Year of the BSD desktop

Year of the BSD desktop.

Attached: 1509359033554.png (1680x1050, 960K)

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just downloaded netbsd yesterday, this week i'll install in virtualbox.

What video games it has?


Why not OpenBSD?

that's a fucking compiler

Installed GhostBSD in a virtual machine. Looks good so far.

Attached: gbsd.jpg (1280x800, 258K)

Make your own games then faggot.

Because it actually has hardware support
Although I'd like to see NetBSD compared to DragonflyBSD

Moving all of my servers from GNU/Linux to NetBSD thanks to all this idiotic SJW bullshit.

Anything can be a game if you try hard enough user :^)

it unironically looks better than any Linux distro

Does it?
Is there a list of supported hardware somewhere?

Now, that's an old screenshot.

Why NetBSD and not FreeBSD or OpenBSD?

i liek gnome-shell t bh

Does your psychotherapist know about it?

pretty ok

it's only hard if you're not smart enough

>Year of the BSD desktop.
Whenever it stops looking like it's from '89.

>Year of the BSD desktop.
Top Kek indeed sir.

Lets make it the year of the OpenBSD or NetBSD desktop.

Attached: theo-quote.png (493x745, 5K)

quads are true

Didn't Linus just write Linux as a hobby project for his personal OS? And of course GNU started because Unix was not free. So Theo is very wrong there.

You can emulate the original PlayStation on it. I am fairly sure I did 15 years ago.

Why is hardware support better on NetBSD than OpenBSD?

Because OpenBSD is slower as they're more security focused.

yea linus was playing around and used it with gnu

Someone post that HardenedBSD/FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD security-feature chart with FreeBSD having no checks whatsoever.

OpenBSD is CoC-proof. Theo is never going to relinquish his right to be an asshole.

here desu

Are NetBSD and Dragonfly any different in terms of compatibility with newer pcs and hardware than open/free/trueos/ghost? None of those worked for any of my pcs.

lenovo and hp pavilion btw

That's the one. One thing it doesn't show, though, is the vastly superior code quality of the userland and kernel on OpenBSD.

As one example of many I've come across, look how simply and cleanly and obviously correctly the OpenBSD rtld sanitizes environment variables vs. the FreeBSD rtld's reliance on the convoluted unsetenv(3).

imagine caring to appear you don't hate microsoft and it's nigger cattle

Attached: choerrysmile.jpg (400x400, 32K)

What is the most modern variant of *BSD ?
I know a little bit about linux but nothing at all about BSD

Because netBSD will run on a literal toaster

Attached: netbsdtoaster_0.jpg (384x512, 26K)

BSD is trash

I'm going to install NetBSD on my thinkpad T61 today!