Previous thread has been deleted by mods so I repost
Richard Stallman: "The developers of Linux, or any free program, can remove any and all
code, at any time, without giving a reason".
Previous thread has been deleted by mods so I repost
Richard Stallman: "The developers of Linux, or any free program, can remove any and all
code, at any time, without giving a reason".
Other urls found in this thread:,
Mods are trying to shut it down so hard kek. They have already deleted two threads
Linux = RIP
>removing your contribution to a foss program after X years
That would be an ultimate dick move. Suddenly abandonware (BSD) licenses make more sense.
>Torvalds is no friend of mine
based RMS
Aw hell no nigga
On the one hand, it'd be the ultimate triggering and I'd love to see these subpar-coding trannies hit the wall. On the other hand, imagine how long GNU/Linux would not be usable. What am I supposed to feel?
believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything
pull the plug linus
why the fuck those kikefaggots delete threads about linux?
you gookmoot cock suckers
Jow Forums said the campaign against Tso didn't matter and was only done by nobodies.
The de facto ruler of Linux has now joined the campaign.
Because they are desperate to shut it down
I mean, most Linux distros are using older versions of the kernel. If this is solved in less than a year we will probably never notice. a drop of quality.
now people will unironically move to TempleOS
So is the thought police kicking you off a project for a comment you made X years ago
>Previous thread has been deleted by mods so I repost
Why do (((they))) delete these posts? This is absolutely Jow Forums related.
>Previous thread has been deleted by mods so I repost
By tranny jannies, they're abusing their powers. Open a thread on /qa/ about this. Enough is enough.
the moderators are fucked in the head and are leftists themselves. they sit in IRC all day circle jerking and agree with the "Code of Conduct"
true but hurting software you like or worked (sometimes hard) on just because you dont like decisions of the lead team is quite literally what the sjw's are doing lately.
Jow Forums mostly agrees with the coc though. It's about being decent and excellent humans regardless of skin color etc sexuality etc.
The ones against it are 99% ugly pale white boys who can't get laid so they want to destroy the world. There is little difference between these "people" and school shooters.
TempleOS doesn't have this problem.
Reminder that mods and janitors are required to coordinate via fucking Discord. Even on Jow Forums.
The mods are already being compromise by Leftish SJW
We need to remove these ASAP before we can have a proper discussion on what to do with this
>Jow Forums mostly agrees with the coc though
>The ones against it are 99% ugly pale white boys who can't get laid
>There is little difference between these "people" and school shooters
Wew, what a projection. Guys, I found the talentless tranny!
>The great strength of totalitarian authority is that it forces those who fear it to imitate it. - Adolf Hitler
Again: you can't revoke code released under the gpl2 (like 99% of licenses) if you submit code to the linux kernel and then ask them to remove it they are not legally obligated to do so.
You are wasting time on something that has ZERO chance of working.
>Jow Forums mostly agrees with the coc
Hm I wonder why
The ironic part is that 99% of trannies are white guys that can't get laid and I say that as a liberal.
RMS said
[[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider ]]]
[[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies, ]]]
[[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
The developers of Linux, or any free program, can remove any and all
code, at any time, without giving a reason. However, this doesn't
force others to delete that code from their own versins of the program.
They don't do this very often, because they have to pay the penalty:
they lose the functionality of the code they remove, unless they
replace it.
I am not part of Linux development. Torvalds is no friend of mine,
and he advocates "open source" which disagrees with my views at the
level of basic values. See
So I don't think I will comment on those internal aspects of Linux
Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation (,
Internet Hall-of-Famer (
Who should I trust, the fucking creator of the Gnu Public License or a random retard on a faggot forum?
Isn't there multiple types of Linux, like ubuntu, arch, and gentoo and all that.
Can they pull codes from all that. Probably a retarded question but I don't understand.
CoC is so nice nobody is agains it.
But CoC begin horse Troya for Non-Coders as new government and get money using diversity as excuse.