Is it worth the massive debt to get a computer science degree in 2018?

Is it worth the massive debt to get a computer science degree in 2018?

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if your interdasted in it then no
if you live in the u.s., dont pay more than the tution rate of your in-state public uni

>massive debt
Are you have stupid?

Massive debt?
Are you going to be a faggot and go to a school just because it has a fancy name?
Go to community college and transfer to a state University.

If you transfer how much of the costs does it cover for the university classes and books?



No. Just read books to get the same (actually, better) education:

just go look up the tuition rates of the community college and the uni you want to transfer to
then do quick maffs
books are free

Imagine not spending €0 for a degree

>Debt for studying

Lmao americucks

>massive debt
just dont go to a retardedly expensive school, faggot

t. never had a tech job above framework plumber

ya gotta admit tho, we do have the most aircraft carriers

Our healthcare, infrastructure, and paid time off/sick leave are shit too.

how does that make your bank account feel?

The Chinese and Russians can sink them with anti-ship missiles

Hold up, you're telling me you pay money? To learn?

In the US you have to pay tons of money to go to college, unless you’re black or Hispanic, then it’s free

There are federal and state grants to cover most of your tuition if not all.
I got 3k in grants and tuition and my CC is 1600 per quarter so I had plenty left over for books.
My state uni is 2k per quarter so grants given to everybody will cover your tuition costs. Not living cost, but tuition will be covered.

If you are American your literally set for life.

>your set for life
Americlap education

>unless you’re black or Hispanic, then it’s free
Damn, I wonder why I have to pay 20k a year then. Guess I'm not actually black.

For an entry level job the biggest (see: highest paying) tech companies have salary brackets that automatically pay more for having a degree

The guy that's been mentoring me, who's worked at this company you've definitely heard of if you're here on Jow Forums, who has been at this company for 5+ years, still makes less than I started at because he doesn't have a degree.

Granted, now he's going to Google for way more than me. But this guy is a true wizard so unless you're that good or happy making 60k for the first 5 years of your career because you learned HTML on w3schools don't listen to the "learn it yourself" guys.

If you aren't actually good enough to learn it yourself then at least get some education. In conclusion no the debt is not necessary

people who write and maintain the frameworks are at least a whole pay grade above the pajeets that use them, retard.

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dude, nothing would make me happier than leaving this shit hole. but how? how do i do it? how?

how did you get those grants?

Still pays better than my old gig stocking shelves. vOv
>degreefags will forget their education before the pay off their loans

>tfw havent made 60k first 11 years of my career

You sign up for the fasfa ahead of time. Not last minute. Everyone atleast gets the federal grants. Your state grants might vary depending if you live in a conservacuck state. Do your research user or your higher education venture will be a failure if you can't look for yourself.

I make fucking less than 15k a year in FL, 60k a year would be a dream come true.

>dude, nothing would make me happier than leaving this shit hole. but how? how do i do it? how?

do you have a degree / want a degree?

How old are you? You better at least get some skillsets, you don't want to be stuck minimum wage all your life.

Electrician, Plumber.. etc are all accessible with an average iq

Ew tradeskill meme.

22, wouldn't I need an EE degree to do electrician work?

>massive debt
I graduated with $0 in student loans.

Step one: don't go to some normie meme school that's built for fratshits to make "memories" and connections at that they can leech off of later in life when they get tired of flipping burgers with their basket weaving degrees. If you go to some local school that's affordable and accredited and do the bare minimum it takes to get through the easy colleges we have now, you should have no problem finding something. The person in the cubicle next to mine went to Harvard, and look where he ended up, the same place as me.

Step two: once you pick out your local school, do your homework about what scholarships and financial aid they have there. I don't know how poor you are, but for me there were several semesters where the government picked up the tab for my education. For the few semesters where they fucked me over, I was able to cover my ass with the savings I have from the jobs I worked at during the summer.

Step three: go to every single career fair and apply to every single internship. If you have anything less than a 4.0 (which you will because you're not doing some coloring book degree), you'll need job experience on your resume after you graduate, that's where your internship experience comes in. Don't be the person who thinks "oh, I don't have enough experience", play the numbers game and find something.

I got a job straight out of college debt-free by doing all these things, and I'm dumb as shit so you have no excuse.

Im not american but so you are saying there are possbilities to study without debt but people choose to be in debt in private colleges so they get "experiences" and prestige?

imagine having € on your keyboard

Americans will break their balls trying to go to a school whose football team they like, so yes

College for most people in America is about the party life. If your college doesn't have a good party scene you go to a bad college. And the more you pay the better the party scene is. Because..... You know, trust fund babies.

College is more about networking, especially the top unis, you go, meet people and make connections that will help you in life. Is that worth $100k? Who knows.

It actually is, but don't get fooled. Only the 1% attend those, and if you're thinking about some university that isn't frequented by the 1%, then the network just isn't important.

Probably so if it's even worth staying in the USA for you.

The odds are that you're one of the lucky ones, or you're bankrupt. Which is how pic related happens. [Note "family" vs "citizen"].
Sauce are official statistics visualized in:

Attached: usdebt.png (340x68, 20K)

Even public colleges charge tuition in the US

why do all white people look exactly the same?

> Only the 1% attend those
Yea, but that's the thing you need, isn't it?

There aren't many percents cushioning before you are just about at zero if not have more debt than assets and no real legal and little social security. Nature of the USA in many places.

almost no one will fuck you if you're white unless you look like that or some small variation of it

In my experience most people are mixed race so they all look different.

You better be white


Until you have to get medical treatment, then you're fucked for life

go die

Yes. Assuming you pass all your classes and graduate in 4 years, you will almost certainly pay off your debt in less than 4 years.

>because you learned HTML on w3schools don't listen to the "learn it yourself" guys.
That's bullshit. No company is hiring someone who *learned* html. They will hire someone who learned web development from the ground up, who can build a complete application. Granted, they have to actually be competent, and will definitely need a few years experience.

They'd have to be retarded to turn someone away who has 6 years of direct programming experience vs. newbie who just got a degree.

Further, why the fuck are people so worried about jobs? Why isn't anyone anywhere ever asking about starting their own business? Fuck being at the mercy of HR.

>t. 3rd year CS Student

Go EE Or software engineering.

My employer is paying for me to go to school. They will basically pay for me to have an undergraduate degree in cs, minus a few fees here and there. Just make good grades and stay with the company.
>tfw white, straight, and male
>tfw working with one of the most progressive corporations out there.

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depends on what you want to do.

I'm in the same boat, looking for something to do
but I get paid more because I live in a blue state

I went to ASU on a high school scholarship (they gave it to anyone who had a > 3.5 gpa). Total tuition cost: $24k. That's hardly massive amounts of debt. Most in state universities have similar prices.

I haven't been able to get a job 7 months out of school

go plumbing, user. It's the thinking man trade.

I'm interested in plumbing. I can't find a trade school near me though and job openings are limited. I figured I'd start by reading a book but I don't know where to go from there. Maybe if I get lucky and my family can hook me up with a job because they know some people but I think that's unlikely to happen.


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I don’t get it. Why always CS degree and not SE? I thought people specifically said that CS is more theory work and not leaning towards practical programming.

Trades most important trait is that you need practice and mentoring to do. It's a shame there are not enough trade schools in your area.

Maybe electrician? It's future proof and is as Jow Forums as you can get in a trade.

Just get your parents to pay for it dummy.

>>degreefags will forget their education before the pay off their loans
more like degreefags won't realize the devaluation of their degree before they pay off their loans

Did 1.5 of those at it fucking sucked.
>go to community college
>literally high school 2.0
>no one took anything seriously, like literally felt like I was still in high school
>full of random fucking nigs and somali faggots and their nasty kush smells
>transfer to state
>literally no one wanted to be their
>people were literally drinking themselves to death they were so bored
>none of the teachers were good or helpful
>no one wanted anything to do with you
>everything's run down
>classes you need to take aren't always offered when you need them, i.e. you need to take class x and y one semester then z the next, but only class x is being offered during that semester
So sure you save money, but it's the same as buying a flashlight from the dollar store and a flashlight from Mill's Fleet Farm or Menards.

listen to the first few seconds of this song

nm, that version sucks

Think about it from the end goal perspective: what do you want to do after you graduate? Do you want to write software (developer, code monkey) or maintain hardware (IT, networking, systems admin)?

What are the pros and cons of each?

thats kind of a deep question

Honestly, you don't even need a degree for software dev. Thankfully it's not like engineering or medicine where you HAVE to get one (and then get a special certificate from the state or some organization too). All you have to do is make your own startup company, make some code, get some experience, and if you're really not feeling it put all that stuff on a resume and apply to some tech company. They're going to be more impressed with that then some random just out of college fucktard who can't even into fizzbuzz.

i got a 75k/year salary and 10k signing bonus right out of a state college with a cs degree

I’ve got time.

If you are driven to learn and are passionate? No. You can learn on your own using online resources and communitues.

Are you a fucking waste who will never amount to anything without a degree? Yes, go for it.

> All you have to do is make your own startup company, make some code, get some experience, and if you're really not feeling it put all that stuff on a resume and apply to some tech company.

Good luck with that. Even with a proper 4 year degree it was a fucking bitch to find my first job.

How did you manage to do that?

I'm in community college right now. It's a mix of old and young people. In my computer science class I'm surrounded by a 15 year old girl and a 17 year old girl because they allow high school students in. And then there's the old people in their 40's or 50's who have nothing going on in their life and they're trying to do something. I feel really sorry for them.

you say that like it's a bad thing...

>massive debt
I had 5k debt upon graduation, with a 0,9% annual interest. Also went to a very good university (top 400 world wide) and got hired before graduation. Don't be a brainlet and don't live in a third world country.

Still you're not going to be really fitting into any social circles because you're still the weird virgin 30 year old who's just starting college.

There's not really any social circles. It's a small little college for people that want to improve their life situation. I have a 50 year old guy in my computer science class.

>implying underaged or overaged students have a social circle they fit in
protip; the only people who 'fit in' college are college aged students who migrated with their friends from hs. Besides, no ones to young or too old to hang with

If you're going to college to get a computer science degree, social circles are an absolute must as it helps you network and complete projects.
>the only people who 'fit in' college are college aged students who migrated with their friends from hs
That's going to be the majority of the people, user. And they're the ones you're supposed to be socializing with.

>€ to the left
I believe this is not samefagging

Honestley I did A+ hardware and networking + MCSE and it wasn't worth it

I think getting into programing is more the way forward because you can

A earn my money
B and better job prospects

Reminder to Americans that if you study abroad in Europe you can save money on college.

-t CS student who's thinking of dropping out because he found a programming job

Barnes and Noble is great

You can get into the tech industry with no degree, no certs. You'll have to work your way up from an entry level position, though and once you climb the ladder, it will take another while before you start earning the same wages as cert/degree holders.

So really it's up to you whether or not it's worth it.

Do you want to make more money faster? Go for it.

Do you just want to get into the industry? A large amount of companies don't care if you have a degree or certs if you can prove you know what you're doing.

how cucked can one country get?

Don’t you have to prove you know what you’re doing either way?

Sometimes things work out okay

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It worked out for me and i payed my studen loans off but yeah dont do it

How long did it take you?

>Germany flag

Take me what?