I despise trannies and the faggots who acquiesce to their fascist demands.
I despise trannies and the faggots who acquiesce to their fascist demands
Looks like I’m sticking to directx. Why do organizations go out of their way to shoot themselves in the foot?
how long till these threads get deleted and we all move to /tech/?
OpenGL is cu cked too now. Nice
you're never safe
>Open Source
DirectX is closed source
It's the CIA/NSA and Intel, you dip. Follow the money and the power. Don't fall for the ""SJW"" narrative - this is a veil over a deeper conflict.
This. First they killed terry and now it's Linus' turn.
Give me your best, Jow Forums
>showing empathy is now required
Jesus, you know that was written by a woman.
>Implying CoC holds any real weight in the legal world
> CoC is really just common sense and social norms being outlined so that autistic spastics (a.k.a retards who are getting butthurt over the whole CoC shit) can read and understand them
This is all manufactured controversy by a small vocal minority.
Someone should tell them that the empathy requirement is ableist and discriminates against autistic people.
ROFL, keep being this delusional.
This is nothing more than manufactured butthurt over people trying to write down written social norms and cues for you autistic morons to understand.
>publishing other's private information
Isn't doxing just about exclusively about SJW's "calling out" ?
To be fair, was a pretty ugly guy
Thanks! This post really provides strong illumination in this cold night of pessimism. You're like a bright glow in these dark times.
Fuck off shill
is that 8bitguy from an alternate universe?
>social norms and cues
>as defined by a perfectly normal "diversity and inclusion consultant"
the people supposedly being protected by this code of conduct (basically everyone that isn't straight white cis male), are going to become virtually unemployable
how the fuck can anyone work with someone who might turn around and cry "violation!" at some perceived "social injustice" and get someone fired, blacklisted, harassed, etc without even the slightest hint of due process?
everyone but straight white males become a massive liability
women are already being excluded from business networking functions now because men simply can't risk being alone with them for two seconds
if i can lose my job because i smiled and made eye contact with a woman, or had my words taken out of context and framed as "socially insensitive," i'm just going to stop interacting with those people
and if i'm a powerful person, that in itself fucks those people in the ass pretty hard