
Why is this allowed? What would you do?

Attached: Current state of development.png (792x2129, 147K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>locked and limited
>no response

>What would you do?
"I feel personally threatened by your discrimination against my beliefs, and I ask that you go away. If you keep harassing me or my project I will ban you and report you for harassment."

Did anything happen to him?

Why are the biggest SJWs white males and white "women"? And then Jow Forums has the audacity to point fingers at literally everyone else. It's a fucking racket.

Paradoxically, it takes a minimum amount of IQ to fall for bullshit.

Why would Tyrone care about these trivial problems?

He was never heard from again

You're literally that Jow Forums at a KKK meeting with /sci/ and Jow Forums meeting meme.

I'll answer your question the slightly more SJW way then

"white guilt"

see: diversity hiring

Its a tactic to stay in ¨power¨ positions because they know they are privileged white pipo so they put on a costume (literally) and pretend to not be privileged white pipo.

You mean (((white)))

How about not giving a fuck and closing the thread?

No I just mean white. Jews do it a lot too though.

I have no idea what you're even talking about. Here's a (you)

Attached: you.jpg (468x750, 184K)

This is war being waged here. Not white either, but this needs to stop.

Quite simply, what these people are harassment. You can throw their morals back at them and then some.

>CoC being pushed by SJW
Why on fucking Earth do you have to accept code from people just because they feel discriminated in their personal lives?
Fuck this shit. This is sick. I don't care in this case because it's Python, and moreover it's web shit, so to the hell with them. But holy shit man.

>make false flag

Post it on Jow Forums 3 years later

Easy on the conspiracy's Alex.


Attached: MerchantCoin.webm (480x360, 598K)

These people actually exist?

Liberalism is a white ideology. Which is why i always laugh when stormtards praise the white race so much

So what happened? Did he accept the CoC?

Isn't being forced to accept a CoC against your will the definition of rape?

Well django has a coc now, so yeah.

Close it and not engage with a person who represents less than 1% of users because I'm not fucking retarded.

He added a CoC.


Women have brains that are more emotional and less rational than males, which makes them much more impressionable than men. Jewish elites know this and target them with the media they own. So, yes, the Jewish elites are the problem, and not women, who can't help being born the way they are.

This has nothing to do with liberalism. Neoliberalism has nothing to do with liberalism, it's an intentionally deceiving name. Neoliberalism is a Jewish ideology with the goal of creating a world with a single government controlled by the elites, so that the masses have nowhere to run from their oppression. Progressivism is part of the neoliberal agenda which also makes it a Jewish ideology, and it was designed to brainwash the more impressionable masses to adopt subversive ideas to help destroy their own societies and nations to make them more vulnerable to an assimilation by the one world government. That's the reason behind all of this SJW nonsense with Linux and everything else. We can't stop this shit if we don't go after the true originators, the Jewish elites.

His first mistake was to respond to that person. You should never engage with the SJW harassment.
Their only objective is to either
a. bend you under their social rules
b. keep harassing you to show what happens if you don’t obey.
They do not actually care about the “issues” they fabricate – it’s just a way in.

However, I understand the impulse to respond when you know you are right and have done nothing wrong. In the end you’ll find out that there is no response calm, right, or intelligent enough to appease the SJW harasser as it was never about the issue, only about control.

What if I told you that most of Jow Forums is POC with nazi fetish? No legit white people spend that much time wondering which nations are really white.

i urge you reconsider the for good and future of this project :)

smilies are so passive aggressive.

His Coc is a "code of merit" in disguise.
>Silence GitHub's reminder to add a code of conduct.
>Non technical conflicts will be discussed in a separate space. Disruption of the project will not be allowed.
>Individual characteristics, including but not limited to, body, sex, sexual preference, race, language, religion, nationality, or political preferences are irrelevant in the scope of the project and will not be taken into account concerning your value or that of your contribution to the project.

He got dropped from almost everything. Pretty sure he was a big python contributor and organizer in Puerto Rico.

He essentially got swept up in the gamergate.
He was part of the start of the cancer that currently plagues us.

Open source development is not supposed to be a criminal court. Who gives a shit if a developer says something politically incorrect. Fuck off

Attached: wew.jpg (800x800, 477K)

>Liberalism is a white ideology.
Every ideology is a white ideology. Every other country had fuck all going on in when whites invented every single ideology that exists today and any variation in other cultures interpretation is still derivative of core ideologies started in Europe.

This is the answer. Codes of merit as a response and the only way to maintain integrity.

open source was destined to fail because communism always fails. communism removes all natural incentives to create and replaces them by politics and clique warfare.
start respecting yourself, start believing in you - start making commercial software!

The funny thing is that this kind of behavior creates resentment. Therefore it spreads actual racism. Why are liberals supporting racism?

based and checked

Unironically this.

no absolutely retarded
open source is not communism

Unironically this
if Jow Forums and Jow Forums worked out a Code of Merit together, Jow Forums would basically have a libertarian weapon to 'cleanse' software infested by retarded CoC's and Jow Forums has software development based on merit back
desu this seems like a government psyop seed but it could work effectively
why doesn't anyone commit a code od merit to linux and let them accept that en masse
it would btfo an sjw coc easily

Attached: brainlet_wojak_2.png (768x752, 88K)

>Jow Forums and Jow Forums code of merit
>whoever says CIA nigger the most times on social media without getting moderated gets commit access
good luck with that

This is why you don't respond to SJW shills. You delete their posts and deny them their voice entirely.

This but unironically

Attached: pol meetup.jpg (1374x1031, 120K)

Damn son can't argue with that post #

this is kinda scary desu

but user, everyone is a cia're one aswell
but a code of merit would work right, so why hasn't it been implemented?

can't quibble with the quads!

hitler is rolling in his grave right now

>start making commercial software!
You don't think the same shit happens at big companies?
Microsoft, Google, Apple, all these places will have some code of conduct internally.
All this shit was invented by corporations who were afraid of getting sued.

>in your profile picture you sure seem white :)
this is the darkest timeline

>what would you do?
Ban the tranny for stirring up shit that wasn't even an issue to begin with. Who wants this absolute cancer in their community?

>implying Hitler is dead

Attached: 1529577309445.jpg (600x600, 34K)

I think the point was to start your own company and be your own boss. Then let the market decide what's better.

The maintainer is making the noob mistake of trying to reason with an idiot/troll.
There can be only one outcome and the troll knows this.
The troll will drag the discussion down to its level and beat the maintainer with experience.
In the meantime, observers won't be able to tell the difference between the two.
The only way to win is to refuse to play.