Why not just make a fork without the CoC?
Why not just make a fork without the CoC?
Why didn't the fucking trannies make their own with one? Why should people who have worked on Linux for years be forced out by cock sucking faggots?
Because the current maintainers are confirmed fags(yes, including Linus).
A fork with non-faggots maintainers would prevent this kind of shit from happening.
> non-faggots maintainers
have fun being by yourself. The only people panicking over this shit are retards from Jow Forums.
>The only people panicking over this shit are retards from Jow Forums.
Sure thing buddy:
Most of the community is against it.
based, and I mean BASED tranny!
>All according to plan
based pajeet
based pajeet
based loobro
poo in the xenofeminism
based pajeet can shit in my street any day
SJWs are run by the corps. What do you think diversity officers do but use social justice as a marketing weapon against their rivals?
>open source devs can't work towards a common goal then infights until it dies episode
Lol who cares this shit always happens it's why I cbf with Linux too many forks and nothing standardised
Ironically the open nature of nix will be its downfall mentally ill degenerates even ruining operating systems just like they have video games for the past decade.
Fuck you Linux literal faggots imma keep pirating windows
> tfw ended racism
Jow Forums - Jow Forums
Sadly politics are involved in everything, including technology. Deal with it.
This post is a dead giveaway of someone who has no idea how the Linux Kernel development works.
You literally made a thread against a commit on a read-only cloned repository of the kernel that no one reads because all the real contributors and maintainers use the mailing list for communication. Congratulations. You just proved you are a retard from Jow Forums that knows nothing about Linux.
>tranny bolshevist SEETHING that his faggot retardation is very unpopular
oh but dont worry, we arent going to make the mistakes russia did in the last century
>there has to be 10 threads about the tranny ruining linux at all times
Reminder that this 'lulz' article is fake bullshit.
>replies with ad hominem
go back
the people will choose to physically remove you
Funny how you're more concerned about the alarms ringing than the actual fire.
>real contributors and maintainers never make public posts
Wtf I love pajeets now
You can poo in my designated shitting street any day sir
>Why not just make a fork without the CoC?
Why didn't the satanist just make a fork with the CoC?
Because they know no one would voluntarily use their shit. The only way these mentally deranged people would be able to create an impact is force their degeneracy down everyone's throats.
Why do you think this is happening? Because a lot of pol users use Linux maybe? If you're blind enough to disenfranchise a substantial amount of users from the os that already has little to no market share then perhaps you deserve to have that tranny as your overlord.
Why not fuck CoC version of Linux and create new fork?
This is not about sexual orientation, or even left or right, it's a very specific cult.
wow look at this literal nazi, it's like reading stormfront.
Exactly and yet we have people that will still defend it and claim it's no big deal. I dunno what it's going to take to get these morons to understand what is happening here. I really do think these people are so fucking delusional, they could be standing into a collapsing building and they're swear up and down that everything's fine as everyone around them runs out.
And it shall be called... Loonix.
npcs suffer from severe normalcy bias.
>Why not just make a fork without the CoC?
This is what I have been wondering.
If a fork won't be made, then why don't you just make one yourself?
Jow Forums failed to make a dystro so instead of trying to complain about it, why not just make a Jow Forums approved fork?
Hell, you can name it, make a logo for it and modify it to your choosing to ensure the most kino shitposting experience while also being able to enjoy other things as well.
Fully functional, Jow Forums approved, no commies, no faggots, no trannies, no CoC, just a system based around what werks. All on free software.
If Jow Forums can pull nyaa out of the dirt when it went belly-up in little over a day or less, then I am confident that you all can pull together and channel your autism one more time to pull what can be the greatest achievement of on this site.
Please don't die thread.
Talk about it!
nice gaslighting attempt, but almost everyone is unhappy about it even the retards on reddit
....so uh why not just pick out a random linux distrubition and literall the people that got kicked out work on that in a matter of months not years but months most of the talent will have switched (except big companies) to the distro/"new" kernel
It's been done, the problem is you need developers to move to it or else you have to maintain it yourself from all the updates to the mainline and you need to convince people to use your forked kernel, which would be difficult.
Basically, forking it alone doesn't solve anything.
The indian version already has that name.
Goddamn pajeets stealing our memes.
Look I'm upset about this as you are, and I'm a pretty massive faggot myself. Politics, identity politics especially, has no place in this sort of shit, and I am sick and tired of seeing other tranners fuck everything up. This needs to fucking stop.
You're not getting it. You think these people are just going to fuck off if all of these developers make a whole new OS? Nope they'll just migrant to the new one and pull this bullshit again. And again I'll ask this question, why should guys who have been working on linux for years if not decades have to do this anyway? It's not fair to them and won't fix the bigger issue here. Sjws will destroy the new one anyway.
It's the same people that is forcing flat chested women into media in order to normalize pedophilia
Also I feel like it's worth asking because it's something I see over and over again. Maybe I'm just a rarity since I'm a tranner is the opposite direction, but why do these middle aged men who suddenly decide that they're qt rainbow anime girls always become derranged, lose their shit and fall off the deep end? My only logical conclusion is that it's the hormones. I genuinely believe nuking their balls and taking estrogen pills is making them go insane.
look at this conspiracy nut. the media would never try to normalize pedos.
Kill yourselves redditors
How does this happen in the first place? How do people who make no contributions to a project get into positions of power within that project?
Like, literally who is this "CoC" author and why do they have any sort of say about community policies and the like?
Why can't the actual contributors just ignore this bullshit all together?
you invited those people. not the corporation.
>Signed-off-by: Linus Torvalds
something is definitely wrong if linus is silent at a time like this
wtf I love India now
I know they won't fuck off but there is a chance to just lock them out.
The only way to not be ruined by sjws is to not let them in i the first place. Yeh tehy will complain but they only have themselves to blame. They aren't special people, they are just the extremely loud, obnoxious minority of people who feel entitled to be involved in whatever they please and ruin it from the inside or out.
(((They))) most certainly blackmailed him.
everyone i know and work with is bothered by this. i doubt any one of them, me included, browse pol.
>it's a Jow Forums and Jow Forums creates github account to shitpost about something all over again story
Go on the LKML and try to get some shit disccussed here. I want to read actual linux devs talking about the issue, not edgy anons scared about the first pink hairy guy they see
I don't understand the fuss. It's open source so why not just fork it and remove the CoC?
>That neat shirt
>Those neat glasses
>Clean shaven face
>Proper chin, kind eyes
>That sharply brushed hair
>Perfect english
>Sound mind
Based Pajeet you can shit in my street any time you want.
>I don't understand the fuss. It's open source so why not just fork it and remove the CoC?
I don't understand the fuss. The constitution is open source so why not just make a new USA and remove the CoC?
The CoC'd version has so much existing infrastructure a small country couldn't pay for it if they wanted
That's a good pajeet. I am fine with pajeets like him working at IT in USA.
I don't understand the fuss. It's open source so why not just fork it and remove the CoC?
Because Jow Forumsfaggots need another fake controversy and conspiracy to whine about for literally years on end while nothing in the real world actually happens.
I don't understand the fuss. It's open source so why not just fork it and remove the CoC?
why not just fork it and remove the CoC?.
based paid shills
Because Jow Forums is too lazy to do it. The only thing Jow Forums can do is draw shitty logos.
A certain feminist group has tried to frame Linus for rape before. Said feminists also work for Intel.
Because Microsoft shills and Jow Forumstards are trying to destroy the free software movement. That's why.
>Waaahhhhh! big meanie Jow Forums gaped my asshole AGAIN!
if you don't like it then kys yourself
Do you think if you scream Jow Forums loud enough it will make it true or something? Like it's only Jow Forums that is in favor of a meritocracy or something.
wrong, faggot. The problem with the CoC is it's establishing an ideological hedgemony based on anti-meritocracy. It's fundamentally anathema to open-source principles.
Open source is not and has never been a meritocracy.
>Jow Forums is trying to fight against a naked attempt by various interested parties to destroy one of the last bastions of freedom using idpol as a proxy
o my god how awful of them
Have you faggots actually read any critics of meritocracy before? You're all screaming like it's some bizarre far-left thing, but the idea of meritocracy has been critiqued to hell and back in academia and economics literally for decades largely due to the fact "meritocracy" is largely just an ideological moral cover for unjust heirarchy and the fact that most heirarchies are built on anything but merit.
Remember programmers have a right to revoke.
Weakness of meritocracy is that it tends to turn into nepotism before long, when those people with claimed merit inherit their jobs and wealth to their unworthy children or affiliates.
But anyone who actually opposes meritocracy should ask themselves this: When you have a heart condition and need a surgery, would you choose A) qualified doctor, or B) unqualified one? If you choose A) you chose him because of his merits.
Ah yes, so the solution is to just skip the meritocracry part and just get to the nepotism. Brilliant.
Based pink freak crashing this os with no survivors
Why not do both?
Or the solution is to ban nepotism altogether within claimed meritocracies. This Linus chimp-out happened thanks to his feminist daughter pushing him to hand over the project to her. These recent events are a textbook example of nepotism ruining meritocracy.
it has more to do with decades of mental torment and depression suddenly being relieved by a "i don't give a fuck" and "i need to make up for all these years" mentality. also a complete lack of guidance by more sane people.
>I genuinely believe nuking their balls and taking estrogen pills is making them go insane.
fucking retarded
anyways the only "tranny" mentioned in the article is a cis girl attention whore who calls herself "non-binary trans masc" so i don't even know what you are talking about here.
>Ada Initiative, a radical feminist tech agency
>centered around dudes who cut off their dick
Literally trying to replace women while claiming it's being done for them. You gotta admit they have a sense of humor, even if its a bit sadistic.
source pls?
All according योजना.
योजना means plan.
Pretty much this. Why can’t/pol/tards stay in their containment board?
>image boards are containments
Why don't you stay in reddit?
nvmd, found it myself:
This is a tech board not a political one gtfo.
>Please don't die thread.
>Talk about it!
The threads aren't dying; the mods keep deleting them or moving then to Jow Forums
It's ironic that those that complain about these threads are saying the are "shitting up the board with 'politics'".
That's the exact reason people are mad about the CoC in the Linux community. It's sole purpose is to play politics.
And climate change has been a thing for quite a time. If you have been alive 2 decades max you couldnt give less of a shit.
>nice gaslighting attempt, but almost everyone is unhappy about it even the retards on reddit
The mods on r/linux were actually deleting posts which only made people more mad. That whole site sucks balls anyway and is one big circle jerk.
we wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place if it wasn't for people like you who try to ignore what's going on around them. you can bitch all you want but you are going to be forced into politics whether you like it or not.
She posted on Twitter attacking Tso as a board member calling him a "rape apologist"and making note that he did not sign the CoC.
What her argument was about was that, in a discussion about sexual harassment, Tso began mentioning rape statistics and tried to explain there are varying degrees of rape...from 'eye rape to actual violent rape.
She blocked anyone pointing out her error.
Isn't it an actual she in this case?
Gets so confusing with these left-wingers, only the high level politicians are non-trannies anymore.