What should I use for my next web project?

nodejs & mongodb or php and postgresql?
the more I sink my teeth into node the more I want to learn php

redpill me on which language is better for web development

Attached: 1-_EiAr-jS2dzt_bzXoDOoKw.png (1600x683, 238K)

>js on server side

nodejs and mysql

Use nginx/PHP/postgresql. You may want to try out Laravel.

mongodb / nosql is a meme that shouldn't be touched for primary storage and good luck maintaining a stable node server.

Just use PHP like a normal human being. And worry about niche and fancy shit later.

>using POOhp

PHP 7 pretty much doubled performance and PHP 8 will come with a JIT. Nodelets are on suicide watch.

a fuckin rope

laravel looks good, thanks!

>doubled shit performance

Kotlin, ktor, postgresql, sql2o on the backend and vue, typescript, webpack4 on the frontend.

Don’t do Laravel or you won’t be learning PHP. Laravel abstracts everything. I have interviewed Laravel devs with two or more years of experience who could t do the most basic things in PHP without laravel’s bloated helper classes.

.net and ms sql

stop being a fag

Depends entirely on the project, if you're doing a lot of async stuff then Node is a great match, otherwise I prefer PHP.

came here to say pretty much this

Php if you're making a website.
Node if you're making a web app.

>this nigga
PHP performance is actually pretty fucking fantastic for an interpreted language. It shits all over other interpreted stuff like python.

pick one and go for it, if you run into any trouble there is a framework or library that will fix it

good luck with npm hell though

>t. Actual Programmer
That user is right... you use the right tools for the thing you need.

Have you ever unscrewed something with a hammer?

NodeJs is good for fancy animations, fast conceptualization, and ease-of-use.

PHP is good for Stability, Backend intensive stuff, and preprocessing capabilities.

I prefer vaginas, but

C# and Oracle

Is there some alternative to Swagger for making REST API on node.js? I dont like to modify json

Jesus Christ, don't use either of them.

use C#/.NET Core + SQL of your choice
or Java,Kotlin/Spring Boot or Vert.X + SQL of your choice

Manually written static HTML pages.

Attached: 1515133559295.png (1000x1414, 1021K)

Haha, epic

hahahahaahahah xD

Attached: index.png (227x222, 3K)

>NodeJs is good for fancy animations
The fuck you're talking about?