Programmers are importan-

Programmers are importan-

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I love how pic related triggers every CS student.

>the only way non-programmers can feel useful is if society regresses to the stone age

>This fucking thread again

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I pray everyday for this to happen

this, it would be MAX comfy

The reality would probably be global starvation, then the Neets emerge from their shielded basements and die without reproducing.



t. Programmers are high IQ. They can easily pick up a new profession if need be.

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It does?

>even in a non-tech world, fags still fight over applel

Engineers are dominating the world since the darkest ages. I would take any logical thinking job and still be part of the master race. Stay mad brainlets.

Truck drivers are importan-
>The truck Grinch steals all the trucks overnight

Most programmers are also skilled mathematicians and there will be need for them even after global shutdown, cause average Joe can't into math.

If this were to happen, how long do you reckon until we've got some reasonable amount of technology back up, assuming not too many people with relevant knowledge die?

This applies to lawyers, dentists, pilots and a lot of other modern jobs though

>Most programmers are also skilled mathematicians

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>Programmers are high IQ.
o i m laffin


near instantly

>first few years of working were on my fathers building site before I went to uni
yeah nah I'd be fine

>he thinks the gubmint wont come out of the shielded zones and fix everything
>he thinks the trannyopolis can be stopped by nature
lol god can't help us

I like how the author isn't a boomer but an Irish liberal basedboy

>can't just retrain and do manual labour

volstarves are the worst


>the exception is the rule

I'd rather pray for SAO's NerveGear so I could escape the world in specified schedule.
And IIRC we need programmers, data scientists and many other engineers and scientists for that.
Science FTW?

I usually pray for the following
nuke > me ruling the world and genociding most of it > medieval times

I don't look at my job security as being in risk of solar flares.
Not only is that a gross misunderstanding of what'd happen a third world war would be a greater risk to me (due to death) and the industry as most of software development would be completely useless in that environment. The web monkeys just wouldn't be useful. You'd never let them program the next generation of missiles.

that's why you broaden your knowledge. if only thing you're good at is fizzbuzz you'll get what's coming to you eventually.

nice being exceptional tb'h

Programmers are puny nerd losers. They can't do physical labour and they lack social skills. They would get absolutely ass raped in a post-apocalyptic enviroment

This is why I have so many assault rifles and tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition.

joke on you I have type one diabetes so i'd die regardless of my job

Wouldn't this event cause a spike in programmer demand? Someone's gotta reprogram all that shit.

So would you and most people.
Evaluating someone by skils needed in a stalker zone in a civilized environment is like shitting on a fish just beacuse it can't fly: it doesn't have to and neither you can.

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Programmers solve problems. There's no shortage of problems even in that scenario.

Well guess what? It can't! This scenario cannot happen. A solar flare can only take out satellites and the power grid. Small electronic devices are pretty much immune. Smartphones would weather such a scenario well. They don't require much power and they have their energy storage. We'd see smartphone charging stands popup overnight and phones would start mesh networking.
Oh yeah and for a small price we can immunize the power grid to this threat.

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>dude imagine if electricity just stopped existing
What the fuck am I viewing?

a solar storm would wipe out the grid for months if not years


Comp Sci is literally the art of describing processes and how they work. The handling of the processes also includes improving their efficiency. It's the abstract "how", building the base of all other sciences together with it's twin mathematics, which describes the "is" state of something.

you are thinking in an engineer

>Smartphones would weather such a scenario well.
However most base stations would be fried along with most computer centres. FAANG would be offline. Also hospitals, power stations and distribution systems, factories and much of our infrastructure would be in ruins.

I'm a ripped programmer who sometimes fucks girls ask me anything

How do you tuck away her penis

just use batteries lol

>girls ask me anything
Even about punctuation?

>This scenario cannot happen. A solar flare can only take out satellites and the power grid.
Some might say it wouldn't happen because destruction of all existing electronic circuitry doesn't cause everyone to forget how to produce and manufacture it again, but that works too.

nah. they have failsafes built in to disconnect parts of the grid if the current overloads.

Why is Hank Hill about to get his dick sucked by Bill in the background of the last panel?

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I was looking for this image for ages; thanks for posting it user.

More motivation to use your techshekels to buy food, water, weapons, ammo, medical supplies, training in various skills, and ideally, some land out in the sticks where you can set up a shelter. Software development shouldn't be the only skill you train in life.

.t jelly starved art school graduate that can't even draw a human face that isn't a mediocre cartoon

Oh the joy

Hi, Programmers are high IQ. They can easily pick up a new profession if need be.. You have a funny name

Lost episode storyboard. Bill's freelance work wasn't cutting it so he lowered his standards. Going from Peggy to Hank was a hard decision and Bill's about to find out.

me too bruh

This is why I became a construction worker instead of going to school for CS. Gonna get so many blowjobs from you guys when the EMP hits.

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Lol no. Just about the only damage solar flares can do is pop transformers, that's it. The electrical distribution grid goes down, but everything attached to it will work just fine. The induced currents will only be strong enough to damage things atrached to wires many kilometers long.
Again, solar flares cannot destroy all electronic devices.

can someone explain what this pic is trying to say?

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Good programmers are also pragmatic and effective problem solvers. Good programmers are naturally curious, have had that curiosity for years, and are likely handy because of it. Some of us will be okay.

chad PLEASE fuck my boipucci i need a real man to order me around

Why is Bill giving Hank a blow job?

You need to watch a lot of woodworking and blacksmithing videos so you'll know how to build shit with hand tools when SHTF.

Adding in the gay blowjob prostitution is kinda weird...

i would become a priest or a monk

>would get ass raped
When's the bad part ?

It'll take centuries. When Rome collapsed, Europe devolved into and remained stone-aged conditions for almost a millennia.

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It's not impossible, but if nothing goes horribly wrong, blue collar workers will be useless pretty soon

Stop it

Nah. I'm pretty good at gardening and sort of ok at basic carpentry and sometimes wish for this so I could live a more natrual life. I like coding, but that's only because we live in a lame time when no one is being creative to overcome the discomforts of barely surviving, so I have nothing better to do.
I miss being in the woods and taking home a basket of edible plants. More than anything else, I know how to forrage edible food in my area.
Plus I have breadboard sets and radio equipment in a faraday box.
I'm so ready
Pls Mr EMP

Because the world always needs propane and propane accessories. Military barbers can't working without their fancy electric clippers.

can we not just rebuild our shit?

The power lines might get fucked, but everything else on the ground will be fine. Only mile-long conductors will generate enough current to fry. Your car, phone, computer, house, etc won't even notice. Sun-side satellites will also likely get wiped, probably not enough error recovery to survive

Yeah sure just let me Goog....

Oh no.

Bioscience engineer with major in agriculture working as a programmer master race reporting in

>announcing an observation by asking a question
maximum soi

What a waste of the degree.

Why haven't you learned a trade yet?

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>my superior analytical mind with help me in the coming apocalypse

Kek, the absolute state of programmers

Visual Basic and C# programmers are already doing this.
Truly dr and future proof.

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I recognise that gay blowjob

A whimsical comic, made by a whimsical artist, which has become a Jow Forums meme and gets overused as if it was a strong political argument. You might as well cite Garfield in a discussion on Italian cuisine. It is an effective troll though.

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You don't seam to understand.

You can start your own business as a self employed gardener. You won't be rich but if you like the work then it's not bad.

This is great.

Nah, I'm pretty sure you say that so you could get away with some nasty shit like murder or rape.
People who want societal/time regression only want it to reduce the level of surveillance of modern society, so they could commit crime and increase the chances of getting away with it.

So sorry Jimbo, those medieval rape fantasies will have to remain fantasies.

>nasty shit like murder or rape
Fuck off normalfag

Programmers are socially inept, physically degenerated, and moronically out of tune with any field requiring intellect outside of talking to a machine, so they would be the first ones to go not on the basis of uselessness but on the basis of not being able to cope with social and physical requirements of a post-apocalypse. They'd simply get killed off first, before any women, children, or elderly.

>Being a rape apologist
Yes user, we all know you hate women.
Go back to /pok/.

>only women can be raped
Found the femcel.

fuck off nigger

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>75632134th time we had this reddit thread
>still gets 100 replies
remember when Jow Forums wasn't underage?

> he doesn't lift

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I remember when Jow Forums had daily loli threads, so you should fuck off to whatever shithole you came from newfaggot?

Daily reminder that men get raped in Africa by matriarchs who force them to masturbate and nobody cares.
it's hella funny.