We write better CoC for Linux

I propose a simplified version, who actually cares about who or what people are as long as they contribute good code.

Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct

Our Pledge

In the interest of fostering a good working environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a civil experience.

Our Standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment

* Being helpful.
* Accepting criticism.
* Focusing on what is best for the kernel.

Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

* Attacking Linux community members outside the community (e.g., social networks).

Our Responsibilities

Maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior.


This Code of Conduct applies within the community.


Instances of unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at
. The TAB is obligated to maintain


This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 1.4,
available at contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html
Inspired by the Twitter posts of Sage Sharp.

Attached: nobody-cares.png (680x512, 44K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I have the simplest but most efficient of them all:
Only people with their natural hair color may make contributions or changes.

Use this one (change Project Trident to anything you want).
It's based and redpilled.

"This is my project. If you don't like how I run it: fuck off and make your own."

This is all CoC anyone should ever need.

>Project Trident expects everyone to conduct themselves professionally and respectfully. If you need assistance relating to conduct of another member of the community, please contact us at [email protected].

This is a very good CoC.


Lemme fix that

>i'll do what i fucking want and if you don't like that, kys

Okay, here.

CoC(k) {_____}
Code Of Conduct Killer _oOPPYbo.
_,ooO8O' `Ob
_,ooOPP"' Ob dO
_oooOP"'' `Oo. ,O[
Ob _,ooOPP'' `YYboOP
`O[ _ooOP"'' _,oOPP"'
YOooooOP' _ooOP"'
'' ,ooOP''
,O. ,OP Yb contribute code or you're a racist
dO' " Yb get offended as a responsible adult
]O. dO spread this like happy herpes
Ob _,o. dOP
`Ooo___ooOP'`YbooodPP just imagine what would happen
'`"""'' `''' if we all decided to understand

And what are you gonna do with that? Send it to Torvalds or god knows who's the maintainer now and do the rain dance?

i'd suck that CoC no homo

That’s pretty much the code of conduct that got replaced in the first place

Here's my CoC proposal:
If you post good code we'll merge it.
If you post bad code we'll criticize it.
Nothing else matters.

Or even simpler:
Just post code.

>If you post good code we'll merge it.
If you post bad code we'll criticize it.
Nothing else matters.

We Norwegians hate obviousness.

If you make good meal we'll eat it.
If you make bad meal we'll criticize it.

it is not about what is written in the CoC. it is about creating a framework to ban people who are not ideologically aligned with this unholy alliance between corporations and the left.

Attached: trojan.png (960x743, 1012K)


Best CoC incoming:
Post good code.

these are the past. today are the owner of corporations, meta-capitalists that already have had the best of free market to get rich, and feel that the free market are now a risk for them. so they think it is better to implement a form of socialism, where they are in control.

Attached: 1527542464968.gif (499x300, 427K)

So it's some form of privatized captialistic socialism?

Who gives a flying fuck. It's not like any of you LARPing dumbasses are kernel contributors.

No Jews

>The great beneficiaries of this situation are, on one hand, leftist intellectual and political elites; on the other, those I have called “metacapitalists”: capitalists that have grown so wealthy in the regime of economic freedom that they can no longer acquiesce to the fluctuations of the markets:
> “If the Medieval system lasted ten centuries, Absolutism did not last more than three. Even shorter will be the reign of liberal bourgeoisie. One century of economic and political freedom was enough to make some capitalists so formidably rich that they no longer wish to submit to the whims of the markets that made them rich. They want to control them, and there are three instruments for this: dominion of the State, in order to enact the statist policies necessary to make the oligopoly eternal; stimulus to socialist and communist movements that invariably favor the growth of state power; and the drafting of an army of intellectuals who prepare public opinion to bid farewell to bourgeois freedoms and happily step into a world of omnipresent and obsessive repression (extending itself to the last details of private life and everyday speech), presented as a paradise adorned both with the abundance of capitalism and the “social justice” of communism. In this new world, the economic freedom indispensable for the functioning of the system is preserved in the strict measure necessary to subsidize the extinction of freedom in the political, social, moral, educational, cultural and religious domains.

more here:
full debate:
