Using C++

>using C++

Attached: zoe-quinn-667x500.jpg (667x500, 62K)

Why does she have a swastika on her wrist?

>not using C plus plus

no papa

top 10 gamer momments

I'd write a good review for her """game""" if it meant I never had to look at her again


>share a coke zero with a gamer
No, I'd rather not drink that shit.

Time to manufacture another incel outrage mob against her.


you mean "it"

Why she have a swastika tattooed on her wrist?

You mean
>using java

>swastika tattoo on wrist
>bag of doll parts in the red bag in the corner
>dislocated jaw
>red cup of piss on the floor
what is going on here?

Cpp is garbage and so is Java C# and all other OPP bloat.

Use C, Go and functional Javascript

has a dick, isn't a 'her'

What’s good about go?

Zoe stop posting your pictures.

thinking about a burger what should i get?

Attached: 1534865666344.png (1200x1400, 502K)

>not programming exclusively in assembly

C++ says "Type safety is good" and simultaneously has spent the past 15 years or so making every interesting innovation about circumventing the type system.

It's more that C++ has no idea what it wants to be.