I'm starting comp sci college this week, after working since hs. Should I just go to lectures and learn/study/do projects for at least 8 hours per day, just like I was wagecucking for 8 hours per day previouslly or should I also focus on gettibg connections, etc.. Don't wanna be non-existant cunt that only studies.
I'm starting comp sci college this week, after working since hs...
Go to lectures in the morning, do your homework in the afternoon. Make connections at night. You can switch the morning and afternoon schedule if you want, but always have everything done by nightfall, so that you are able to go and make connections.
That was kind of my plan, but I hear a bunch of people saying going to lectures and just downloading material and sources the college lists and studying from there on your own is better.
Is this kind of a meme or what brainlets can't do? My plan is to attend lectures for first 2 months and then see, if I actually can do it on my own and skip them or if it is better to attend them.
This is the most cucked shit i've heard, even for Jow Forums.
the fuck ? why would you not go to lectures ? thats what you are paying for. Not too mention professors can get you jobs. (especially adjuncts)
Some people know how to play the game user. Sorry you're too stupid to make friends
for example: they said it's a waste of time, especially programming logic and programming, if you already know how to program (I know how to make basic apps with buttons and functionality that lead to another page or 'do something', etc..) so I don't see how going over if statements for 3 hours is not a waste of time.
but that's just an example. I'm not saying I'll not go to math lectures, because I'm good enough to do it on my own from the book.
CS is a meme degree, congrats
If you are halfway smart, you can easily do it on your own for the first year or so.
The problem with skipping lectures is that it gives you had habits that will hurt you when you attend upper level classes and classes that are not taped. I know so many smart (enough) people who did this and struggled to finish with poor greases since they did found the first semester easy and stopped going to the lectures and half-assed the assignments.
Uni is not like HS, you need to put in some effort to actually pass and do well, no matter how smart you are.
If you spend 8 hours every day actually studying you will be among the top students. Just get a good study habit and uni will be easy (and fun). 8 hours gives you plenty of time to socialize and have fun.
Study with someone fun during those 8 hours as well.
Just attend everything. Sure some of them are a waste of time, but even then those lectures I always found one small thin that helped me later on. And you won't know when they suddenly cover things you don't know, since you are skipping the classes anyway. Also attend them all to get a good habit going. That is more important to have when you actually encounter harder classes later on.
>skipping lectures
how fucking retarded are you?
unless you are going to a shit school chances are (((they))) are just wannabe rockstar programmers.
quit acting like a brat because you have to sit in lecture a few times a week
yeah, if you are a complete brainlet that doesn't do projects in his free time and already seeks internships/jobs during college.
Our college gets so many applications from companies that seek students for various CS related jobs, even electronics that I just can't comprehend how anyone doesn't land a job already during college or right after it, if he actually worked in some company already during college.
CS is a meme is mostly said by faggot vidya players that barely finished college and hated it, did nothing in their mean time during college, other than play vidya and drink their livers out.
so yeah, I feel sorry for guys that actually put in the work and due to countries circumstances etc.. don't get a job, but I'm pretty much set, if I don't fuck up somehow.
I also know few guys from my college that got nice jobs straight out of college, through the companies that were seeking students.
based and redpilled
I'm not saying I won't attend lectures, as said I will see over time what I can risk to do or not.
Any way, even if I sit in classroom for 16 hours per day, it's still more comfy that wagecucking for 8 hours per day 6 times per week like I did for last 3 years to save up. Not to mention our college is free and I get a scholarship just for attending college, based Eu country.
>falling for the university meme
>be from Europe
>free college
>get paid to attend college
>get tens of benefits for being a student
>get connections with people in field and guidance from teachers
yup buddy, college sure is a jew scam in Europe
>Stealing other peoples money to pay for a meme degree anyone actually intelligent would do as a gimmick on the side.
Even your average soicuck does this shit as a joke in his free time.
Well, it kind of is if you don't get out of Europe and into a more free market once you're done.
They pay for your education because they are betting that you're going to pay back more than you took in taxes.
k I think I'm done with Jow Forums after reading this, have fun, I'll make sure to attend lectures
>anyone actually intelligent would do as a gimmick on the side.
what does that even mean
he might be retarded
fuck off faggot
not OP, but what about challenging courses?
I'm thinking of going to school and have spent the last 3 years programming almost everyday, I'm sure I should be able to skip the first year at least
>tfw to inteligen to study
You're one of those people who played vidya all year because programming 101 is just so easy and than failed babby linear algebra and got expelled, aren't you.
also not OP, but does anyone know if online school is good? Saw a devry commercial and was considering signing up for CS.
if you are going to a good school they will be accredited and they just can't let people skip out on pre-reqs just because they feel like. they might have another course you could take instead or they might not.
yeah I couldn't really take him seriously, a 69 meme poster claiming he is too intelligent, yet if I tell him to write be a simple 3 line program that prints out fibonnacci sequence for first 20 numbers, he probably couldn't do it.
I failed out freshmen year because i failed trig and college algebra then got got kicked out for an incident in the dorms later in the year. I just write side projects for passive income.
so you are a faggot that thought CS degree is programming related and not math related and claim to be too intelligent while failing trig as freshman and getting kicked out, and calling me (OP) out as if I'm the retarded one
wtf is wrong with you
>a failure post-rationalizing his poor choices by "didn't want that pleb shit anyways"
How the fuck does CS math?? It is only programming pretty much just writing code. I write programs in html and css all the time with a little JS.
welcome to Jow Forums ladies and gentlemen, please don't fall for this bait
Can you do FizzBuzz?
what is that?
t. programmer who doesn't know what fizzbuzz is
you can google it if you don't know
kek, OP here, I just finished with this exercise
>code monkeys think this is math
I know CS students hate most hate discrete math, but it's pretty much the alphabet of logic to learn. So with that in mind, our courses in college go through extensive discrete math just as a part of math desu. Pretty much a filter.
Tbh I dropped out of university due to how antiquated of a system it is
Seriously, paper books, group assignments? Lectures? That aren’t streamed in real time? Miss me with that dinosaur shit.
Oh yeah and the forced interaction with normalfags. Universities are NPC factories basically.
>not ignoring NPCs and connecting with non-NPCs
>not working on projects and connecting with teachers that will recommend you and guide you
>not getting a sweet job during or after college because you weren't autistic brainlet and others recommended you
Teachers are the biggest NPCs of all
depends on what school you go and depends on how much passion they see in you.
not every teacher is 60 year old that doesn't give a shit, because he repeated the same for 35 years.
Most teacher actually care, if you show them you care and have genuine passion for what they are doing and want to learn.
but yeah, I agree that some are NPCs, at least I've seen them in my life.
It's the lack of fucks given by most people at Uni that got me the most, like cunts going to uni who don't care about the content, or have any interest in anything. WTF
The most important thing that burgers apparently don't get is that by the time you get the degree, you should have at the very least 2 years of professional experience.
Just go to every course's first lectures to see what it's about and if you like da teacher and if you know your way around things.
Tbh CS isn't too hard if you're motivated so 8 hours a day in the beginning is just overkill.
Have fun and make contacts and party
Not the guy you replied to but I think it really depends where you live and what you take away from college. I had a lot of talented friends who make 40k or are unemployed back home. But I moved to the city, make almost twice that and get a new job offer every week.
2nd year CS here. I'm very motivated so often I program/read work on projects more than 8 hours a day(shitposting on Jow Forums included) but it doesn't feel like work, I love it.
I only go to college when I need to show the assignments to teacher in the lab before handing it in, so maybe 2-3 times a month. In my university if you read course literature thoroughly there is no reason to attend lectures because they never talk about anything outside of the literature and lectures themselves are targeted for students who are shit so that could at least get the lowest plausible grade 3(our grade system is grades from 3 to 5 and 1 and 2 is just fail). My average is well above 4.
Just make sure you get a good pace at the start and don't fall off then in few months you'll figure out the best way to study for yourself,
I work in the industry.
Go to your lectures, take your projects seriously and be creative when you have a chance. Your professors notice. I had job opportunities thrown my way for that reason. Some classes are terrible, but if you don't even show up you won't see any kindness from a lecturer if something goes wrong.
underage b&
(it me)
Many schools have "accelerated entry" CS courses that combine initial concepts. Still worth attending. I sat around fucking bored most of the time but I still learned things occasionally that came in handy later.
If class is fucked, just keep coding on your laptop.
fuck off
fuck off. which country? Cause I have to pay for memecollege
What does "make connections" mean? "just network bro :)" sounds like boomer tier advice. What do I actually do?
it's one of these
You make good planned long term friendships with people that also like to study and strive for good jobs, hopefully you can make a team with them in the future or they know people in the field that will get you a job and this is where your new friends recommend you, since they know you are also a hard and bright hard worker.
Add Denmark to that list.
Many years of my education focused on logical proofs in classical philosophy. I took calculus and stat, but never took discrete. Is it different enough from formal proofs that I should dedicate time to self learning?
unironically this
What happens if you take CS and you’re shit at math?
realistically spend 3 hours a day on hw and the rest of the time shitposting on Jow Forums