What's the best phone on the market?

What's the best phone on the market?

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iPhone 6S.

OnePlus 6

GS9/GS9+ no contest atm.

whichever one is the most expensive

Xiaomi Mi Mix 2

sadly the iPhone XS Max

This, the curb stomping it does on the iPhone Xs max is embarrassing for apple. iPhones are essentially obsolete now.

Even though chinkshit android trash wipes the floor with it? What happened to apple? The used to make somewhat good phones but now it's like they're not even trying anymore.

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iPhone XS Max 512GB for just $1500. You literally have no excuse for not buying that phone unless you're a dumb poorfag

Please don't tell me that's a fucking Pocophone doing the trashing, that is way beyond embarrassing. I've been noticing more and more people have been getting woke about apple's lack of premium qualities, if the rumors about the S10 and Mix3 turn out to be true, they'll make their shit look obsolete by several years.

These comparison videos are so stupid. It's always an app taking

Unironically Pocophone F1

I like my nokia 1 it reminds me of 2012 era phones in speccs and build but with up to date android and a bigger battery

its also cheap enough I don't need to fret if I happen to drop it

How bout no, poorfag

How is it for security/privacy?

Lol. MIUI is bloatware and malware shit.

The one I use

I'm between One plus 6 and. V30+, any suggestions?

I want a phone with:
water resistance
removable battery
2017 and newer
sd slot
no notch
the size of a 2015 moto g or smaller
decent cpu
at least the build quality of a moto g

For the fucking thousand dollars, if it isn't going to blow and rim me at the same time it better be able to beat some cheap chinky budget smartphone

t. iToddler

Pixel 2
Guys wtf there isn't even a competition here. Only real Android option, and Android > iOS. Simple maths.

the one that meets at least most of your specifications for the lowest price

do your research

I have 2XL and everyone should want to degoogle themselves, not embrace it

iPhone 8 Plus. No, im not baiting or memeing.

Blackberry Key2

I've never used an iphone before, is that really the appstore homepage? Just a bunch of links and a search field? And it takes a second to load it?

Malware? Not at all. Bloatware? its in every brand. Adware? Perhaps but easily fixable. IPhone fag detected

No, just no

>I spent 6 times as much money on a device which is slower than a "budget" Xiaomi
>That makes me smart

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Whichever best current phone in which I can install SailFish OS

Yotaphone 3

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