I've got to convert text from a txt file into lower case to go to another file for my assignment, in the linux terminal...

I've got to convert text from a txt file into lower case to go to another file for my assignment, in the linux terminal, how do I do this?

Attached: download.png (2400x1898, 66K)

tr A-Z a-z < input


what fucking language are you using?

sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

Use Perl or AWK.
Google that shit, no spoon-feeding pleeb homework.

this is the only acceptable answer. man tr if you don't get it.

That's it, you're banned from contributing to the Linux kernel you toxic puddle of menses!

you probably shouldnt call other people a pleb if you're that ignorant of the command line

more specifically
tr A-Z a-z < example.file > example.file.out

OP didn't specify it had to be bash. "Linux command line" could use just about anything.

Just do a python script that opens the shit and puts it in lower case, remember to return 5 to be epic randum XD

>install wine
>download ms office
>open file

Attached: shot-classic-change-case2.png (629x304, 52K)

tr is not part of bash, newb. its a binary that can be accessed from any shell designed specficaly for text transforms

//usage: ./mklower inputfile.txt outputfile.txt
use std::io::{Read, Write};
fn main() {
let mut source =
::std::fs::File::open(::std::env::args().nth(1).expect("Cannot parse input file"))
.expect("Cannot open input file");
let mut output =
::std::fs::File::create(::std::env::args().nth(2).expect("Cannot parse input file"))
.expect("Cannot create output file");

let mut buffer = String::new();
.read_to_string(&mut buffer)
.expect("Cannot read input file");
let to_write = buffer.to_lowercase();
.expect("Cannot write to output file");

Why are wincucks so computer illiterate?

swing and a miss

why are dubsposters so baitable?

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>op asks for linux shell command
>gives Rust

>op asks for linux shell command

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rustanon is cute!

no u

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vim inputfile
Ctrl-W s
:e outputfile
then type out the file in lower case

How do you compile this?


actual correct answer

no utf8

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rustc mklower.rs

sudo delete windows 32

cat example.file > /dev/sda
That one also works well.