A tranny who is isn't even a programmer created an account in Github JUST to spread the cancerous CoC non-sense again, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
A tranny who is isn't even a programmer created an account in Github JUST to spread the cancerous CoC non-sense again, REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
CoC/systemd sounds like a nice OS
I'm okay with this
True, sounds like the kind of OS you'd use after a long day of work to relax to some tranny porn.
Why care?
I am not even mad... That's actually good.
False flag.
I don't support systemd but
>mfw all of these major FOSS projects are getting the CoC(k)
Everyone knows Jow Forums don't like systemd. I don't care. If those faggots become successful again, you know they won't just stop here.
The spirit of FOSS is going to degrade more and more faggots.
OP here. I'm not even ((WHITE)) to begin with. Fuck off you cancerous insecure tranny.
They got linux. Getting the other projects doesn't matter.
At least, let's have a laugh at poottering's meltdown
>If those faggots become successful again, you know they won't just stop here.
We've lost Linux. Why care anymore?
what happens if systemd gets CoCed and the contributors pull their code. do we get linux without systemd. this could turn out surprisingly well.
So Jow Forums will just give up?
Do you think faggots who work at redhat will pull they're code? They won't be ready to loose their job lmao
Out of curiosity, I decided to look at CoralineAda's repositories. Her most starred repo is PostMeritocracy
>tyrone spent his high school years, getting into trouble, starting fights, and impregnating women
>therefore he must ???
Seriously. What is she even suggesting here. That we accept PRs from gay black transgendered midgets without checking to see if their code is even good?
If it had happened before they got Linux, one could argue that it's important to stop them until they got Linux.
But now? Jow Forums ain't a place of systemd lovers. It's the opposite now, Jow Forums would be happy for systemd to die under BBQ+ warriors.
Praise Theo.
redhat faggots often are the ones behind this SJW shit. for example that master/slave pythonfag is a redhat employee
It's obvious that those trannies are Jow Forumslacks that want the train to hit the wall as hard and fast as it can. Especially attacking System D out of all things. I saw threads about people planning this, they're pushjng harder to get more people mad.
>That we accept PRs from gay black transgendered midgets without checking to see if their code is even good?
equality of outcome. aka equity. the left's big goal
>I saw threads about people planning this
wuh where? wtf
you strung together a bunch of words and yet not a single concrete thing came out of it.
friendly reminder that projects like gnome and mozilla give money to those type of people
I don't know, can't find it anymore, either Jow Forums or Jow Forums
>make tranny accounts
>search github projects for 'offensive' terms like master/slave/class or even numbers like 88 inside code
>complain to accelerate the shitstorm
Obvious false flag. Sage.
>I don't know, can't find it anymore
Wow, what a coincidence.
You see folks? Give them a finger and xhey'll bite your hand off.
la redditor...
Even a retarded kid could notice that the one linked in OP is a troll, it's a new account created a few days ago and has nothing besides the CoC shit in the history.
i meant if the redhat developers accept the CoC and the rest of the kernel developers pull theirs. it would split the majority of the kernel from systemd. i really doubt the kernel developers would pull their code just to throw it away. a systemd-less linux fork is far more likely if that's what ends up happening.
>no proof
>Jow Forums hasn't been accelerationist for a couple years now
>defending systemd
trannies are trying to gaslight Jow Forums now. (You) must be really worried about this.
>>no proof
Don't have my browser history on my phone
>>Jow Forums hasn't been accelerationist for a couple years now
Ohh you...
>>defending systemd
How did I defend systemd, it's just obvious it would be the first thing to be attacked by trolls
>trannies are trying to gaslight Jow Forums now. (You) must be really worried about this.
Nah, I just want to watch it all burn to the ground.
Unlike Linux, I'm glad of systemd gets fucked, so who cares.
>As a non-binary transgender person I am deeply concerned by lack of diversity in the systemd project. It does not look like a safe space for marginalized groups.
That sounds so much like a false flag, given the sheer amount of buzzwords strung together
The rest is well written though, so I'm not sure
Born in Guatemala City, Guatemala
We're not your personal army retard
Oh no no no no no....
just use Windows
The resistance has begun. Heavy hitter Eric S. Raymond has weighed in, and it's not looking good for CoC thumpers.
portable version
well that result doesn't surprise me in the least.
I sincerely wonder if some people are posting this shit to troll or if they are actually serious.
why was anyone still using systemd anyway
Fuck linux and fuck mentally ill trannies and their enablers. I am almost at the point where after a decade I ditch linux for good.
Unless control of the narrative can be taken back from these freaks.
>systemdick will have a coc
where were you went the current state of opensource is literally "le famous reddit double donger"
They're eating their own.
SystemD is one vector through which they are subverting Linux.
>Let's discuss this offline at the systemd hackfest at All Systems Go! on sunday. Many systemd core contributors will be around then, and I think discussing this off-line is a much better approach than doing so online where things could be derailed easily.
based poettering
Don't worry, 45% chance it wont be a problem for long.
Uh, made sense to me? Maybe get your eyes checked.
>That we accept PRs from gay black transgendered midgets without checking to see if their code is even good?
Checking code based on what.. merit?
The entire page is about ending the concept of merit.
why didnt they listen to rms
CoC is not free software!
Is this a fucken joke?
I can't tell the ironic shitposting from the ideologically possessed anymore
ESR is the hero we need right now.
The virgin "not my problem" RMS
The Chad "Crashing this kernel. WITH NO SURVIVORS!" ESR
he's a freaking nobody tranny-level irrelevant, he shouldn't be anywhere near stallman and terry
notice how this only happens on projects hosted on github which just so happens to be owned by microsoft? hmmmmmmmmmm
>preferring opensores
>not free software
You're retarded, aren't you?
What happens is that liberalism asserts itself and asks for a few small, inconsequential, titular policies. There's no reason to refuse, since the demands have no effect. You either come up with excuses for a few weeks or capitulate immediately. Now they have some meaningless acknowledgements and nominal privileges. But what they've actually done is slightly legitimise their social norms. You change your organisation's policies to accommodate them in name only, but that's enough for them to get their foot in the door.
>ESR is a nobody
The absolute state of nu-Jow Forums
I'd rather see it burn like a phoenix and be reborn from the ashes rather than see it rot over a 10 year period
>nu-Jow Forums
I've been here before Jow Forums was a thing, fuck off. only poltards like him because MUH CHAD WHO PACKS HEAT AND GIVES NO FUCKS
stallman looks like an ape in this photo
I don't really care DESU, either it turns out that Linus was playing 4D chess and Linux gets rid of the CoC shit.
Or, Linux actually dies and there's finally enough incentive and manpower to finish HURD.
At least in the second case I can finally move to a 100% free GNU system.
Jow Forums is a bunch of desktop screenshot faggots.
The only based boards on Jow Forums is /v/ and /vg/...which is actually an extension of /v/.
Only gaymers btfo the faggots and feminists and leftists and everyone in generalbwho messed with the gaymen community.
Don't be a Jow Forums, be a /v/.
>Claims to be there from the /prog/ era
>ESR is a nobody and is only relevant since the CoC war began
I don't have a smug enough anime girl face for this situation
>2.99 MB
Also, that's some blurry-ass text.
i like how linus' sjw daughter, patricia, has become a CS student after not at all being interested in technology as linus himself has said in DebConf14
she even has her own github
nobody liked him on /prog/ so I don't know what kind of groupthink you're trying to imply here. I've followed him since catb, he is responsible for most of this crap corporate bullshit infecting free software with his """open sores""" initiative
>daughter of linus torvalds
>javascript, css, html
Kinda sad. Aren't Carmack's kids making actual games?
she isn't actually interested in tech after all, she's doing minor shitty projects to become a part of the open source community and push her agenda forward
>Let's discuss this offline
Is the new "I'll PM you the fix"
Which race are you? Honestly curious
this, red hat and their employees are pure scum
I've also seen this one used a lot lately
>"interview me and find out ;)"
They're actual oldschool nerds, they get bullied and say "s-sorry" afterwards.
Jow Forums will, big corporations won't. big corps will see glaring issues with linux after about 3 months from now because of poor leadership and they're going to take over the development soon
>inb4 big corps already do control the kernel completely
nah they don't, lots of contributors are independent, but they'll be replaced soon by google, microsoft and other companies' employees
We need a new language, Jow Forums.
issue tracker is now trans tracker
force close/crash is now holocaust
; is now OK sign
negative and positive is now female and male
CoC is now officially nigger.
virus is now feminism
windows masterrace
>Tfw unironically typing this in a win10 through chrome.
Patricia Torvalds did women's studies then somehow fucked her dad's brain
Why do we hate systemd again?
The d at the end triggers me.
signed by Patricia Torvalds
It's slow and its maintainers are difficult to like.
>radical Gentoo users
I keked. Thank you user
How is it slow? It's much faster then the Shellscripts of SysV
lmao run for your tendies freaking nerdlingers!
>its maintainers are difficult to like.
You suggest they'd better take a little time of and adopt a CoC?
>hurd will be a viable solution in your lifetime thanks to trannies
Based. Linux is cancerous as fuck and was from the start.
It forces you to learn new things.
It's free as in freedomâ„¢.
obvious bait from op and on github