Wait a second Jow Forums, when did Linux become that good?
> Can install proprietary and libre software
> Not a single crash, hangs or anything
> good file manager
> Good battery life
> sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and it's done
Wait a second Jow Forums, when did Linux become that good?
> Can install proprietary and libre software
> Not a single crash, hangs or anything
> good file manager
> Good battery life
> sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade and it's done
>wake up
It works out of the box and KDE is a lot less bloated as it was in 2014.
I've never experienced otherwise from your points, after using Linux for over a decade. The only thing on that list which significantly improved is power management.
did you still have crash and hangs in normal situations?
I am saying that all of these have been true for me for well over a decade:
>can install proprietary and libre software
>no hangs or crashes
>good file manager
>updates and package installation are easy
Of course I don't mean that I have had literally no hangs or crashes ever in those 10 years, but it's been very, very infrequent and not any worse than any other OS.
I'm also surprised how well it actually works at times. Mate is an awesome desktop environment, the font rendering is great, terminal is excellent, performance is good and feels snappy even on my old laptop.
Install Gentoo, porco Dio.
your Kdenlive looks fucked
>Apple uses Red Hat Linux and Oracle Enterprise Linux in their data centers
>Microsoft Is Using Linux to Run Its Cloud
At the same time, Linux doesn't use Apple nor MS software.
It's all thanks to coc and equal outcome
GNOME is way better
Because Linux is a kernel, which Microsoft has contributed into.
>Not a single crash, hangs or anything
Microsoft's contributions are patches to Hyper-V driver.
>not gnome
the only crash i've had is OOM because of some application something
I will never ever understand people using OSes in a different language than English.
This is absolutely fucking retarded and if you're a techie you should be ashamed of yourself.
I'm saying this as an ESL btw.
Sometimes I switch things to a different language if I am trying to learn that language. You should try to expand your perspective by empathizing with others and imagining possible scenarios that could provide a valid reasoning. Not everyone is a clone of you, user. Different people have different reasons for doing things.
Thank God Linux is finally good now. I wonder if it has anything to do with the new C0C.
Thanks based SJWs. Linux would still be in the fucking dark ages if it weren't for them.
KDE's been more stable than gnome for a while now
Battery life still very mediocre atleast with gnome. 13-15h on win10. 9 on linux.
Any tips regarding this?
This. English is used for 90% of all Jewish propaganda
I am not that old to remember.
>needing to learn a SJW mutt language with dying native speakers in order to use a computer
get a load of this goy
You're running a server kernel. Go figure.
100% this. I am Norwegian and all my systems are English. All my software is in English too, since none of it is localised.
>wanting poor translation and inconsistency in the language applications use
powertop is what I used, but I've heard people saying I should use tlp instead. I don't use a laptop anymore, so I dunno.
Install tlp and you'll have a huge amount more. The defaults are sane and you can configure it for more power saving too.
Powertop can be used in conjunction with tlp. There is some overlap, but both of them expose power saving controls that the other does not.
the only thing dying here is your brain
hurry up, still might save it
I've got some news for you user
Nobody cares. Go back to
more stable than Cinnamon
Linux experience on AMD is flawless
Since when does Jow Forums like GNOME, or at least like it better than Plasma? I hope you guys aren't NPC enough to think that KDE is the only software team with transgender developers just because of that one meme tweet.
>inb4 "Jow Forums isn't a person"
You know I'm implying "most people on this board"
Fug off
since 3.30
>Since when does Jow Forums like GNOME, or at least like it better than Plasma?
If you're using ANY desktop environment, you're doing it wrong. It's not rocket science.
>t. someone who switched to dwm after years of using openbox
Gnome3 is the most bloated software that does absolutely nothing.
I don't even use KDE as a DE, and I use several KDE programs. I could easily use it as a DE if I wasn't autistic.
in concept nothing beats gnome shell, problem was concept != reality but it's working a lot more acceptable now
how? everything is modular
>who switched to dwm
it's only good if your hand is not on your mouse which it usually is
It's configurable, and I've never had problems even when I had to use a mouse.
how do you switch windows
segmented != modular
modular implies replaceable parts, gnome explicitly requires all of its fucktarded dependencies. why the fuck would an interface require a specific init daemon?
{ ALTKEY, XK_Tab, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
I've bound it to alt tab, not that it matters considering I have focus following mouse pointer, which makes mouse quite a bit more usable, as I can quickly execute commands with keyboard shortcuts as I'm flicking the mouse through relevant windows.
>explicitly requires all of its fucktarded dependencies
uh no?
>interface require a specific init daemon
you mean logind? afaik that's for gdm only so if you don't use it you don't need it
alt-tab is even worse, point is your hand constantly will have to go back and forth b/w the keyb [to switch] and the mouse [you're working with]
I've mentioned that I have this binding, but I don't use it with a mouse on my hand, as I can simply move it over to a window I want in focus.
Also, dwm is glorious on multi monitor setups, the only thing that it lacks is spawning windows on the focused monitor.
tags > workspaces
so you don't use [M] ? dwm kinda sucks for tiling
Yeah, the monocle layout is pretty much useless for me. I've used it maybe twice when I was getting into dwm, and nowadays I enable floating mode only for shitty software that doesn't like having its windows resized (such as vidya).
Tiling in dwm is pretty great IMO, it makes window management pretty much automatic, which sounds like what window managers should target - managing windows for you rather than providing you low-level ways to simply move windows around.
yep, especially when the only two fucking distros you can get to boot from a LiveUSB are openSUSE Tumbleweed and SlackLive Current on a 2400G box when you don't even use the iGPU
you must have a big ass monitor
When the SJWs took over. SJWs are actually better than white men at programming and OS development, who would've guessed?
This. It's no coincidence that Linux suddenly became usable after all the problematic men got the boot.
see me after special ed
I rarely use more than two windows per monitor, and I use tags extensively. Even something as low res as 1280x800 is good enough for use with a tiling window manager. I know web browsers require stupidly high resolutions to make sense in a setup where you have two windows side by side, but you can simply have one reside in it's own designated tag.
are we gona have a cock fight?
meh too many keys to press
>bind programs to use to single keystrokes
>switch between tags and move windows around them with single keystrokes
Are you too retarded to press two or three keys together at once?
Tell that to the half dozen threads about CoC
XFCE is the DE of choice here here bitch.
Is it a male right?
Bigger jaw than prowrestlers.
>press two or three keys together at onc
>not autistic at all
Have you ever used any keyboard shortcuts at all? This is how modifiers are supposed to be used, even normies are aware of that.
y i have, the standard vim ones, practice was
>browse 4c or anything gui, use mouse
>want to switch windows
>have to free mouse hand to press keys
>and then move hand to grab mouse again
>or click the tags, but then whats the point
like i said in the start dwm is ok but if mouse is involved it sucks
which is why gnome shell is best
>press one key
>all windows visible
>>press one key
>>all windows visible
mod-0 by default in dwm. Try reading config.h before you spew bullshit like this.
Have to agree, I can remember banging my head against my desk trying to get network adapters to work with Ubuntu 10
That's because Jow Forums and 4chinz as a whole has gotten a stupid influx of "anti-sjw" types ever since the last election.
Jow Forums making it into the public eye as an "alt-right forum" has attracted the worst type of people.
jesus christ i can smell the new on you
guess what, you're not from here and people can tell when post garbage like that
>sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
>not sudo pacman -Syyu
so this is the toxic Arch community Wendell was talking about
I've been here the entirety of this decade.
Words like "nigger" would be used semi-ironically and had generally a different meaning.
Then retards found the site, saw people saying stuff like that, and thought they had found a community of actual racists and "feminazi xD" types.
i see this same bullshit post spouted by fucking redditors on every fucking board amd it's such a crock of shit
I've been here since 2008, you are completely wrong, YOU perceived it as ironic no one else did
you fucking redditors constantly whine about the culture here, you were never here prior to the election, stop fucking lying
To be honest he's not wrong that Jow Forums and the American election attracted a ton of trash to this place
Except he's right. Whether or not it was "ironic" is almost beside the point. What matters is that we have tracked stats showing traffic increases of several hundred thousand users during the election, and almost all of that traffic focused on Jow Forums. Your claims about being here since 2008 are dubious based on this alone. I think you might be one lying here.
>less bloated as it was in 2014
you have to understand that many of us who were die hard kde3 users, are never coming back because we cannot tolerate when kde devs are on their period and when they aren't.
A reputable project has to be stable, follow one(that's 1) dev route and that's it.
if kde managed after 10 years of the release of 3.5.12 to be stable again, good for them... nobody cares.
>YOU perceived it as ironic no one else did
Have you actually been here longer than a few months? You ever even seen pics of the average Jow Forums meetup? They happen fairly regularly. Hell, here you go, pic related. A random pic from a recent-ish meetup in New York. Now, seriously, do these people look like they believe anything "unironically" to you? Half of them aren't even "white" by most standards.
>i've been here since 1963 and you kiddos just don't know!
C'mon, son.
I only browse one specific work-related subreddit, so I'm sorry if I'm not up to date on what redditors are saying.
2012 Jow Forums would not have had 6 threads freaking out about the linux foundation adopting a CoC, and any discussion would have been related as to how Linus leaving would effect the actual software side of things. Instead we have people yelling that "you wouldn't use an OS with a tranny CoC, right?!?".
>2012 Jow Forums would not have had 6 threads freaking out about the linux foundation adopting a CoC
Most likely true, but 2012 Jow Forums also hadn't yet seen social justice types use CoCs to censor, shame, control, and/or remove people who disagreed with whatever political agenda they were trying to push in lieu of actually writing code.
What video editor?
dumb esl