>company claims they own my code that I write in free time
Company claims they own my code that I write in free time
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they literally own you and all your time there, this is how capitalism works
not where I work. I asked that in the last company I worked and also in the current one. I would never give out anything without making it wtfpl before anyone gets it.
Explain, did you write in their computers or you writed in your computer and bring to their computers?
I find that so stupid.
I want to comprehend your side and their side, why are they claiming your code is theirs?
noice b8 m8 but unless the code you wrote is part of a work project this is
>I'll take "Things the categorically NEVER FUCKING HAPPENED" for $500, please Alex.
Write code to spam swastika e mails and publish it. The company will quickly revoke that clause
im not op buddy
I'm not your buddy, pal.
I'm not your pal, dude.
Sorry, btw the reply was for OP.
If you write it on company time it's theirs, every retard knows this.
You did dun goofed OP.
Define "free time".
If when you are at home, off the clock - that's fucked up.
If its when you are in the office, being payed to be there, but waiting for work tasks to complete - boo hoo buddy.
Never ever ever do private projects at work. If you have a huge compile job, just shitpost on ars or /. like expected
What if they used their own device to make it and didn’t put it on a work computer?
I'm no dude, skipper.
>he doesn't bomb his code so that no one other than him can use it
tough luck mate, you live and learn.
That is not how it works lmfao, because in that case everything is owned by microsoft
I'm pretty sure it's part of most "Acceptable Use" documents you have to sign when you get a company device - it is for muh phone...
>All data stored on The Company’s systems is the property of The Company.
>The Company can monitor the use of its IT systems and the data on it at any time. This may include (except where precluded by local privacy laws) examination of the content stored within the email and data files of any user, and examination of the access history of any users.
That's just the first 1 I found. It's pretty bogstandard.
>The company will quickly revoke that clause
The company will quickly revoke your emplyement status*
>he didn't read his contract
Ignore their claim and quit.
You will obey your overlord SJWs and feminist lieges. All of your code belongs to them now, you are nothing but a piece of trash that will write code for Jamal and Monique to use when they replace you, good goyim! Get ready to get CoC btfo. There will be no future for white men as they are cucks, unable to stand up to the almighty left.
You should always negotiate this before you sign on. I was able to get legal to change my employment agreement from "they own everything" to "I own what I do in my spare time so long as it is not related to the business of the company". I provided specific examples of stuff i work on and stuff I would continue working on.
Companies can be reasonable with this sort of thing, you should always try to ask for it, especially if its not a mega ultra evil corporation like Google that can pick and choose who they hire with zero regard for any sort of ethics because they have 1000s of applicants for every position.
>the wagecuck takes pride in symbolic victories
obfuscate it next time
Make sure to talk about this when signing your work contract
Worked for one of those. Got out of that shithole after a couple of years, I dont bend on that shit anylonger. My own time = my code or I walk
Write separately using a Pen Name
That is the case if:
>it is in your work contract
>you use company tools off hours
>you make similar products in your own time
Pays to read the fine print with your actual employment.
fucking zoe quinn