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$ man %command% $ info %command% $ help %command% $ %command% -h $ %command% --help
Don't know what to look for? $ apropos %something%
Honestly I don't care much whether there's a code of conduct because it's fucking software development, not like it's Jow Forums or something. But those kind of people are just fucking annoying. Does anyone really even take their little word games seriously anymore? >rape apologist I mean, who in this day and age reads that and isn't already 99% certain that it's just meaningless slander without even having to know what it's about?
I can't believe Linus fell for their bullshit. I bet he takes a few months to clear his head and then comes back saying >What the hell was I thinking? You're all fucking nuts, gtfo!
Jacob Rodriguez
So I'm sitting on a relatively new gentoo install. My cat just died from a freak accident and I need a project to bury myself in. Was considering learning python, give me ideas for my first python project. No hello world crap, the more involved the better
Fuck I hate the GTK3 filepicker. Say what you want about locating files, but when it comes to SAVING files the search feature is absolute unquestionable trash.
If I want to save files in my "g" folder and I do a search for "g" it pulls up every goddamn file on my system that has the letter g in including every jpg and png file on my machine (and yes I have sort folders before files checked, but the search doesn't obey it, and that's not even mentioning how inefficient and slow it is to list every fucking jpg file)
Ever since the switch to GTK3 I notice I just tend to save all my files directly in $HOME thinking I'll sort it out later. I feel like I'm back on Windows just mindlessly dumping shit on my desktop. Now I have to spend the next 30min sorting all these files again because my well thought out highly structured organizational system is rendered useless by this piece of shit filepicker every time I want to save an image from Jow Forums.
By contrast, here is how I used to save files in my "g" folder > Fucking simple. Now I have to manually eyeball sift through 100 fucking directories like a tech illiterate retard if I want to actually find the right directory. Remind me again how the redhat developers know what I need more than I do? Remind me again how many lines of code it takes to implement typeahead? 4? 5?
okay so I have a question, If I have a 60 gb ssd and a 300 gb hdd on my thinkpad and I decide to allocate 25 gb for the root partition on the ssd, how do I make the rest of the ssd usable as well given that my home partition is my entire hdd?
Brody Garcia
Justin Baker
make a webscraper like everyone else
Ryan Martinez
make a goodbye world script then kill yourself
William Powell
Install gtk3-mushrooms, it restores most gtk2 functionality.
Angel Diaz
I might look into that. Thanks.
Aaron Moore
make a gui for something
Caleb Ross
which one uses a c with wannabe c++ templates? i think its gtk, qt uses proper c++ right?
Nathan Mitchell
How the god damn fuck do you tell chromium to use icu? I've tried [icu]=icu ALSO [icu]=harfbuzz-icu AND -path './third_party/icu' \
But it never fucking puts icu in //base/icu. Always bitching about all the files its missing. What the fuck else can do to force it to use system icu?
Nolan Walker
Yes, with Plasma. It's comfy.
Ayden Peterson
Make a python compiler
Camden Robinson
there are python gui bindings? what are they?
Nathaniel Ramirez
python comes with tk bindings and you can get most if not all popular gui toolkits through libraries. Here is a list of gui toolkits available in python:
Owen Lopez
glib can do some pretty magical stuff, but it doesn't use templating.
vala, on the other hand, was an attempt to kinda do that, but it's not really use that much
Carson Nelson
gparted and a steady hand
Jaxon Cook
Why my apps close when I close their terminal? >open terminal >type krita >krita opens >close terminal >krita closes Do you have to keep a bunch of terminals open next to your apps?
Adrian Jackson
krita &
to separate the process from the terminal
Alexander Perry
you could also launch them from your desktop environment
Dylan Martin
You can also do something like "krita&exit" to open it, detach from terminal, and close the terminal all at once".
Samuel Miller
like a normal human being
Adrian Campbell
What's the fastest way to convert a bunch of pngs inside a folder to jpgs, while also keeping the original pngs intact? Preferably if I can control the quality levels (95%, 80% etc)
Joshua Perez
>krita & >krita&exit this onbly works if you close the terminal using exit. If you want the process to run after you close the terminal window (e.g. by clicking the red x) you have to use nohup krita or krita & disown
Dylan Rogers
Use nohup. Have something like daemon() { (nohup "$@" >& /dev/null &) } alias mpvd='daemon mpv' ... in your bashrc. That just kicks you back to the prompt without any further output like the program was set up to autofork.
Grayson Williams
Nohup... or just run in tmux or screen.
Carson Richardson
mogrify -quality 95 -format jpg *.png Make sure the quality parameter comes first or it won't work.
Angel Watson
Forgot to mention that "mogrify" is a part of the imagemagick package, which you might already have by default.
James Nelson
Hey Jow Forumsuys so i was about to install gentoo today on a new ssd i bought today and dual boot on my laptop, but looking at all this political bullshit, ive been trying to find a helpful answer to my dumb question.
Should i start learning GNU/linux or is it not going to be worth it after everything gets CoCked?
The political bullshit does not affect you as user yet. Except if you want to contribute your CoC like the other guy did.
Daniel Bailey
I can't tell if you're trolling or serious. Say the coc bothers people so much that they no longer want to use Linux en masse, you know all that will happen is they will fork the project right?
Connor Morgan
> Should i start learning GNU/linux or is it not going to be worth it after everything gets CoCked?
nope, sounds like you should stick to incel-approved projects.
Kevin Perry
Here are the Reddit trash mods most aggressive in stifling any questioning or criticism of the CoC fueled hostile takeover of Linux
kyle and kruug basically post their entire lives online and don't remove any past posts from their accounts
Lincoln Wilson
I can do advanced fizzbuzz in 20 different languages but I haven't been able to write a single useful program or library till now. this really angers me. I only write meme shit that is extremely specific to my use case and irrelevant for anyone else
how do I find free software projects to contribute to? I DO NOT want to pleb shit like maintaining wikis and shit, I want to do programming work.
You pick anything at all that interests you and needs improvement, then you implement this improvement and send a pull request or patch or whatever to the respective team.
Wanted to write an image viewer for terminal and didn't know about sixels
Logan Turner
Along Regis sixels rock, there is a modified GNU Screen that makes sixels work on the TTY, no X needed to view pictures or watch videos on the terminal. Is insane.
Hunter Peterson
is there something like mupdf, but for doc and docx files? i don't want to open libre office every time
Daniel Bell
Unfortunately not real. We still have to make 'em that way. Just some artwork by Yamashita Shun'ya.
Parker Hall
You can use catdoc to just see the contents of doc files or conver doc(x) files with pandoc to OpenOffice formats and view them with WordGrinder.
Mistaken reference, I meant You do your thing with the surplus AA option they removed because it broke like pic related. Patch it back in or whatever you need to do.
Is there a universal way to disable all man/doc/html/references/examples/etc during build time? I'm cross compiling for android and i dont need all of that bloat
Jayden Hill
From which program? Some include an option to ignore manpages during compilation.
Brody Hill
>stability meme at least do it right and use CentOS >up to date meme at least do it right and use Debian Sid
Aaron Scott
Literally every package on the system.
Isaiah Jones
Fellas I narrowed it down, I'm gonna use Kali for pen testing. Ubuntu for gaymes and I don't know if Debian Stable or CentOS for my main university os. What does Jow Forums recommend for stability, up to dateness and security? Taking obviously first security, second stability and very last bleeding edge. I don't see clear if Debian or CentOS is more up to date, I want the newer compilers most of the time, since I want to be able to compile git code.
Lucas Ross
Good for you but >Kali for pen testing This way you can have all the tools from Kali from any DEB based distro like Debian or Ubuntu.
Nicholas Turner
How experienced are you with GNU/Linux? If you know how to compile then fuck stability, you make your system stable by either keeping compatibility or not having conflicting packages. For bleeding edge and security the source based distros are the best.
Adam Reyes
>stability, up to dateness and security Arch.Set aside an hour on the weekend to update the system(Not that you need a whole hour). Use timeshift to setup managed backups and should anything fuck up you have a system image to restore to. Selinux is doable on arch but kinda fuckey but apparmour+firejail is a very nice combo. You dont have to patch in apparmour anymore either, so just install the userland tools and you're set. >games Arch has the latest graphics drivers and has the latest proton as a system lib. >newer compilers Its very easy to setup llvm+clang and just use an export to enable clang or you can use the programs build config to point it to /usr/ for the toolchain. Or create a custom toolchain and point everything to it Meme's aside, arch fits in all these categories and will be a good fit.
Christopher Martinez
Dead OS? Dead? Seriously? I just spent all day on a laptop with a dead os configuring a router that runs firmware derived from a dead os while following instructions on a phone with a dead os’s kernel. What was I thinking using this dead os?
Jeremiah Sullivan
Arch is not the same good ol distro it was when it lost its inits. Is pointless to use it since then.
William Sullivan
No. But Gentoo is pretty well-prepared to do that with -doc. Figures you delete the man pages or whatever remains after and you're done.
Well i havent tried CRUX, im happy with my gentoo but if decide to change gentoo probably im going to try to test make a LFS
Nicholas Sanchez
You can have a systemdless arch, its as easy as replacing some packages and writing a conf
Blake Ortiz
I've tried a fuckton of distros and CRUX is one of the two that more closely resembles with a LFS install. You could literally use their package manager and their scripts in an LFS and you have a CRUX. But I am diverging.
I've never thought about what I've lost since I met CRUX, the distro from which Arch is based from. Is a sad sad sad fact knowing Arch had ports.
Anthony Hall
I know, but I don't want to have any distractions while using those tools. If it's wifi inspecting wifi goes out anyway. And having tools like that on the background is not that I see it as a vulnerability, but they are just in the way when I'm not using them. So I'll just have a partition for it outside of my daily driver. I'm somewhat experienced reading manuals and troubleshooting by myself. But some git things I try to compile just don't get compiled with the recommended instructions. Also of you are bleeding edge you need something like , backups. But having to do that is kinda pointless, I mean if I have to study, open a xorg session with the docs I want to read, but it doesn't work, I'm just loosing my time there so fuck it, I need an os that I don't need to mantain. That's why Debian people contribute and maintain the package so that you don't have to maintain it yourself. Ok I may will consider it as a hobby aside of CentOS or Debian, but only if the mainline in the source "repositories" is really as stable as Debian Stable or RHEL, heck I even doubt is as stable as Ubuntu since they have very few devs. And I love the Gentoo documentation, everything looks nice. Also, Tux may be a Gentoo™ Penguin
it only did that if the game itself had built in AA. You wouldnt need this option if the game had built in AA. You have to explicitly enable this option as an argument before launching the game
in other words, it only is a bad thing if you go out of your way to try and use it when you dont even need it and now theres people out there with games with no in-built AA, which used to be able to have AA enabled, 6 fucking years ago
it amazes me that anyone thinks such REGRESSIONS are acceptable
Jayden Thompson
yes as hobby (like most people call this a hobbyist distribution) is ok, you learn a lot in the process, also in the irc of gentoo (Freenode: #gentoo) they always help people it isnt as elitist as most people think, if you want to ask something just go to the irc
Adrian Williams
>I even doubt is as stable as Ubuntu since they have very few devs Not so few, and I am not a Gentoo guy. Anyway, check on "ports", is an automatic way to automate compilation.