Is artificial intelligence doomed to failure? I don't see how it will ever surpass or replace the human mind

Is artificial intelligence doomed to failure? I don't see how it will ever surpass or replace the human mind.

If you took an alphabetical list of every word in the King James Bible and fed it into a computer, there is literally no way you could write an algorithm that would turn that list into the King James Bible. It's impossible.

Computers process information with extreme efficiency, but they cannot think.

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stopped reading right there

that's okay, I'm sure you're too stupid to understand the problem anyway

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If you had unlimited time you could write the Bible with monkeys banging on typewriters

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>Is artificial intelligence doomed to failure?
If anything neural networks are proving to be quite successful on a myriad of applications in solving challenges on the domain of AI

> If you took an alphabetical list of every word in the King James Bible and fed it into a computer, there is literally no way you could write an algorithm that would turn that list into the King James Bible. It's impossible.
That's a decidable problem. What you mean is that no algorithm exists that could create a a work such as the bible or any other book; for that you offer non proof.

words.shuffle! until words.join == KJV

Your retarded ape brain is already obsolete and the res of us will be as well when nerual networks are cognitively more capable than anyone

Your dreamw as to do something only a fraction of people could do? Good luck when everyone can do the same with a few presses on the computer

No such algorithm exists, nor could you invent one. It's mathematically impossible.

t. Watson

I don't think you understand how AI works and I also don't think you understand what the singularity is. At some point a mechanical based entity is going to be smarter then Humans. So while at the current time it can't do what you say "maybe" in the future it will 100% be able to

and a human wouldn't be able to recreate it other than from memory which requires the original, what's your point

You could brute force it

Depending on how much time the person has they'd be able to. Might take a billion years but it is possible

>If you took an alphabetical list of every word in the King James Bible and fed it into a computer, there is literally no way you could write an algorithm that would turn that list into the King James Bible. It's impossible.

My troll sensor is tingling

same for the AI by bruteforcing with a couple of NLP rules

Yes, it's 100% doomed to failure until we make advances in nanotechnology. Current AI is very specific and utterly incapable of adapting. It fails catastrophically outside of its operating parameters.

Define "smarter"

>Yes, it's 100% doomed to failure until we make advances in nanotechnology. Current AI is very specific and utterly incapable of adapting. It fails catastrophically outside of its operating parameters.
We just have to make an AI which outputs a different configuration for itself based on a task as input. It would be very complex and difficult but it doesn't require a huge change in how AI works compared to today.

AI is a group of related technologies, many being successfully used in production right now. I don't get what the bible has to do with that.

The thing is: Pop AI is always "whatever doesn't work yet", because once we figure stuff out it becomes "not true intelligence, only an algorithm"

>If you took an alphabetical list of every word in the King James Bible and fed it into a computer, there is literally no way you could write an algorithm that would turn that list into the King James Bible. It's impossible.

Would you be able to rewrite it with only the words in that book alphabetically sorted?

(Also sorry, but any retard can write an algorithm that finish in a finite number of steps and reproduce the book, in a few lines, and no, that's not an AI)

The singularity has as much scientific credibility as the bible
AI singularity is basically an atheist religous belief

>he fell for the singularity meme

garbage in, garbage out

>Give an AI all the words in a book
>Hurr durr it cant rearrange them in the same order as the book by itself

What even is the point of this brainlet example? A human can't do this either retard.

Technology improves at a rate outpacing evolution so it's inevitable my nigga, fear not and embrace your future AI wife

>If you took an alphabetical list of every word in the King James Bible and fed it into a computer, there is literally no way you could write an algorithm that would turn that list into the King James Bible. It's impossible.

>Ask any human to write the bible

By cheating , by mixing human brain cells with computer technology , they are actually working on it and it was also a story line in Venture Bros ,a helper bot had part human brain cells also Star Trek Voyager had biological components.
Anyway it's called "biological computing" and it's real.

And in my opinion it's cheating , and since it's biological it would have to have the same limits as anything biological.
What we are looking for is DATA not the Borg.

There won't be a singularity in your lifetime if ever. We#re hitting hardware limits for computation. Technological progress is an S-curve, not exponential

I could feed that same list into your 12 iq brain and you would do even worse than a computer.


Speaking about AI and archaic tribe believes in the same post is disgraceful.

>not realizing that God is an AI