Should I install Gentoo or keep Debian?

Should I install Gentoo or keep Debian?

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how is that even a question

install TempleOS you biatch

fuck off cia nigger

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Install CRUX

Debian masterrace reporting in

what's stopping you from having both? it's not like you're ever gonna use more than 20GB on a linux desktop that isn't your main one

c'mon baby run linspire

Void linux or Alphine
Maybe even try OpenBSD

If you just want to get rid of shytstaind try devuan.

Install Kali linux alongside PCLinuxOS

install gentoo

install either devuan or gentoo desu


just get rid of systemd from debian

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Can"t be done.

Elementary OS or Ubuntu


first search result

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I just upgraded my kernel and Debian as a server is the best I’ve used yet. I’ve used Ubuntu, arch, gentoo, and fedora for server purposes. Debian as a desktop OS is meh at best.


I've done the process and is not so seamless, meanwhile my Devuan installation is smooth

>master race

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Yeah Debian

It's 2018. Can you please evolve and move on?

not saying it's seamless. it can be done, though.

I wanted to try it for a year, but now I decided not to move to it because of mostly outdated software it uses, and their approach to installing new programs that are not approved by Debian team - if you need something up-to-date, you're not welcome. Maybe it's good for servers, certainly not for living people.