Why is Debian so shit?

Why is Debian so shit?

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it's not. that's why ubuntu uses it

infiltration by sjws, now spend all day debating about dumb stuff instead of working

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ubuntu made it usable
for an "universal operating system", linus couldn't even install it
did I mention it comes with systemd, doesn't have sudo by default, and has no graphics drivers?

>did I mention it comes with systemd, doesn't have sudo by default, and has no graphics drivers?
You can use Debian without systemd.
Just don't install systemd.

>doesn't have sudo
but it does?

same shitthread from yesterday.
ubuntards are competing with itards and inteltards on who's gonna shill more against the competition.

it doesn't come with the sudo package

use devuan instead

Its not. That's why the industry loves it

it does though
sudo is only not active if you set a root password during setup

Because you are hobbyist.

The NSA suicided its creator to shove systemd in it.

This, not to mention it often autistically complains about "missing firmware" even with the nonfree iso.
So much for the "universal operating system".

How do you set up a Debian install without systemd? What's the process like?

install gentoo

it is almost perfect for server
wish they had much longer support cycles though

there is no better server os

It used to be my go to distro at one time, but the merging of sysv init and systemd has made it bit of a mess. I understand that they had to transition users to systemd, but it's not for me. No doubt it will be back to it's awsome self once it's moved full to systemd, until then Slackware

They only mantain compatibility with free software, that's the only reason Ubuntu is "better", they make sure libraries satisfy the third party software dependencies. That's probably the main reason Ubuntu is so popular and not just because "hurr is easy to use so is not good". It doesn't constrain you to use only free software and actually gives you usability. Unlike ""Debian"", the only branch worth getting is Stable since Testing is broken and Sid is super broken, you could get shit working with flatpaks I guess, I don't know if you can find everything. But then I would prefer CentOS or RHEL for a stable system that just werks™. And the only contender for bleeding edge would be Fedora, which Linus has shilled since 2008 or so.
t. corporate software shill

>doesn't have sudo by default, and has no graphics drivers?

apt install sudo
wow that was hard

only times it's shit is when you run a WM and want to install something from a DE, because debian packs tons of shit in those packages