Thoughts on Linus Sebastian, the inventor of Linux?

Thoughts on Linus Sebastian, the inventor of Linux?

Attached: 1514565721215.jpg (960x720, 51K)

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that's not a bad thing though

>Look mom I posed it again!

>If only you knew how bad things really are

>Thoughts on Linus Sebastian
The complete opposire to LGR.

very good at dropping shit.

That video where he tried to show how “bad” the windows license migration was but failed repeatedly to trigger it makes me giggle like a fat bitch

Fuck off asshole, stop shilling yourself here every fucking hour. You fucking maggot. You need a perma-fucking-ban!

He should go back to being a homosexual prostitute


definitely one of the better children's entertainers

Great kernel, great code of conduct.

What do the earrings mean?

He isn't a true techie.
I mean I saw one of his videos the other day where he wanted to use an android phone as an external USB drive in windows to play games off.

He blew it. The newer androids only connect to MTP mode, which doesn't work with steam. You need true USB.

A 3 second google search would just point him to the direction of "UMS Enabler" which does just that. Re-enable mass usb transfer mode.

Not only he failed to do that, but none of his retards in his team told him so either, and then he quit.

I mean I know that and I'm not that much into linux, I just happened to need USB mass storage and I found the solution in like 2 minutes. This show that a) he is not devoted, b) he is DUMB 3) both

Useless. He and his team. they only care about making shitty videos so normies watch and they get paid.

PC building is just modern lego for rich autists

>PC building is just modern lego for rich autists
It used to be cheaper to build your own. How times have changed.

this dude is a prime example of what it means to be canadian.

This happens to everybody though.

Closeted homosexual, huge shill, and a drain on humanity.

>the inventor of Linux
It's his son, you fucking retard.

that's not linux that's linus sex tips you retard

He cute

How the hell does he manage to keep his hair perpetually in a state of J U S T? Is he stuck in the 2000s?


Jesus, he looks exactly the same these days just with thinner hair.

Use this pic next time.

Attached: linus_torvalds.png (900x900, 613K)

she seems alright for tweens

Attached: Capturee.png (681x747, 644K)

that's Linus Techtip, open-source creator of the closed-source portable popcorn kernel popper

Newfag forced meme get out nu/g/

Case in point.

>im so into tech
>look at all my fancy tech shit

in fact he is so technically proficient he has to let some dude ssh into his box to save his backups.
But i guess meaningless shilling of gaming hardware counts as tech these days.

>that episode when he just bullies the guy who mods chink phones in Shenzhen
Not really related but more of a cringe

Pretty cool guy, built an okayish desktop enivorment ubuntu kernel, he is homo tho

>the inventor of Linux

when the fuck idiots will start realizing nothing was invented in linux