>restarts take 20 minutes
Th-thanks Microsoft
>restarts take 20 minutes
Th-thanks Microsoft
okay, what is your storage and how much of it do you have
Our prof. had to make us wait through the whole thing in class to start his course today, it was fucking embarrassing for him.
Turn off updates. What does it update anyway.
Works on my machine
You can't in Win 10.
pretty sure there is some program which disables it. I dont use win 10 so i dont know.
>Not using LTSB/Enterprise
>using HDDs
128GB SSD with 15gb free space
Is that all reserved for the OS or are you actually trying to save other stuff in the same SSD?
i fucking hate how you select update and shutdown then when you turn it on the next day it has to process more updates
is this what happens when you hire poo in loos
>he still restarts
Fatal flaw in microshit logic, you can't install your spyware if I never let it shut down to replace the files.
I've seen telemetry punch through a firewall. Men have emptied entire hard drives avoiding it. Yet, their spying and telemetry are still based in a world that was built on rules. Because of that, they will never get into my shit.
Docker requires a restart to enable some setting.
You think I'm going to break a streak this long for that?
What's the benefit of not restarting on a healthy system?
I have less 10G of disk space at all times. You can restart with no updates because there's not enough memory
Depends on your view of benefits. For me, I never get the latest updates. I never need to start up, everything is always just running. Disk rarely gets fragmented, not that I'm running on a HDD. Memory leaks are of little concern, if things get too bad I can restart selected processes. I control more of what happens on my system.
Unironically based and redpilled. I wonder how much is the memory threshold to stop updates.
Linux doesn't have this problem. :^)
mactoddlers btfo!
0kb free
Windows updates will happily fill every last available space on your drive before it breaks down. I have seen it happen numerous times.
>open services
>look for wupdate
Windows 10 automatic maintenance wakes up your computer at 4am, re-enables the service, installs updates and watches you masturbate in the morning when you wake up.
why go there
how do i fucking stop this shit from pinging microsoft servers. I've completely retarded cortana as much as I can and I'm on Win10Home so no gpedit.exe
that doesnt work anymore. used to tho, did that for years but microsoft did some shit to it
>Windows cleaned up some files that you weren't using to install important updates. Learn more
Have you tried Win10shutup?
>Turn off updates. What does it update anyway
How to spot someone who is technologically incompetent. Microsoft made it so hard to disabled updates simply because of retards like you that try to avoid security updates because you have retard tier /x/ paranoia.
Please leave and never return to this board you fucking idiot.
It's not that hard to disable updates. disabling all phoning-home short of not being connected to the internet is difficult though.
You connect to the internet and microsoft will know where you are cause it'll auto-ping their servers in washington; and by extension, CIA niggers will know where you are too. Laptops are even shipping with goddamn simcards and simcard readers now so they can operate as cellphones.
Seriously why is tech so autistic. Smartphones were supposed to become miniature fullblown desktop computers. Instead, fullblown desktop computers are becoming smartphones, and smartphones still suck fucking cocks.
Windows update Blocker.
damn sucks to be a wincuck
>retard tier /x/ paranoia.
>updates take huge time to install
>which can be untimely
>can render PC inoperable if something goes wrong
How to spot M$ shill
new world order
How hard is it for you niggers to set active hours?
You should have learned to completely disable Windows updates over a decade ago. All Windows issues and slow-downs are caused by updates, nothing more.
Ltsb doesn't have this problem.
get a ssd already
Even with SSD's updates take retardedly long.
>t. computer expert
it's lightning fast here
Now that SSD is a norm windows just trash drive even more so in the end there won't be any gains in speed.
why people don't like windows 10 in one video
>tier /x/ paranoia
Windows is literally spying on you, it's not paranoia if it's true. Not to mention that it's constantly updating shit that most people don't want or use. I've done everything I can to lobotomize Cortana but that shit still exists in a dark corner of my hard drive and I can't completely remove it. This is just one of many "services" that is forced upon you and every update brings more bullshit.
not him but what kind of bloated shit needs 128 GB of fucking space just to stay up to date?
Even if you delete service Microsoft will still dectect when your W10 is old so when it come of seasonal update a software will autoinstall every time like "Windows 10 Update Manager" and if there is no service the OS will loop because can't complete the operation.
Your fault for using it.
You are actively enabling them.
You are part of the problem.
Use Linux, OpenBSD or some other free and open source OS instead.
It's not so much it takes long, it's just that there's no way to restart without doing the update that annoys me. Sometimes something isn't working 100% and I want to quickly restart, but if there's an update it takes a while when I just quickly want to get back into a game (which is the point of Wangblows for me).
But like says that's the price of using a proprietary software-as-a-service OS. You signed up for this when you decided to use Windows.
I found it interesting that if you use the GUI updater of Fedora, it behaves exactly like the Windows 10 updater. It reboots, applies the updates in a special update mode, then reboots again. Dumb because it only takes 1 reboot when updating in the terminal.
We are experiencing heavier than normal windows updates.
Your updates will resume as soon as the next NSA agent is available to monitor them.
Thank you for your patience.
Microsoft should fuck off. The average Windows install would be roughly 400MB if people could actually remove all the spyware and the 20GB of bloat nobody uses.
But why would anyone want to uninstall Candy Crush? MS doesn't know either, that's why they graciously reinstall it for you after major updates.
It's "experts" like you that forced Microsoft to always enable updates.
Nope, it's stupid shit like MS is pulling that's driving experts to disable them.
Just look at the risks:
No Updates:
>your system keeps working and works the same way this day as it did the day before
>you might catch some malware that uses a patched exploit if you're stupid
>lol, I updated, now everything is different!
>also, I restarded while you where running some program you surely didn't need it's eventual outcome
>you wanna use your computer now? Nope, gotta have a few bootloops
>you're on a limited connection? Who cares, I'll burn through all your data
>Whoopsie, that update didn't work. Your computer is now broken
>you might catch some malware that uses an unpatched exploit if you're stupid
2/6 for no updates, it's an easy decision.
>implying it normally takes that long
Couldn't you just unplug the internet before shutdown?
I turn off my PC at night because I can't sleep with it turned on.
Get a silent case
Use sleep mode.
Good point, but I am planning to change case when I replace my motherboard, CPU and RAM.
With a 50/50 chance of something going wrong? No thanks
Your obsession with the on time as the exact same obsession as a gaymer has over his achievement points.
I have never had windows reboot on it's own without asking. I have also never spent more than 60 seconds on the average update reboot since switching to 10.
All of you people who have it reboot on it's own are just ignoring the messages and intentionally doing things you KNOW are going to cause annoyance later. Those having it take "forever" are either fucking up the system or using 15 year old hardware.
>50/50 chance
Stop fucking up your computer. Sleep in the average computer has less chance of things going wrong than leaving it on idle, and draws less power.
I'm speaking from old experience, I haven't bothered to test it with this computer nor windows 10.
>I have also never spent more than 60 seconds on the average update reboot since switching to 10.
This right here
I shutdown my PC every night and if there is an update it takes MAYBE 5 seconds of time on shutdown and subsequent bootup. The only time I was ever bugged for an update was when wannacry was around
Enjoy your botnet fags.
macOS Mojave didn't do this.
you're welcome cuck.
now pay us $2/second to continue fingering your asshole.
Windows updates your racism to latest version
Why did Microsoft intentionally make such a shitty retarded OS? They're aware that nobody likes it, they were aware that nobody would like it when they made it. Is the agenda to make everything in the world shittier?
1809 being released next month. assuming 2 hours to update and 700 million devices that’s 1.4 billion hours of lost productivity for some extra emojis.
They know that the Linux desktop is bad enough that it doesn't matter and 99.9% of the population isn't going to use a hackintosh or buy Apple hardware. They might as well cash in by loading up the operating system with spyware and advertisements.
lol Windows updates is multithreaded these days, coupled with fast storage the whole 1803 to 1809 upgrade process barely took 20 mins on my machine.
parents had it "updating" for 16+ hours a week ago
>20 minutes using all cores on an SSD
Holy shit what the fuck are they doing? That's a fucking eternity to replace some files. Are they recompiling the entire NT kernel?
>completing updates 100%
>10 minutes later
>completing updates 100%
Verifying checksums of operating system files and then compressing all user files and uploading them to azure for "analysis."