Hello frens. What is the best way to destroy the world?

Hello frens. What is the best way to destroy the world?

Attached: 4ff.png (700x700, 200K)

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cultural takeover

Attached: stay woke.jpg (750x737, 82K)


Deleting Jow Forums, thus forcing them to bring their cancer to the rest of the world.


Attached: 3ECB1FB1-ED0E-42DA-B14D-53BC0F922574_cx0_cy3_cw0_w1023_r1_s.jpg (1023x575, 122K)

lynch gays
if you don't believe me just look at how shitty ME is


Join the Nazi Trap Army.
They will retake the father lands soon and destroy all in their wake.
u dont have to be trap to join btw...

Attached: nazi_trap.jpg (960x540, 27K)

Attached: 790.jpg (500x289, 26K)

you won't be calling them pansies when they're driving up your lawn in panzers

Attached: nazi_trap2.jpg (848x480, 171K)

t34 is better than panzer

Attached: 4-t90s-tank.jpg (600x391, 140K)


Attached: comfren.png (925x703, 41K)

Just keep doing what you've been doing, we're almost there !

henlo faen

Attached: faen.png (915x1623, 141K)

hello kuksuger

Get sucked also makes you fag, norgay


If you only want to destroy humanity all you need is a superbug.

I worked on a genetics lab and talked with professors... Someone told me about genetic engineers wanted in China to work on a project about making human viruses from Plant cells using transfection in A. tumefaciens.
Just saying.

Oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang

let the swefags run things?

Attached: Flashgits Palpatin.jpg (354x338, 24K)

pour silca gel in the water supli

Attached: apu silica gel.png (1039x559, 261K)

Genetically engineered lifeform that will either kill all humans or kill most crops

Normalize societal degeneracy

Tide pods that taste like strawberry.

Attached: 1540291151577.gif (652x562, 626K)

Already done that.


let China take over.