What does this company do, exactly?

What does this company do, exactly?

Attached: mslogo.jpg (1200x800, 18K)

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All those things

Fucking around.

They make money by providing various services:
- They get about 30% of every sale in the windows store
- They provide Windows 10 and Office to you to collect and sell everything about you
- They provide Azure so they can spy on other companies as well


They sell services.

Most of those are irrelevant. Hell, there's a dial up MSN proggie on that list

Extort money away from companies that use MS Office and tells investors that Office is "cloud" because buzzwords...

buy technology then rebrand it. Integrate it with other products.

Make god-teir office software and the occasional good video game.
Otherwise they spy on people.

Office 365 and everything it contains. Most major corporate companies use it.

>windows store
Pretty sure that won't be relevant until Windows only allows UWP apps.

they created code that runs most of the worlds personal computers and some servers in order to sell them more code that runs most of the worlds offices in order to give the data of you using the code to another company or government in order to hire a pajeet in order to clean the streets of india.

Make money off companies that use Office products and Skype

More than Apple is doing.

Lucrative government contacts

pile shit on top of windows 95 and call it a new os every few years

The best game controllers out there desu

They build kernel level IT monitoring tech. The consumer tech is just an offshoot of that.

>build spaghetti code that kind of works and becomes widely used
>realize most of your money comes from supporting enterprise
>cue windows 10, spaghetti code as a service
>feed enterprise and consumers spaghetti code so fast that they'll pay you to make sure everything works

Attached: 1525291500128.jpg (349x451, 47K)

I might be wrong, but I think they do computer stuff.
Hope this helps


they are the most based technology company ever created. who gives a shit about the indians,

>They get about 30% of every sale in the windows store
So they get their own money from Forza and Minecraft? Because these are only things people buy from Windows Store

Sell your data

Holding a significant if not dominating position in many technology areas, while somehow simultaneously playing catch-up in each of them.

Created the best IDEs and made them free. Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code.




>google issue
>first result links to social.technet.microsoft.com
>oh no

A novice asked the Master: "I perceive that one computer company is much larger than all others. It towers above its competition like a giant among dwarfs. Any one of its divisions could comprise an entire business. Why is this so?"
The Master replied, "Why do you ask such foolish questions? That company is large because it is large. If it only made hardware, nobody would buy it. If it only made software, nobody would use it. If it only maintained systems, people would treat it like a servant. But because it combines all of these things, people think it one of the gods! By not seeking to strive, it conquers without effort."

It embraces
It extends
but most of all
It extinguishes

provide programmatically productive pajeets poppadoms . And pic Related, the cunts

Attached: the-lives-of-others[1].jpg (1920x1080, 629K)


>have you tried running it in compatibility mode?
>marked as answer
This has never worked for anyone ever and I don't believe anyone who claims otherwise.

Attached: 1490389933393.png (805x556, 35K)

It embraced Linux by starting to make their software run on it, and running it in Azure.

It extended it by dumping money into the Linux Foundation and making shit like .NET Core and VS Code.

Now, it extinguishes Linux by using it's pull in the Linux Foundation to tear the community apart.

SaaS was a mistake.

All I ever hear about them is from that Australian chink who makes things to help disabled people. She does good work and is good PR for them but I don't know what the rest of the company does now.

I like the 6-page answers that more or less run from 'switch it on and off again' to 'reformat and reinstall the OS' while throwing in most of Call Center Helpline 101 enroute for good measure
>Please was solutions solutionfull Sir, Please upboat, yurs Guresh McGureshi, MS MVP

Revenue sources

They're probably a better place to invest than apple.

Attached: chrome_2018-09-23_09-08-02.png (234x232, 25K)

Office and Azure mostly. But their entire portfolio of profit models is unreal. They make money in a thousand different ways.


Look, Jake... I get paid big bucks to sit around and daydream. I'm not about to rock the boat.

Who the hell uses Office much less pays for it?

produce malware

Seeks rent. Figuratively the shitty jewish slum lord of the technology industry.

Be based.

Attached: 1529432995247.png (760x665, 161K)

>inb4 underage b&

99% of businesses in the developed world.

>Companies don't exist

>They're probably a better place to invest than apple.
Not even in your wildest dreams, faggot!

Attached: cashhorde.png (620x383, 45K)

His point was that Microsoft, like Alphabet and Amazon, are diverse companies in terms of what they do and offer.

Apple on the other hand is basically selling you one thing and once that one thing goes under the entire company is going to go with it.

They've had better returns than apple over the previous 1y, 3y, and 5y, time periods.

Attached: chrome_2018-09-23_10-19-36.png (1210x483, 101K)

MS is a diversified, they sell many products and if one stopped selling it won't be a major problem for them. Apple's money comes 90% from iPhone if that stopped Apple would be in panic mode.

>like Alphabet and Amazon

Attached: 59289f0379474ce7238b499a-750-563.png (750x563, 143K)

There's several free alternatives that work just as well, is my point.

>work just as well

It maintains Azure, the rest is just their hobby projects.

>What does this company do, exactly?

Considering that Amazon sells everything under the sun, that's pretty diverse.

so when walmart undercuts and still offers free two-day shipping, amazon is fucked?

From my POV they run outlook.com (email), produce Office, and own Skype.

And most of it is rebanded chink shit

>Walmart being able to undercut Amazon with no infrastructure to handle the amount of online commerce that Amazon can

you know walmart has their own trucking fleet and a massive amount of stores everywhere? they just put your order on an existing truck for site-to-store and could easily ship from store to home with USPS.

If it was that easy they would have done it already rather than let Amazon run away with it for 15+ years.

Try telling Amazon's shareholders that.

Shit on their C++ users until they finally migrate over to Apple or Google products and milk Office for what it's worth.

Attached: 1435442051316.jpg (794x732, 202K)

Hopefully working on a proper successor to my childhood console.

Attached: special - Xbox_original_banner.jpg (350x52, 7K)

Collect royalties off existing products. Same as IBM but significantly more successful

>most of which they made/invented/built
you can accuse ms of a few things, but being a Patent Troll probably issnt one

>What does this company do, exactly?

They sell products and services so people get indirect money from things that happen by the use (by the use, not by the buying) of those services and products

Cloud, gaming, and office.

puts ads on its OS, while based google leads the way
at least MS managed to buy github

data mining