Linus using the master/slave terms.
Linus using the master/slave terms
By creating fake controversy you're enabling the SJWs
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> MOSI Master Out Slave In
> MISO Master In Slave Out
> CS Chip Select
> CLK Clock
my data structures and organization class used these terms too, what's the problem?
Your degree has now been invalidated by the Ministry of Diversity and Inclusion.
But didn't you guys said that if we ignored them they wouldn't shove the CoC up our asses?? What happened to your theory?
politics is not technology.
i will not be responding to any replies
>Politics are rammed down on technology throat
>Says technology are not politics
Jow Forums is full of NPC cucks.
Are Jow Forums posters the worst posters?
...someone is butthurt because Jow Forums was right as usual.
Just take the CoC like the good moderates that you are.
I don't mind people disagreeing with the CoC, but many posts seem to lack both civility and intelligence.
based linus knows to just use established terms despite triggering SJWs
>you're enabling the SJWs
so what? are you afraid faggot? go back to your hole.
Absolutely gross!
based and redpilled
based, I love Linus now
This hurts my feelings!
>nVidia is misogynist
WOW, why is no one doing something about this?
>By creating fake controversy you're enabling the SJWs
crashing this plane
1. Talking about them isn't ignoring them.
2. I'm not one of these guys, there's no single opinion where all Jow Forums agrees.
3. I don't like your attitude.
cringe and bluepilled
>Using correct terminology instead of politically correct
Kill Linus
>crashing this plane
with no survivors
>not cuck/bull
very problematic
wtf i love slavery now
This but unironically. I just want to libertarian but people insist on using their freedom to force me to interact with underqualified people professionally because their race, sexuality, or other group qualifying trait is not proportionally represented in my field. If I have to explain one more Algorithms 101 thing to a disabled black muslim transwoman who couldn't fizzbuzz her way out of a paper bag I'll go mad, so fuck it, I'm with the Nazis now. It didn't have to be like this. You could have left me alone or at least allowed me to opt out of this diversity mentoring crap. Now I'm teaching radicals the principles behind communications jamming.
>cuck is in the same position as master
Reported to CoC for bigotry, racism and sex negativity
>implying the cuck isn't in control of the bull
poor newfag...
Netorare plus time is netorase.
We were doing fine until these pretentious fuckheads started pretending that they know shit about tech and cried and black mailed people to get their way. They are cancer and so are you.
I am literally shaking right now. Please someone get Linus sacked
Slavery turned out to be beneficial for chicken wing eating basketball players living in the US.
nVidia is /ourguy/.
Jow Forums hates actual Western philosophical tradition and thinks the philosophical dogshit they hear from conspiracy channels on youtube that tell them that women and minorities and leftists are all bad is what Western philosophical thought actually is.
Master/Slave dichotomy has been around since Plato and further became a large component of Hegelian thought which was massively influential on Western philosophical and political tradition. It triggers Jow Forums because the're too fucking stupid to understand philosophy 101.
can asians and whites be allies during the race war?
>It triggers SJWs because the're too fucking stupid to understand philosophy 101.
>Relying on Western philosophical tradition
>Still considers himself "anti racist".
Hitler said be proud of your family, race, heritage, and nation. He approved of the Japanese and even had some nice things to say about Islam, although the latter typically ended in "but we should kill them all anyways just to be safe."
No, it triggers SJWs because master/slave might offend a black person somewhere. Thus why they are right now trying to remove the terms from use in programming.
>the latter typically ended in "but we should kill them all anyways just to be safe."
true. He wants to ban halal meats in the world because it is inhuman.
>implying the cuck isn't white
>implying that it is OK for a white boy to control a Black Man
And it's a bad thing
>calling it CS as in Chip Select
>not SS as in Slave Select
late 13c., "person who is the chattel or property of another," from Old French esclave (13c.), from Medieval Latin Sclavus "slave" (source also of Italian schiavo, French esclave, Spanish esclavo), originally "Slav" (see Slav); so used in this secondary sense because of the many Slavs sold into slavery by conquering peoples.
The word slave comes for the word Slav, because slavs were so frequently enslaved it became synonimous with the idea and became a word.
Slavs are whites from eastern europe
So why would it offend a nigger?
Haha, what a basedboy
as a BDSM enthusiast I feel excluded by this stance.