I'm building the cheapest possible emulator pc to couch play some ps2 and gamecube games. I'm thinking of buying a q6600 CPU off ebay for $5-$10 and starting from there?
I'm building the cheapest possible emulator pc to couch play some ps2 and gamecube games. I'm thinking of buying a q6600 CPU off ebay for $5-$10 and starting from there?
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I've seen one video on youtube about this and it seemed pretty good. Can't be bothered to look for it right now (on mobile), but the title was kinda click-baity, like "play every single game ever with just $(small amount)" or "the $(whatever) machine that can play every game ever made". It was probably around 20 minutes or so.
PS2 is gonna require a strong PC unfortunately. You'll need a good CPU for dynamic recompilation and a mid tier GPU because the opengl generated by an emulator is inefficient as fuck. Don't buy AMD if you use windows, they have awful opengl drivers on windows.
Hmm, i don't know about that. Pcsx2 is pretty good right now, you can easily run games with a solid framerate with like 10 year old hardware.
buy the fat ps2 + pata hdd + network adapter
and softmod it
buy the original backward compatiblle Wii and usb hdd to put games
softmod it
buy crt tv for free
>PS2 is gonna require a strong PC unfortunately.
This was true about 10 years ago. With modern hardware, not so much. A Core 2 Quad handles PS2 emulation with little to no issues.
Hmm ok. But what if he wants to run pcsxr-pgxp? That's gonna require a strong PC for 30fps emulation.
I'd buy the consoles if I were you. You will have to deal with compatibility or technical/emulation/framerate issues in some games with old hardware.
Old ps2 and gamecube are pretty much given away, just buy a DVD burner or figure out how to attach HDD for them.
Your contribution was less useful than posting nothing. Fuck you, you dumb cunt