>$2400 for high framerates in the 2 games per year that support it
>amazed two $1200 cards does good in some shitty games
How old are you that you can't even afford that?
How young are you that you have nothing better to spend your money on?
I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be impressed with. Both the 1080 Ti and 2080 Ti show almost exactly the same scaling. In fact, the 1080 Ti's scaling in SLI is slightly higher using old SLI. NVLink is literally doing nothing to improve things.
I notice you cherrypicked the best example too. How about Far Cry 5, where you only get 45% scaling? Which is actually significantly less than the 1080 Ti's SLI scaling at 60%. That's amusing.
As always, multi-GPU setups will continue to be a scattergun shitshow that's not worth the money, heat or power consumption involved.
AMD know they fucked up. Last time I saw them shill this hard was when they came up with the Ryzen meme.
wouldn't it be better to get a titan at that price point
Tbqh dx11 is a garbage api for 4k and sli is dead for gaming
> lets pull up the shittiest unoptimized game known to man, aka fucking FarCry to base our tests on
Two thousand
Four hundred
>N-Noo! You should only look at the good results!!!
Fuck off, fag.
> hellblade
what the hell is hellblade ? probably another unoptimized console first cinematic experience.
blaming nvidia for the shitty products that studios put out there is very rich of you folks.
NvLink doesn't nothing to solve the frame-timing issues with AFB.
NVLink is meant for general compute shit not silly gayming non-sense.
Hows that mid-life crisis coming? Save up enough for a convertible yet?
Well... after car payments on my Lexus, paying down the mortgage, and taxes and upkeep on vacation property I won't even be using this year since me and my girlfriend are going to Ireland instead.
2400 dollars is a pittance. But I would rather buy an exhaust upgrade and a tune on my car than jiggarays and slightly better performance. In fact, I might buy me and my girlfriend some nice vacation clothes before we leave.
lolwut? I've never played a game that didn't support SLI, hell, I even got Runescape to take advantage of AFR2, you're just bad, kill yourself.
Here's a list of stuff with SLI support:
>Everything made by Bethesda
>Everything published by EA
>Everything published by Activision
>Everything made using the Unreal Engine
>Everything made using the Unity Engine
>Everything made using the CryEngine
>Everything made using the Frostbyte Engine
>Everything made using the CDProject Red engine
>Everything written in Java that uses OGL or DirectX
>Everything made using whatever engine rockstar uses
>Everything made using the Source Engine
So what fucking game are you playing that just doesn't support it flat out? If it's not in the list above, I doubt it will get less than 300fps solid with just one card.
imagine being this poor
Honorable mentions:
>Souls series
>Metal Gears that are on PC
>The fat majority of JRPGs
all support SLI, with scaling close to 80-90% increase from single card
Things I would rather buy with 2400 dollars.
2 full trad climbing racks.
24 lift tickets.
8000 rounds of 5.56
a Mateba 6 Unica
Backpack through the alps
This is great. I'm actually considering getting a second Vega64 to do crossfire with, seeing how good scaling is now.
Literally nobody uses those engines
>that list
Fucking boomers
I want her to pee on me.
Based and redpilled
I can't not read GN articles in Steve's voice
>8000 rounds of 5.56
based, ignore these kissless virgins sperging out over a stupid graphics card.
>a Mateba 6 Unica
Why don't you own one yet bitch?
muh guns
>lets start a thread with the absolute best result out of 10 to shill
That made me moist. What is wrong with me.
still only 25-30% faster
literally how is 4 even possible?
At least the top of the box is still around her wrist.
Matt have been a pressure sensitive strap along the hole of the box.