Linus hates pol nazis and reddit sjw coonts

"online nazis and sjw are ruining the linux gommunateee" - linus torwald

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Alt rights and SJWs are the reason I'm a misanthrope. I hate everyone equally because every one is a cunt.


What about incels?

if you don't join the right wing death squads you will hang alongside your kike friends when the day of the rope comes

The difference is that online "alt right" nazis don't write and force CoC(k)s down our throat. They're mostly a non-existent threat, whereas the effect of SJW is very clear, up to the point where Mr. Torvalds opens his gaping asshole for them.

Both sides can burn for all I care. The apocalypse can't come soon enough because not one single one of you deserve to continue existing. You're shitting over everything and making life miserable.

Weev levels of edginess. Kyke shit stirrer.

He already mentioned nu-nazis

>They're mostly a non-existent threat
they shitpost all over Jow Forums daily
I've never been bothered by a SJW

based and redpilled

There would be no alt right if it weren't for the SJWs

>because you don't identify with two extremes you need to take the middle path
Found the retarded centrist.

"I hate everyone equally" is such a cop out

nukes are not real, retard

fucking true though
everyone just needs to calm down
people think they are actually worth anything lol

when people start talking about "anti-meritocracy" with the OS I use I consider myself bothered by sjws

remember these people are even more entrenched in the corporate world

The corporate controls the political activists, not the other way around my friend.

The beliefs of the people who make the things you use have nothing to do with you you consumerist cuck

When does it come exactly? All I see you guys doing is being mean online, how many subhumans have been murdered so far in the name of the movement?
Thats rite, zero
At this rate google drones will start bombing your homes and you will keep saying
>huurrrr day of the rope when

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good goy!


>calls out someone elses consumerist mentality
>suddenly I'm the jew

you are also a jew, for not realizing that a jew making your things is bad

politics in poison, user

This but unironically

some of the interview: based and redpilled
most of the interview: cringe and bluepilled
Linux is done for.

>"alt right" nazis
and they are like 20 people in the entire world, 99.99999% of what you see are just people trolling sjws for the lulz. real actual nazis went away in 1945 ffs, it's not fucking real

Are the onlline nazis pushing their Nürnberg-Coc on you or is just the SJWs?

>most of the interview: cringe and bluepilled
Because he didn't want to be associated with you and your fuckwit frog posting friends?

You can't be taught empathy Linus. You either feel or you don't.

It doesn't matter who makes your things
personally identifying with the manufacterer of your products like they're a sports team is what the jews want you to do

>Implying sports teams aren't just brands either.

Sports are retarded.

go away tranny, this isn't a "safe space"

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Be careful you're going to upset normies. Go team, *we* did it!

>personally identifying
try personally benefiting

I'm implying the opposite

He didn't say that though retard, he said he hates one side a lot and has some concerns about the other. There's a big difference with how he sees the two.

how can anyone possibly defend people saying they want to build something using an "anti-meritocracy" philosophy? how does that phrase alone not make you think of absolute destruction?

>first they came for....

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this, genocide is the only way

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and like 5 people said exactly that in this thread faggot

kys homo ill fight you

Mr Torvalds has a reputation for sending nude emails to fellow developers

This, but unironically.

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Jow Forumslacks really are like furrys and bronies

As if I didn't have high enough respect towards Linus already for producing an amazing product. Now his political stance is above admirable.

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>But to a large degree also because I don't want to be associated with a lot of the people who complain about excessive political correctness.
I can definitely sympathize with this. I loathe political correctness dogma, but the thing is, when you start criticizing it online you usually get Jow Forumsacks and their loony ilk jumping in assuming that you're a blood brother... and I fucking hate those people too. They're not friends of freedom. Many of them are actually literal fucking authoritarians. Some have Islamic fundamentalist-tier social views.
None of this makes me criticize SJW cultists any less... but it does mean that I often have to direct sharp words against Jow Forumsack-type retards who think I'm their buddy when in reality they utterly disgust me.
Of course the Nazis are probably the worst... but even your regular braindead Trump supporter is annoying. "I hate those SJWs, I love freedom!" some of them say...
Yeah, is that why you support a politician who is in favor of expanding military spending, in favor of NSA spying on Americans, and has hinted that Snowden should be executed? Fuck you.

>and they are like 20 people in the entire world, 99.99999% of what you see are just people trolling sjws for the lulz.
Why do people repeat this bullshit? Yeah, there aren't many of them, but there are many more than 20. And it is completely obvious that most people on places like Jow Forums and stormfront are serious, not just trolling.

The problem it seems, when you boil it down, is Americans.

I'm not defending it at all
I'm calling you an idiot for caring

Europe has the exact same problems though.

Europe has a bigger problem with anarchists than it does the alt right.

>"online nazis and sjw are ruining the linux gommunateee" - linus torwald
I bet he likes his daughter getting chinked

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If the right wingers don't stab you in the front, the SJWs will stab you in the back. What else is new?


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>Jow Forums
taking anything on Jow Forums serious. user... I....... I think you need to lurk moar....

Satire rose the daunting question of what role public opinion would play in government. (...) satirists criticized government activities, exposed ambiguities, and forced administrators to clarify or establish policies. Not surprisingly, heated public controversy surrounded satiric commentary, resulting in an outright ban on political satire in 1835 (...) Government officials cracked down on their humorous public criticism that challenged state authority through both its form and content. Satire had been a political resource in France for a long time, but the anxious political context of the July Monarchy had unlocked its political power.

Satire also taught lessons in democracy. It fit into the July Monarchy's tense political context as a voice in favor of public political debate. Satiric expression took place in the public sphere and spoke from a position of public opinion-that is, from a position of the nation’s expressing a political voice and making claims on its government representatives and leadership. Beyond mere entertainment, satire's humor appealed to and exercised public opinion, drawing audiences into new practices of representative government.

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>right wingers
you retards... you don't understand that the first and last man who's going to protect you is the one who shares the same blood.
right winger became violent because they are getting attacked by the leftards.

>caring about how the post-modernist faggots are trying to get themselves in control by using the progressive stack makes one an idiot
holy fuck you're a retard

the nazi cries out in pain as he posts online about how he is going to kill you.

yeah, it does, dumbass american

Sure, it might have just been satire, but pol is now joined by actual retards.

I've got a bit of an intellectual challenge for you. See if you can find an authentic source for that 'Polydoros' quote.

my home is my country and my brothers live there.
If you are letting others in and giving them rights, money and everything else, then you are going to be gased first.
simple as that.

he just broke the CoC, time to get him off the comunity

Like so many Jow Forumstards, he also has poor English skills.

>I hate SJWs but I equally hate people who complain about SJWs!
Here's a deconstruction of why this line of thinking sucks. Considering equal influence and societal impact, it's valid. However, this is not the case in present time. Nazi larpers simply don't have the political pull, funding, and infiltration capabilities of SJWs. Thus they are a lesser threat.
It's a pretty simple concept to understand, yet most folk will keep complaining about both sides while one sits jacking off on the internet to anime girls, and the other slowly but surely annihilates civilization.

Good luck finding a nazi on Jow Forums. You need to stop watching so much media if you're seeing members of a dead 1940s German political party behind every rock, kiddo.

SJWs don't constantly shit up Jow Forums with their bullshit though so I dislike nazi larpers more

Yes, Jow Forumstards are mostly serious. This is so completely obvious to me that I'm legitimately surprised anyone thinks otherwise.

>"online nazis and sjw are ruining the linux gommunateee"
He's not wrong though.

Yes they do.
Also they shit up most of the internet outside of Jow Forums on a massive scale.

fuck off you commie shithead, the only free ride you faggots deserve is a helicopter ride
do you read/write/speak/understand ancient Greek?
If not, I cannot help you get "authentic" sources, as I consider authentic sources only the ancient Greek "scipts".

>Nazi larpers simply don't have the political pull, funding, and infiltration capabilities of SJWs. Thus they are a lesser threat.
Part of the reason why the Nazis don't have power is because people put in effort to keep it that way by calling them out when they try to infiltrate. It is important to continue to fight the Nazis, no matter how much greater the SJW threat might be at the moment, because of how much damage the Nazis could potentially do if they became more powerful.

>Yes they do.
ive never seen it

I must have missed the part where Nazis were on the lkml shitting things up. Can someone point it out to me?

>Good luck finding a nazi on Jow Forums.
It takes like 10 seconds to find a Nazi on Jow Forums.

>being this degenerate
holy shit

only commie country left is NK and im not posting from there my friend

he is wrong do

its the forums, people that are not part of anything but wear their logo and think they own it by typing random shit inside an ecosystem that validates their shit opinion by giving them internet points. The Chinese government got it because of natural inclination to control your mind, if we don't wake up to the disaster of Social Networks we are domed to fail and be out competed.

Jesus christ you are fucking retarded. how can you not see through their bullshit?

I can't read Ancient Greek, but I can read the alphabet fluently and more or less half-translate most things with enough effort and assistance from the Internet. I can't see anything in the PDF you linked that seems to match the quote, but I suppose it might be in there. The name of Polydoros doesn't seem to appear in proximity to the matters of the quote.

>only NK is comunistic

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Dude, there are obviously loads of actual Nazis on Jow Forums. I'm not saying that most Jow Forumsacks are Nazis, but I am saying that Nazis are a decent-sized contingent on Jow Forums. How that's not obvious to you baffles me.

So basically you don't like political extremists. Sounds reasonable to me.


Based, I really hope he is gonna come back soon and kick all of the fucking retards on both sides out of Linux so it's purely a project concerned with making improvements to the kernel as it should be.

He won't though, he made the mistake of giving an inch and now they're going to take a mile. Any hopes of a project dictated purely by code is dead.

Wrong, retard. Fucking western education.

pretending to be communist doesn't mean you are communist


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/leftypol/ leave pls

>Because I may have my reservations about excessive political correctness, but honestly, I absolutely do not want to be seen as being in the same camp as the low-life scum on the internet that think it's OK to be a white nationalist Nazi, and have some truly nasty misogynistic, homophobic or transphobic behaviour. And those people were complaining about too much political correctness too, and in the process just making my public stance look bad.
of course, everything is always our fault.

I work for a major american engineering multinational and aside from the annual "Dont be a dick to the gay guy" email from HR there are no SJW's not even a single tranny

This is 100% an internet thing

He didn't say everything is your fault.

user seems to identify, or he's thinking it means anyone who uses this site, which is an incorrect assumption about this cambodian basket weaving usenet group's userbase

linus is right, idpol is fucking gay

Can you imagine going to a job interview where they hand you this post printed on a piece of paper knowing you typed it?

That's the thing about the internet, there is no way to determine if that post is satire or not.