He's not running kde

>he's not running kde
what the hell are you doing user? you're a gnomefag? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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Other urls found in this thread:


I run Windows

God, wish i could fug yui


Me too!

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But i use Windows。

>tfw in your lifetime AI sex bots will become advanced enough that you literally can fug something that looks and behaves exactly like yui

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You got 2 options kiddo
>have a mouse
>on a laptop

everything else is so bloated that you might as well run windows

Because it works fine for me and I am used to it

Why waste the time to rice the fuck out of an i3 or openbox install, and not just use a preconfigured desktop with easy configuration changes if need be? Don't you want to get work done?

But, user! Microsoft is spying on you!

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>waist time to rice the fuck out
You never installed one did you?
Works pretty damn fine out of the box if you use anything but arch and if you use arch you should want to rice it the fuck out because that is why you installed arch instead of archlabs or manjaro.

I've ran both i3 and openbox, and while I enjoyed ricing them to make the most efficient build possible for me, I just found it over time to be too much maintenance, I always felt like tweaking something else. So, in trying to be more productive, I switched to DEs

>But, user! Microsoft is spying on you!
So is google, facebook, visa, the government, your phone, every website you visit, every company you buy from, etc. You can't avoid spying, might as well learn to live with it.

absolute cucklike behavior

>But, user! Microsoft is spying on you!
>uses discord
you're a special kind of retard

>ywn get fucked by yui

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that sounds an awful lot like a persona issue, I installed switched on one of my computers today, I set some things up for like 1h mostly out of pleasure than necessity and I am done.

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I've been working on reducing the software I use that spies on me to the bare minimum, haven't quite let go of Discord yet, gotta try to make all my normalfag friends move over to irc. Wish me luck! I'll also be dropping Chromium soon for Ramhogfox

Ive looked into Budgie lately and i kind of like it.

>save rc.xml, menu.xml and autostart files to cloud
>install openbox on machine
>new install is perfectly riced in seconds

There is a bot that let's you join a discord from an IRC github.com/reactiflux/discord-irc

You are being spied on right now. You are just naive if you think you are protected. The only thing you accomplish by trying to protect yourself by using VPNs, libre software etc, is drawing more attention to yourself by appearing like you have something to hide.

God, wish i could fug rem

twm is where it's at.

honestly I thing a fwm is better if you got a mouse at hand.

Windows because I broke TELEMTRY and it's running blazing fast on core i-3 4005u 1.7
With hdd 512gb and 5400 rpm

Linux doesn't work on my hardware :^(

Just use XFCE, it uses less resources

what's your Hardware? An Iphone?

Honestly I used KDE for a while and it suffers from major deterioration issues, the longer you run it the worse it works.


So I see you're running GNOME... You know, I'm actually on KDE myself, I know this desktop environment is supposed to be better, but, you know what they say, old habits, they die hard

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>behaves exactly like yui
You want to fuck a sex bot that acts like a retard?

Are you sure you just don't know what you're doing?

well I checked, it should run linux in a couple days.

Yui is not a retard.

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nope, im cinnamon boi

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>still running a DE
>not fwm/twm

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Man, I miss konquiposter.

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what's the best distro to run kde on?

I ran it on arch and arch based distros but I imagine Kubuntu works just as well

Rem a shit
Give me Felt or Crusch

Yui? More like cutie

i want to nakadashi yui

yes, literally a foot is better than a letter


Windows 10 assigns EXIF to all images you save and its easy to track you and get your address.

>he doesn't use ungoogled chromium, the more secure more privacy respecting browser
>he uses firefox and supports mozillas tranny political initiatives instead

quads don't lie

no defense for the discord, but chrome/chromium is actually useful for webdev and the like. I keep it installed just for the dev tools even though I use qutebrowser as my default.

I posted wireshark results that prove ungoogled chromium doesn't page Google, and links from Mozilla and their affiliates about their political initiatives yesterday in the waterfox thread last night.

I'm not lying. If you're not using ungoogled-chromium, icecat, or waterfox, you ARE a faggot.

Suse in all honesty. Personally I've given up on DEs in general and run Manjaro with BSPWM these days. But when I was running DEs Fedora gave me the best gnome experience and Suse the best KDE.

I use TDE, can I join the party?

substantiate this.

>yui pape
my brother

Attached: desk1314.png (1920x1080, 3.22M)

Mozilla is for faggots.
There is nothing wrong with "ungoogled-chromium" and the source code is kept up to date with security updates. You just have to compile it for that.

These are the *only* browsers that respect your privacy, dont meddle in politics, and keep up to speed with security updates.

On android, IceCat is the best one.

Attached: tmp_30250-icecat-1282856529547831234647.png (128x128, 21K)

Blessed be based wireshark user

Tell me Jow Forums, which K-On! girl represents which DE?

Does Windows 10 not assign EXIF to all images?
Does EXIF not use GPS?

ok good

>being a pedophile


>implying I use sjwfox
>ignores discord

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Qutebrowser here. But yes, those are good for people who don't like configuring crap in a .py file.

i want to nakadashi kumiko

honest question, what about brave?

Debian (For Lesbians) with Budgie
Linux Mint with Cinnamon
Manjaro with GNOME
Gentoo with Windowmaker
Arch with Openbox

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>being a Jow Forums-crossborder who migrated from Reddit during the election
>thinking jailbait = loli
>thinking liking loli means you're a pedophile

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I doubt it dude

Adorable smile.

Budgie has been dead ever since the head dev left Solus. They've anounced version 11 more than a year ago and are missing milestones and internal deadlines even on the 10.x releases. Fug dat crap! Just use mainstream software. I'd suggest Xfce and Plasma.

Pretty good, user. But why would Ritsu use Arch?

>solus 4 plasma edition never
It hurts.

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She's a very wild and on the edge kinda person, making Arch the perfect for her!

do not lewd my wife!!
do not be mean to my wife!!

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>t. poorfag

konqi posting when

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last time i touched i3 config was to add another keyboard shortcut. it's easy to leave the config alone if you aren't ADHD

but I do use KDE desu
it's the focus of my entire distro

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update: made firefox bar thing less shitty

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>not solus

i prefer xfce

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Get out of my thread Kevin!

XFCE senpai

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KDE was replaced by the Trinity Desktop Environment.

Attached: Solus.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

no thanks

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thats kde?
that bar looks nice as fuckkkkkkk
i really wanna switch to a DE
but i like my wm (dwm)

Just use dwm with kde