Does it mean anything will happen to the security aspect of it? I use Ubuntu because I don't want to be a full fledged programmer, I just want to use something where I know activities aren't being monitored and has guaranteed hardware support for my Dell. Changing the CoC won't actually mean anything in terms of the source code right? It's not like SJW will make it so that Linux is proprietary... So why does it matter in terms of security?
So does the CoC actually matter for Linux?
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Now CIA niggers can have a developer identify as non-binary and get a backdoor added to the kernel because denying them it would hurt their feelings
But then it would be big news since it's open source right?
>Now CIA niggers can have a developer identify as non-binary
Or just wait for the non-bilnary saladkin to throw a shit fit because his shit tier code isn't accepted in the kernel and then have it accepted because muh gendriracism
What matters to them is that non-white/non-cis people get their code through, not based on the quality.
>what is binary blobs
Again, wouldn't this be such big news, and wouldn't it look so bad that there is a very high incentive for this NOT to happen?
quite frankly idaf about cocs. I care even less about licenses
I use linux mint and play around with freebsd
license matters very little to me as long as the software does what I need it to do. they don't do all the things I do well and fast on windows (I don't game, so don't even go there), but they're OK while I experiment and learn
Okay, so does Ubuntu currently have those and do they have plans to implement them? Again, wouldn't this cause such an uproar that they'd lose their reputation?
Stop being a bigot. Use more inclusive label like GNU/Linux/NSA, not Linux.
News where? Most tech sites would just cheer for the bravery of the trans non-binary black ""female"" standing up to oppression and ignore any negatives like they do now.
>What matters to them is that non-white/non-cis people get their code through, not based on the quality.
good thing this will never happen. The organization in the Linux foundation and among the maintainers has seen zero changes
and it will see zero changes, just because some shitposter "demands" that some person be removed does not mean the person will be removed
I just want Jow Forums and bandwagoners who have nothing interesting happening in their life so they see "happenings" everywhere to leave
does it matter if the CIA has a backdoor into my OS if I encrypt everything manually?
you're fine for now. if you're concerned about someone spying on you consider installing gentoo, unironically. or maybe just compile programs from source on ubuntu. it's not exactly difficult either.
So you are telling me that tech sites would just allow binary blobs if a black women implemented them?
I really doubt this. They might not make a fuss about race like a lot of people here would want them too, but it's not like they are just going to cave on the definition of open source.
No, of course not. It's not like an OS-level backdoor would be able to access your files when you decrypt them.
it's all about the quality of the Linux kernel.
Yeah, you might not gives a flying fuck about the codes/licenses
But what happened if some tranny modified and degraded your linux system
what happened if some important system crash because some unqualified person was working on it.
or what will happened when you get fired because of PC politics or the wrong licenses that you have been using at work because of company policies
yeah and people who actually got the job done would leave the project. not happening without funding from soros.
I get that but I value my time. Are you saying I can't sudo apt-get all my open sourced programs that I use on Ubuntu because the developers put something sneaky in?
I hope you're right, but they've said this in multiple projects and then immediately start trying to kick people out and sometimes succeed. Time will tell.
I'm talking about mainstream tech sites, they're nothing more than shill machines for companies and political ideas.
>wouldn't this be such big news
No. A lot of other companies already do this, such as Google and Apple.
the fucking code compiled into non readable machine language and those sjw shitlords complaining about what is soon going to be unreadable when compiled.
They don't have a commitment to open source or privacy.
The same groups angry about the cock are angry about girl characters in video games. They're always angry.
While we're at it, redpill me bros. I uninstalled Linux and I'm sitting in a live distro wondering what to install. It must have NTFS read support at least since a majority of my storage is in there (for shared purposes)
Hard mode: no OpenBSD
aah good point
this is what you use to install stuff on gentoo.
it just takes more time to compile stuff but it's not like you update your system daily, is it?
>angry about girl characters in video games
what girl characters? there are/were almost none
the only ones were like side characters or "eye candy" for thirsty nerds
it is better now with a few games having been made but it is still pretty awful
Journalists are so dumb they'd cheer an activist standing in front of a freight train going full speed as being brave. Ted was right, martyrdom and masochism are ingrained in Left-wing activist psychology.
And the people that are mad at females dressed in sexy clothes don't mind impossibly buff male characters that run around barechested.
I do. I just installed what I needed (firefox, clib grabber, vlc, audacity, gimp, keepass2, libre office, obs and PIA manager) and then the repo's and I just use it. It's cool because I don't have to worry about manually doing things, I can just focus on getting the information I need to work on projects, read the news, or watch movies and tv shows.
Learning all all this coming from windows took a good chunk of my time already. Do I really need to worry about any sneaky stuff?
They're mad now that there are women in battlefield and total war lol
Yeah those people are retarded as well
Because something something male power fantasy. Even though romance novels have shirtless Fabio men on them.
>Do I really need to worry about any sneaky stuff?
Probably not. Still, I'd look into alternatives to it. Maybe try asking around in
there used to be two categories:
good code
bad code
the bad code was violently bashed and rejected
now with the CoC thee SJWs want there to be:
good code
bad code
good code by a non-white person
bad code by a non-white person
they want "bad code by a non-white person" to be treated the same as "good code"
>So does the CoC actually matter for Linux?
If you're contributor.
>Does it mean anything will happen to the security aspect of it?
>I use Ubuntu because I don't want to be a full fledged programmer, I just want to use something where I know activities aren't being monitored and has guaranteed hardware support for my Dell.
>Changing the CoC won't actually mean anything in terms of the source code right?
>So why does it matter in terms of security?
It doesn't. CoCs are just pointless. That's why none likes it.
You mean they have not already started witch hunt after some of the lead mainteners? I swear I saw something like that happened few days ago
windows 98 SE
eCom station
it was a random twitter user
nobody (within linux development) takes her seriously
Someone uninvolved with Linux because she was kicked out shit talked Ted Tso on Twitter. Nothing came of it because Twitter is dumb.
It's the first step in removing meritocracy as the foundation of Linux development.
Through the CoC, the crazy leftists will attack those there on merit who do not represent their politics, and slowly replace them with with their own, all in the name of 'diversity and inclusiveness'.
Also the 'Technical Advisory Board' is currently all male, chosen upon merit. This will soon change to incorporate diversity (women, LBTQ+), especially given that this board is the one that handles accusations and punishments.
>has guaranteed hardware support for my Dell
That's nice.
No it doesn't matter, I'm against it but Linux and other open source projects are fine. It's just political bullshit and drama, nothing to worry about if you only care about the technical aspects.
Lets make a new Linux only for white people
on a long term, the code quality might take a hit, due to an influx of less talented coders in the name of diversity.
lefties might want to use the CoC as springboard for making linux general more "equal" for all users (read: easier for morons to use) and start pushing for dumb shit like focus on accessibility over usability and restriction of system control.
It’s hard to get inclusiveness and diversity in a work environment where there’s no money to be made.
all i know is that for me personally, linux's been compromised by political ideology. and that always ends up decaying wahtever it infects.
where we once had digital frontier we now have technocratic wasteland, ruled by special interest groups, big corporations & governments.
>assuming *nix guarantees safety from CIAniggers
hate to burst your bubble here desu, but that shit is baked into your CPU nowadays