IRA annually. 10% on 4-week treasury bills seems unlikely.

okay :)

That cant possible be right

That cant be right. Thats almost 30 percent annually. A dollar investment would be a million at retirement

>Invest a grand
>Leave your family billions when you dies

get a loan from the bank at 2%. lend the money to some poor niggers as pay day loan at 200%. repeat.

Are those lending apps a scam?

Thats a fantastic way to lose 102% of your loan

Never gonna happen capn

I unironically do this on r/loans


Theres next to zero risk. If a nig flakes i have paypal reverse it. Its easy cash. Just wish it could scale up

you missed the point redditor kike

That meme hasnt been relevant in a couple years boomer

Create a virus that installs monero miner on retards computers. Make sure that the miner is active only during low cpu usage times and that it uses only a relatively small amount of resources. Bundle it with some game.

Attached: 1537272640577s.jpg (230x250, 6K)

Good way to go to jail.

it’s always been

>Just wish it could scale up
I could resell shit on eBay if I wanted to make pocket change

write software, sell it. 3 months time investment can get you 5 years of passive income where all you do is answer stupid customer mails and do non-updates from time to time to bump the version number because people think that software that's not updated regularly is dead (even if it already solves the problem it's intended to solve)

Is publishing software like publshing a book? Submit it to publishers then they approve it and you negotiate money?

no, it's like: put up a website, offer shit to download, let handle all the payment stuff. add some meme serial-key validation so that retards who pay for software are kept honest.
you could maybe submit to the popular app stores (mac, windows) for extra revenue but they take 30% of your revenue
the hard part is not the software development. the hard part is to find out what people actually would buy. but luckily you can automate that research and after a few months of scripts scraping top 100 lists you get a good idea what sells

Spot on!

>the hard part is not the software development. the hard part is to find out what people actually would buy. but luckily you can automate that research and after a few months of scripts scraping top 100 lists you get a good idea what sells
Any tips on how to get started on this?


find places that publish top selling lists of software. take your favorite scripting language and scrape those lists, put shit into a database and after you acquire a few months of data run some queries on it that tell you which kind of application people buy.
you can do the same for real world products with amazon's top selling lists - if you want to get your hands dirty with importing chink shit (but imho that's way too much trouble).

Wait, but won't all those top selling things just be things with full markets?
Do people actually buy that shit?