Meritocracy is for fags
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You're assuming they have merit instead of stupidity.
True merit is indespensible but rarely exists in the world.
no a meritocracy implies people with the best capabilities to lead being put in leadership positions, this is clearly not that.
go read "Guardians" by George R.R. Martin. it's a 20 minute read.
but what I don't understand is... nobody stands to lose anything other than ego points if their pull request is rejected... so what is wrong with a meritocracy in OSS?
I understand why meritocracy is bad in society as a whole, because even people who can't support themselves deserve a decent life. But in OSS, I just don't get what's wrong with it.
If meritocracy assumes a level playing field, then wouldn't a meritocracy built on a CoC work?
Aren't they trying to create a level playing field?
It seems to me saying meritocracy doesn't work because the playing field isn't level, and people will agree with them because if the playing field isn't level then it isn't fair and everyone knows things that aren't fair aren't good.
So the assumption then is that they're going to implement something that creates a level playing field, but if it creates a level playing field then meritocracy can now work, so why abandon meritocracy?
The faggot has his site blocked from archiving sites.
>I just don't get what's wrong with it.
That's because you search for the problem in the concept of meritocracy not in the delusions of those who want to get rid of it.
After all you can't find something if it does not exist.
>Aren't they trying to create a level playing field?
No because their lifework is based on the lack of it.
>so why abandon meritocracy?
For the simple reason that they believe that everyone deserves the same outcome no matter the contribution, that's why they will work against meritocracy no matter how level the playing field gets
>intelligence is for fags, catering to feelings of mentally ill "people" is more important than getting something out of the project
>reality is problematic
>so YOU have to ignore it to make ME comfortable
>nobody stands to lose anything other than ego points if their pull request is rejected
Unless they're trying to sneak in exploits.
Uhm... I refer to myself as "they" and so will you sweety.
>For the simple reason that they believe that everyone deserves the same outcome no matter the contribution, that's why they will work against meritocracy no matter how level the playing field gets
Participation awards are nice and all but the Olympics are going to suck when they throw out the medals and just give everyone the same award for participating.
It is "xe, Xey" you bigoted sweaty
this debacle makes me want to install
>OpenBSD Ethnic Cleansing edition
>Kernel version 14.8.8
>Dachau INIT
>XyXx display manager
>the Adolf Desktop Environment
>the "Bog" package manager
These people want to turn back the clock several centuries to the fucking guild systems of yore.
>"Cult of meritocracy"
In other words, all people are equally smart and capable and even if they can only produce garbage or nothing they must have the same influence as capable people.
The good thing about turning back the clock is caving in the skulls of faggots and trannies becomes in vogue again.