/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


how do i become haxor?


>a serious response
wasn't expecting this

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eric raymond is a "HACK" not a hacker. he has not done a single noteworthy thing in his life. don't listen to him, there are lot of other good and bad examples actually skilled at something whom you can follow, not fraudlent fucks like him

Ubuntu 18.04. How do I fix my shit-tier italic font rendering?

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Use a proper font

over 5 years after the fact and it feels like Snowden is irrelevant.
pretty sad.

I just want to put this on record for any future niggers out there. After a year of my nvidia gpu fucking around it turns out the reason for screen tearing wasnt forcecompositepipeline or any of that garbage; the ""auto"" refresh rate was something stupid like 59.97hz, so manually changing it to 60 fixed the issue.

i can finally take the amd gpu out of my rig

How? I don't recall ever picking one.

>I don't recall ever picking one.
that's kind of his point. Your default fonts picked by your distro is shit, change it to a good one.

If I'm the only one using the computer why wouldn't I always be in super user instead of typing sudo for everything?

>rm -rf /usr/bin/ program/

>people accidentally type rm -rf /usr/bin/ program/

First of all, you are a nigger if you sudo everything. su/sudo su exists for a good reason, like doing a lot fo commands as root.
Other than that:
1. you don't need to be root for 95% of what you do daily
2. a lot of programs from browsers to simple media players refuse to run as root
3. mistakes can be really bad
4. a very low chance, but if you download a runnable thing with shitware included and run it as root (self-extracting installer, appimage, script, whatever) you can get fucked easily.

laptop is so cucked it can't install leenukes


send help with xrandr, pls

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I'm pretty sure the coordinate system used is is unsigned int based. so unless you rewrite xorg, the drivers, fucking everything... no.

Is there a CLI/minimal version of pidgin (or anohter xmpp client) that supports OTR? I use pidgin a lot but it looks fucking terrible with this gtk shit

The reason behind me wanting the right display to be at 0,0 is because I want to switch my left display between this and another pc. I have some "individual window rules" set (ie. position at 3840,720) and I don't want for them to break when the left display is disabled/disconnected. Any ideas what should I do?

I remember that KDE had an option somewhere that allowed mouse to "loop" over screen edges. Any idea how it's called / where it's located? Tried searching booth via google and KDE itself, but I don't know how to properly phrase the question.

Do you lads use an rss reader, if so what do you use?

i used to use the firefox one then they fucked us over and i never bothered with a replacement. my torrents have rss though

I managed to download a youtube video that's not available in my country using:

youtube-dl --proxy socks5://

But I'm not sure exactly what socks5:// does. I've had the download quit, freeze, and give me 403 forbidden errors ---- I just keep entering it in the terminal until it resumes the download.

SOCKS is a type of generic proxy for all kinds of data (unlike more common http/https/ftp proxies)

9150 is a common tor port.
I guess you got 403 sometimes because your tor circuit to the "normal" internet ended in a country where the video was blocked.


Enjoy your dildo strapons, ladies.

it was called that before the CoC, faggot.

also dildo strapons are hot

What tool do I use on linux to undervolt/underclock my RX 580? Custom fan curves would be nice too, it's loud as hell on default settings.
I tried radeon-profile from AUR, but it works... weird. It probably doesn't support new cards well.


you will most likely need the proprietary drivers for those sadly.

really was worth to get another gpu just to watch anime in mpv on linux

Update broke my hacked together Steam on GuixSD solution, so now I have to spend the day fixing it instead of playing gaems

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anyone got experience with nautilus python addons? I made a thingy with a column. I don't want to run calculations if the column is hidden. Any ideas?


so is no fan mode simply not possible on gnu linux for nvidia cards?

>wait gais how do i do basic features on my ATI card

everything you need is exposed in /sys/class/drm
you just have to use your brain a bit

>new to linux
>see someone using fvwm in the desktop thread
>think it looks great
>try it out on a vm
>mfw the configuration
This is scary

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I'm trying to download visual studio on my Linux box. How do I do this securely? Can I sandbox a directory and download it to there?

This is not sqt, be a retard somewhere else.

ps: yes, judging from what you wrote in your post you are clinically retarded.

Linux gaming is a meme. Don't forget it.

Do you install software you haven't audited then, you holier-than-thou asshole?

How can I show a short string/character/numbers (output of a Bash-script) in the systray panel (Xubuntu)?

I tried piping "yad --notification --listen" but only icons are possible; experimented with zenity.
I don't like conky.
I tried indicator-sysmonitor (webupd8.org/2014/05/ubuntu-appindicator-that-displays-bash.html) - I don't like adding ppa's and more over it didn't work.

If yad can show me any icon in the systray panel, there should be a way to show some short text?!
Any help is appreciated.
Thank you!

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Hello fellow linux users, how are you doing?

>tfw can install Arch from start to finish on any setup under 6 minutes
i should put up local listing for my service desu

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GNU plus Linux*

I just found out steam doesn't have tf2 whitelisted for linux

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What's wrong with this? Why does it think it's an octal number just because it's inside of a loop?

for (( o=2; o


try xfce4-genmon-plugin
part of any modern distro shipping xfce

I just found out that you are either baiting or fucking retarded.

So i've built a toolchain, now how do i use it?

1. call it directly :^)
2. set it as compiler directly in makefile or set it as CROSS_COMPILER in configure scripts

>using backtics
>using $ inside (())
>using echo and printf
>doesn't format printf correctly

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I started using linux a few months ago, I'm a big noob.

So "export CC=/path/to/toolchain?
How would i use it in the package managers config instead of directly altering the file or using a patch?

001 is not a number
1 is a number

I have files that are named that way, with zero padding. I want to go through them and check if they are identical to each other.

>How would i use it in the package managers config
I have no fucking idea which package manager do you use and what to write in its config files.

That's what fdupes is for.

my gf has zero padding in her bra, because she doesn't need it

Debian and Arch.

And how can I use it for this thing?

Ffmpeg needs the padding unfortunately.

Sounds good, I'll give it a try.
Thank you!


Just get a CDE theme for openbox and split the difference. There's no good reason to use fvwm any more, and this is coming from someone who used it for like 5 years starting back in the late 90s.

Nice! How can I store them in variables?

He wrote the Cathedral and the Bazzare, one of the most important pieces in FLOSS history.

Sorry for dump question
I cant start 'xfce4-genmon-plugin' in terminal after installing with sudo apt-get...
I can't find it in the software menue.
I see that there is a GUI for config.

How can I open this GUI-config?

ffmpeg sounds like a roastie bitch


you need to put xfce plugins on any fucking xfce panel for them to work.

More like /fLGBTQIA/ amirite?

call me like you want, but I can't find it:
rightclick on systraybar>panel>>add new element

there is no genmon-plugin to add.
Where is it?

>would using a terminal program involve using the terminal

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is there a way i can open a picture in mpv and have it refresh it every couple of seconds for changes?


I want to access the windows share from my university with dolphin.

I can connect to it and it displays me two folders but the third one gives me the following error:
An error occured while accessing smb://user@ip/data/user/. the file or directory smb://user@ip/data/user/ does not exist.
The same error shows up when opening one of the two folders.

You should be able to mount windows folders normally using the mount command from terminal.

Use that way to mount them to somewhere so you don't have to deal with Dolphin and the gvfs crap you get now.

Install python3-pil and run tpicview.py.
> which is a total pain because it's slow as molasses
Maybe get a working video driver before ricing. IIRC, VMWare Player is the only thing that's going to support GPU acceleration in Mint very well. Switch to that if you haven't and install guest utils.

Also stop using Mint.

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Instead of having to type:
javac Project.java
java Project

I want to be able to accomplish the same with an alias/function where I can instead just type:
j Project
and get the same output, I put this in my .bashsrc:
function j () { javac $n.java; java $n; }
and get an error: javac: file not found: .java
any guidance appreciated

thank you very much. It worked.

the folders (that gave error) are all locked. the directories are Read-only on windows. is it possible to access them or do i have to unmount and change my mount options?

use $1
use quotes
use && instad of ; because you obviuosly don't want to run the program if compialtion fails
function j () { javac "$1.java" && java "$1"; }

what now, how do I learn linux?
also what are some good fonts for firefox?

Attached: Screenshot_20180922_234552.png (1366x768, 1.5M)

>how do I learn linux?
use it. If you get to a point where somethings not working or you don't know how to do something use "$yourfavoritesearchengine" or ask
>what are some good fonts for firefox
fonts from the noto family have great unicode coverage and look decent

Thank you user.


how do I install the liquorix kernel on debian? the instructions on their website dont work:no pub key

We're going to win right guise
The trannies are going to push until this all backfires in their faces when all the kernel devs rescind their code
What's happened about that?

Everyone knows this is the CIA trying to backdoor us right

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I give it like 1-2 months max and then we move back to same shit
how long was gamergate a thing? and that got actual news coverage

They're (far left) are losing ground hugely, what you're seeing in tech and the media is the lashing out of a cornered animal

>he has not done a single noteworthy thing in his life.
Did you even check the link the other guy gave? I don't agree with some of his opinions but he's been around since before you were probably born.


challenge yourself to do everything you possibly can from the command line. moving files, writing code, etc. basically everything but games and web browsing. when you don't understand something, look it up on the arch wiki or stackoverflow or whatever. I'd also take the time to learn vim or emacs (i've never used emacs so I'd recommend vim) as it will make command-line editing much faster.

you don't HAVE to only use the terminal down the road, but it's the best way to learn how Unix works. however, a lot of people do end up finding the keyboard-based workflow more efficient and more fun, hence the existence of i3 and other tiling WM's.

that being said, if you just want to use it just for web and gaymen, you can use it like any other OS. but if that's the case, why would you use arch?

Not him but recently I've tried using ftp on the terminal and it is clunky and annoying af. I'm using whatever version comes on Bongo 18.04.1.
Not sure if this is just standard behavior but there's no progress bar, and setting up sftp is a fucking pita

oh, yeah. I definitely can't think of everything not worth using in the terminal off-hand. but those are in the minority, and you will tend to get conflicting opinions on them anyway. I think terminal web-browsing isn't worth the effort, but who knows, maybe some Links or w3m zealot will tell you otherwise.

Ultimately it comes down to what you think is worth sticking with. if you want to learn Linux though, you should try out everything at least once.

I've been using it like 12 years, filezilla was always a thing though, never needed to gitgud and only tried because one day I couldn't be arsed to install it after a fresh install

I'll be honest. This whole situation with this code of conduct malarky and the fallouts it could cause... It really scares me.