Is 22 too late to learn to program?

Is 22 too late to learn to program?

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No, but 23 is. So dig in quick.

Maybe. It's pretty damn discouraging when you see someone younger than you who's capable of so much more.

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That applies to just about everything.

why are you still wasting your life then

Sarge but what about the enemy flak cannons and mortar teams flanking us from the right? We can't get air support and advancing is suicide.

Because I'm horribly depressed and refuse to seek help as therapy hasn't worked. Im still trying but I know it's not enough.

Well shit, now I feel even worse.

I'm working on improving, I'm just aware it may not lead anywhere.

I hope not.

I'm 29 and I'm just getting into webdev. Just put some balls.

Does it make you feel better? Does it interest you?
Then it leads to something.
I keep trying because I hate my job and I know that unless I do a 180° turn soon I'm probably going to lose the little sanity I have left.

you're not ill and you're not getting any pity here
you don't need "help"; you need to sort out your fucking attitude

That simplifies things.

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Yes. Consider the fact kids are learning how to programming when they are just 12 or 13 years old in school these days. They have a 10 year headstart.

some user 3 days ago told me "When will you realize that you can have absolutely everything, you just need to visualize yourself having it." I think it's very true. Want a gf? Well get one. That's that simple. And don't tell me you need to lift and need to be a normie to get pussy. It's the same for programming. You just need to set yourself goals

No they don't, 90% of them are dumb as rocks.

Yeah, I hate my job as well which is why I'm trying to learn a new skill. It does interest me now that I've realized I can use it as an outlet for creativity. But man is it difficult to get myself thinking in terms of algorithms, which is where that early experience comes in handy.

If you find that difficult and are creative why don't you focus on front end?
Embrace CSS.

22 is not late. I fucking wish I was 22.

Still, the sample size is large enough for an oversupply of competent programmers if every school student is forced to learn programming at a young age. In my generation, we didn't learn programming until we were in university.

Then neither will they learn programming now. That's not how kids brain development work. You wouldn't force calculus on grade schoolers would you?

yes they deleted all the free learning resources off the Internet and burned all the books you are too late

Listen to this guy, i live by those principles. People call me a guy with extreme luck, all i do is doing the right thing in the right situation and take any interesting opportunity.
I also passionately love helping others as much as i can, life rewarded me everytime for it in one way or another. Some would call it karma, but its just how humanity is supposed to work.
My most precious tip tho is; stop your consumerism if you haven't yet. It makes you a happier person.

Unironically yes
Life for programmers is pretty much over when they turn 30

No. But it is too late to still be a animufag.

when you are an expert skill ceases to matter. Once you have 5 or 10 years decent experience, the difference between you and someone who has 40 years experience is practically none - you're able to adapt to pretty much any programming situation as quickly as you want, and your strengths and weaknesses will be different to everyone elses strengths and weaknesses. The 40 year programmer will still have more knowledge in more domains but you'll be able to do pretty much everything he is able to do

I actually messed around with html and css back when I was younger. I've mostly forgotten what I learned though I do plan on going back and learning more, it's just that there's a lot I want to learn, front-end, back-end, networking, and server management. Maybe it's just stubbornness


I didn't start until I was like 24 and I get paid to do it now.
Not that getting paid to do something means you're good at it.
The meme that "you can't learn difficult things after a certain age" is (((their))) propaganda to encourage you to stay in your lane.

Oh yes, the jews only lose when people learn how to program at 24

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everything wrong with the world is the fault of the jews
don't ask how or why

even 32 is not too late

>Life for programmers is pretty much over when they turn 30
Is this true?

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>stop your consumerism
Holy fucking shit this, this is my problem, i really should start covincing myself into start creating.

Yes it is george

If you want to work in Silicon Valley 5 years ago, yes.

you don't convince yourself to do it
if you are creative you'll just do it
face it, you're a pleb


No, i'm just lazy.

laziness is an illusion

Interesting, how so?

You can learn programming in 2 months desu, and after that it's just a matter of building projects. That's basically two years of intro to programming 1 & 2 at university.

>Is 22 too late to learn to program?
Its never too late to learn to program!

Go away, Misaki

laziness only exists because you think you should be doing something you really know you shouldn't

I don't really care about your "pls validate my lack of drive for two consecutive decades" op, but I do want to facefuck that qt

check this out

How can you catch up to someone who has a 4 year comp.sci degree? I majored in finance but want to pivot to tech.

Don't listen to the other one ^^
I was lazy too, very lazy. Then my construct of what i deemed my life completely broke apart. I was lost for many weeks. Then i found back what i lost a long time ago. My guts and balls. I started eating less, not malnourishment, just as much as human body needs, no more candies or desserts, rarely bread, meat twice a month. I'm doing sports. I feel just amazingly energized.
Soon after that change i got in a relation with a 9/10 and have the greatest fuckin sex in my life.

>Maybe. It's pretty damn discouraging when you see someone younger than you who's capable of so much more.
Yeah but you won't be an Hollywood star, an Olympic Athlete or the Next top Tech CEO on same level as Bill Gates Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, etc.

But hey you don't need to be "the best", being average is good enough.

yes, the < 22 zoomers will annihilate you. Sorry, but you will need to go for something less competitive.

>Is 22 too late to learn to program?
No, ama 35 years old boomer and start to learn HTML/CSS. And want to get a good job at home

do a 4 year comp sci degree

Most zoomers are more interested in Playing Fortnite than Coding.
Most Zoomers are in fact pretty Tech illiterate because
many Zoomers just use iPhones, & not Computers.

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thanks for the quality posts lads, I'm glad there's still some niceposting between all these sjw Jow Forums threads

Hey what's sjw?

From my point of view, no, it's never too late. You can learn programming whenever you wish. As times are moving on the technology is advancing. Programming is simple, and if you are up to learn it, you'll learn it no matter the age.

well, the 90%. There are highly autistic zoomers though that will annihilate. Just search "13 year old code" or some shit on YT, you will see kids working at IBM and microshit because they are gifted

this tranny sjw

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Ok this was actually really helpful, i can kind-of pinpoint the reasons of my fears now.

totally not too late. I have many guys over and near 50 on my comp sci class

it's actually all about effort
IBM is just the first. Fortune 500 wants young talent.

no now shut the fuck up. you can learn to program at 30. as long as you arent really stupid and you have the time to invest, yes. you can learn to program proficiently within a year. program for at least 20 hours a week. you will be fine. i started at 24 and i'm already writing applications after 4 months.

Can't describe how orgasmic it feels to be about to do something naturally that other people struggle with. It's like being in a golden tower.

I started learning C at 10, Assembly at 14, Verilog/HLD at 21.

They want young zoomer noobs to pay poor salaries.
Experienced boomer workforce is expensive to them.

But Pajeets are cheaper than Zoomers.
Companies are greedy and want to save any penny and end up hiring Pajeets.

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Never too late to start. Pick an easy language to start off with (Python is good for this). Once you've gotten your feet wet, have a look at C and Java. Read books from library genesis. Etc.

>Companies hire cheaper pajeets & zoomers

But ironically companies expend millions in SJW tranny agenda.

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not him but if you liked that you might like these reads
big waste of time tho

if you have to ask then yes.

Well fuck... I have a mental illness.

This thread inspired me to learn. Thank you, anons.

Nah what fucks old people over is having no free time to program

>The question isn’t, “Why are men so lazy?” but, “Why haven’t men found something worth working for?”
>Without motivation — without purpose — what reason does a man have to do anything at all?
that's a good one

yes dude. im not trying to be edgy but the fundamentals need to be firmly established when you're brain is developing. yeah I know brain is neuroplastic and physically shapeshifts at any age but at that stage you should have the basics down hard coded and ingrained.
trying to learn fundamental concepts after 14 ~16 you'll never truly own the things you learn.
dont listen to these delusional boomers. save your money if you are trying to go to college. do something you are currently decent at.

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>trying to learn fundamental concepts after 14 ~16 you'll never truly own the things you learn.
i learnt plenty of shit after that age

you cant learn a language after a certain age. people try to learn english they are smart people but still have accents and have to constantly inner translate from their native language.
same with memorizing the multiplication table. if your parents were decent enough and had you memorize them when you were like 5, tit stays with you forever. try doing that shit now

you cant memorize a multiplication table after 5? I've memorized hundreds of tables of data at work, did you just decide to stop using your brain after a certain point?


Lol kids in school are learning Scratch and Python, and then mot of them don't care just like how they don't care about Math.

you think you have, but you really haven't. you probably fucked around your entire teenage years doing nromalfag things and not actually programming. the differences are clear in people who start earlier than later.

No I'm pretty sure I can tell if I can remember something
I can remember the episodes of a show in order if I've watched it enough times
what makes you think you can't remember things after a certain age?

>laziness does not exist
that article is right some places but a load of bull everywhere else
I don't take out the trash because I don't think my attempt will be good enough or I don't know how to start it? no it's because I'm lazy
also article is written by a "non-binary"

Physicuck here, you can judge my life choices all you want, but it won’t take away the fact that I’ve learnt a huge amount ofmath, modern physics, AND programming, all after 18. Are you gonna reply “you think you did but you didn’t. Hurr durr quantum mechanics was already engrained in your brain”

I did it at 21 and now make a decent amount and live a life that's actually becoming too comfy.

As long as you're alive it's never too late. You don't become retarded as you age, but you do get a bit slower.

I call bullshit.
I was a lazy cunt back all the way up to 22/23, never cared about learning, reading or programming, life was all just party and games.
Looking back at those years i never had the mental calmness and thoughtfulness i have now in my late 20s.
Back then I didn't really develop any interests besides meaningless consumerism, nowadays i'm way calmer and more collected overall which enables me to actually sit down with a 800 pages book and dig into stuff over a few weeks or find a new hobby and do some fun side projects.
Something i never could while i was in my teens or early 20s.

tldr: it's not about when you start, it's a matter of knowing yourself and what you want in life.

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you sound like someone who had zero fun in his teenagers years projecting and spreading your crab bucket mentality

Given some grads' skill level, being able to breathe without needing explicit instructions is overshooting the target already.

I started webdev at 24. I am now 26 (turning 27 in November) and have been working as a php dev for about a year now

No. Kids are fucking stupid and a functional adult can learn to do what kids can in a tenth of the time. Stop assuming you can never learn anything ever again just because less than half of your life is gone. Once you're half dead maybe start rationing learning time in favor of doing what you already know how to.

22 is still young. Lot of people that age are closer to a teenager than to an adult in mentality

You barely learn anything in high school dude. There arr just too many subjects and its too basic. When I decided to become a chemist with zero chemistry knowledge fron highschool at 22 I would finish a complete book in less than a month. Something I wouldve studied all year in high school and still understand less
its extremely easy to catch up if you have the interest

For enterpreneurship, it's never too late. For being employed, theres a ticking time bomb for that. You will be competing with people your age with a bachelor's, things aren't looking great for you.

But, if you research companies that will take people with online/bootcamp certifications you can probably be employed at a low wage level.

If you're just smart, well if you can prove it, you'll be hired.

>13 year old code
this is all bullshit though, don't tell me you believe it?

I seriously don't understand how you people think? You want to learn something? Great. Go learn it. Stop wasting time thinking about if you should learn it or not. You'll figure it out soon enough if you don't like it.

I'm 20 and done with programming for work. Fucking boring.

I didn't learn until I was 29. Dude, stop falling into the "young genius" meme. 22 is literally a kid with their entire life ahead of them.

If you have been doing it for 8 years, you're probably a manager by 30.

Not really, as long as you are serious about it.

>learning at 12 or 13
Well, when most kids in classes don't understand if and else in Scratch, they don't exactly have a headstart.

I'm actually learning PHP but I work full time so I don't have much time or the balls to quit.

Yeah, you clearly have never programmed professionally. Stop larping and giving out shit meme advice.

Op, you're fine.