Time for a real question now: when developing fullstack applications with REST architecture how do you effectively...

Time for a real question now: when developing fullstack applications with REST architecture how do you effectively format the data returned from the backend to the frontend via ajax when everything is just plain strings?

Normally when im working with .net web applications I just pass a model and use razor to loop through the data but that's not possible when using jquery and ajax

Attached: 1531585918003.png (1500x761, 276K)


These new programming paradigms are a stack of cards on top of a pipe dream.

We aren't doing your work for you shitmint

SEETHING boomer.

Yeah I use JSON but is there no better way of parsing the data returned via Ajax than using plain old Jquery to e.g. build a table with the data?

I’m sure there’s some gay frontend framework that does this
Big boys make do with jQ though

Okay. I thought I was doing it the wrong way now when simply using jquery

>a library for a scripting language for a markup language for guis for browsers that support DOM api
>using this to do simple text manipulations instead of having the backend send correct data to begin with

this is what programming is today

Of course the data is correctly formatted, I'm using the MVVMC: Model, View, ViewModel and Controller pattern for that reason.

But it feels weird and inefficient to use jquery to build your GUI

Is this why REACT is a thing or is that yet another meme?


the answer is always JSON, no questions asked

Of course but how do you effectively build up a UI of JSON data??

Jsonify ya zoomboomafoo

It's memes all the way down buddy, welcome to web dev.

Use Vue though, way quicker to learn than React/Angular and you don't need to know all the latest ES6 memes.

And this is why JS UI frameworks are hot stuff now OP. Get out of this rabbit hole before you start spewing "tree-shaking" and "pre-rendering" every 5 minutes.

Defrag the fraptal resamalator to two twin-cooling gigs

C'mon OP, we're talking web dev 101 here.

What is ES even?

EMCA Script, basically specification for new versions of Javascript itself. If you use React you'll have to be familiar with all the new JS features/syntax that has come out since 2016, whereas with Vue you'll be fine even if you only know the older syntax.

Is there any specific reason that you're building the UI on the client instead of delivering pages built on the server? Should be pretty simple if you're using a .NET backend with like razor or something, probably more efficient too cause it won't make some randos chrome chug like an alcoholic trapped in a distillery

Because you can't make an Ajax call with Razor. I would much rather use Razor but then I can't load data without reloading the page