/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Guys, my i3blocks is showing wrong timezone and weather. How do I fix it? The config file doesn't seem to have the options to change it.

2nd for freedom.

Did you forget to make a blood sacrifice to the free software gods?

Debian or Manjaro?

im taking an ubuntu server class and i don’t know what the hell im doing because my brain is fucking small

KDE Neon just recently released an Ubuntu 18.04 build.

What significant upgrades does it have over 16.04?

timezone is not set by the panel. What timezone do you see when you run "date" in a terminal

I cannot for the life of me remember the WM/DE I used many years ago.

It was pretty much lightweight as they come. You configured the task/menu bar with a config file. There were no fancy settings GUIs. But you could move windows around as if it was a DE.

I assumed it was bspwm so I downloaded the Manjaro edition and it is not it, although it was a Manjaro community edition when I used it. Now I don't see it.

This is the worst distro that has ever been memed into being popular. Go back to r/unixporn. Atleast there is merit in using something like Gentoo or Void. But this? No. Pure unadulterated garbage.

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Best backup program? Currently using grsync.

I love Arch!

It's being carried by Manjaro at this point

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Suddenly my system stutters to a crawl when i am recording the screen. I've played with nice levels but i cant seem to get it to record seemlessly. The source video is also stuttering..
Nothing in /var//log to indicate something is up. Where else can i look?

Nevermind, just set the time manually, now I have to fix the weather thingy which is showing another city's weather, but I think this time is wttr.in's fault. I'll check it tomorrow, I gotta go to bed now. Thanks user.

I finally fucking found it.

It's called JWM. It was the shit. Stupid simple and lightweight.

boys i just installed xubuntu on my laptop that previously had ubuntu 16.04

im trying to get redshift to autostart but

1) as seen in pic rel, it's greyed out so i cant click it and
2) when i try to go into startup applications i cant do it either. screenshot in 2nd post to come

i cant figure this out. i have xubuntu running on 2 other machines and have no issues. i even tried to copy my redshift autostart desktop file from one of the machines to the autostart desktop config file using root and that didnt work either

but in general the hidden filesin home seen to be locked as if i dont have andmin priviliges but i dont understand why?

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-27_22-38-27.png (132x134, 8K)

2nd pic

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-27_22-39-45.png (461x550, 64K)


[user@computer ~]$ export WINEARCH=win64
[user@computer ~]$ export WINEPREFIX=~/.wine64
[user@computer ~]$ wineboot -i
wine: created the configuration directory '/home/user/.wine64'
wine: WINEARCH set to win64 but '/home/user/.wine64' is a 32-bit installation.

How the fugg do I run two wineservers at the same time?
For some reason my install wants to default to some 32 bit wineserver and I can't even start up a 64bit wineserver.

Also I've tried googling but I havn't found anything

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What the fuck is wrong with Arch?

I've noticed something very strange pic related is my laptop display, I don't know why but I notice that my resolution is slightly slanted I think (red = no pixels being used, blue = active area)? I am not too sure if its a faulty laptop and the manufacturer just didn't print the pixels correctly on the top left hand side of my laptop or if its a software problem, laptop came preinstalled with windows but I didn't really use it at all, just quickly installed arch on it

Laptop in question: Asus Zenbook UX-331

Couldn't find anything on google, don't know what problem this is or if it's even a problem because my screen doesn't look slanted at all its just that when I open a browser I notice that the whiteness of the background doesnt cover the edge of my laptop screen for the top left side

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The reason why people don't like the new linux CoC is because it can be abused very easily. As a result, this could lead to DEVs pulling their code in retaliation, thus causing severe damage to the internet.

How do I get rid of this? Idk where it even came from. Using Stretch

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gib milkies mommy

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everything enabled by default binary generic x86_64
same reason people think it sucks is why it's pretty good

Is it possible to have a windows 7 partition on my linux machine and select it from grub like every other OS or will I have to do some kind of backwards fuckery involving windows's own launcher and the mbr?

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Yes. You have to reinstall grub after windows. After that it just werks.

Best OS for a toaster, like a Latitude 2120 toaster? It’s just collecting dust in a drawer.

Is it possible to stop multiple windows from the same program from combining in the taskbar in Solus (for example, the Steam client and Steam chat)? Having to click on the pinned icon and then click again to switch to a different window is dumb as hell.

I've looked for an answer and I can't find anything, which leads me to believe it's either something specific to the Steam Linux client, or I am just retarded.

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I'm using this command ffmpeg -i name.mp4 -ss 00:39:10 -t 00:00:20 part1.mp4 to cut videos on my server via ssh but ffmpeg does it by frame to frame and it takes minutes before it reaches the time mark I need it to reach. Any way to skip it or change my command? I need to do this over ssh in terminal.

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-c:v copy -c:a copy

Why is in ubuntu then nomenclature:
sudo apt-get update/upgrade/dist-upgrade
For literally years I run: "....update".
Now I realized that "update" only reads lists and the "upgrade" is what I thought would be an update.
And "dist-upgrade" didn't upgrade the distribution. This is so misleading.

put this in a cronjob
sleep 20 && cd path/to/script && ./script

binbash etc
redshift -l 52.5:13.4 -t 5500:2500 -b 0.8 #koordinaten für berlin -t DAY:NIGHT -b 0.8 80%helligkeit

First, it's now just "apt". No need for -get any more.
UPDATEs the package list on your current system.
UPGRADEs your system
UPGRADEs your DISTribution fully, removing packages if necessary if certain packages need it because of changes or other problems (upgrade just does updates). Is now "full-upgrade" with apt. Generally not needed. Can be used if you change your sources list to upgrade your distribution to a new version traditionally but is now generally replaced with a more complete dedicated upgrade procedure as a separate command.

thanks for your detailed answer; I'm not fully sure about this; this source is in german and says, that dist-upgrade didn't upgrade the distribution(the version)


"dist-upgrade führt kein Upgrade auf eine neue Ubuntu-Version durch."

perhaps I misunderstood something , but I thought "upgrading distribution" is changing from eg. 16.04 to 18.04 version?

Asking again from last thread. Does rsync --delete not play well with Ubuntu's default encryption choice (ecryptfs)? I recently ran:
sudo rsync -aAXv --delete --exclude={"/dev/*","/proc/*","/sys/*","/tmp/*","/run/*","/mnt/*","/media/*","/lost+found"} / '/media/[user]/Seagate Backup Plus Drive/2018 - 4 - 12 - RS backup method'
To update an old backup and eventually it failed because the external drive ran out of space, despite the fact that the external drive should've had plenty of space. I only have two explanations for this:
1) rsync --delete didn't delete, it merely moved my shit to trash and continued to take up space. I've got no evidence for this one.
2) Something to do with the encrypted filenames in the .ecryptfs folder. Could it be the case that the encrypted files names for particular files on the original drive won't match those on the old backup, causing a fucktonne of files to appear on the external drive twice, resulting in the loss of space?

Finally, pic related, how the fuck do I expand this shit and see how much I'm deleting?

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>ick sitze hier und esse klops
>uff eenmal kloppt’s.
>ick staune, kieke, wundre mir,
>uff eenmal jeht se uff, die tier!
>nanu, denk’ ick, ick denk’: nanu,
>jetzt jeht se uff, erst war se zu!
>und ick jeh’ raus und kieke,
>und wer steht draußen? … icke.

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This is what brainlets believe.

Haven't dicked with xrandr in a while, but if I remember correctly, it's possible to fix this using "transform".

Can someone tell me how retarded I am.
>confirmed port is listening with netstat
>confirmed traffic is getting through with firewall capture and tcpdump
>telnet to port works from localhost
>telnet to port doesn't reply from external host

Tell them it's the botnet and leave class.

shell list expansion. The syntax for multiple excludes is
--exclude=this --exclude=that

or use --exclude-from for such a long list.
It's faster to nuke a filesystem than to delete everything.
And why -AX ?

Better than Ubuntu.

>And why -AX ?
Archwiki said so.

Never forget who the enemies are


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So is the Linux Foundation one of the enemies?

It's becoming better with the increased diversity

>Board of Directors

>Platinum Corporate Members

>Technical Advisory Board

Nah, this list of surveillance state partners is not the enemy.

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Anyone able to get cracked DQXI working in Wine? Won't launch, not getting any informative errors when trying to debug. tried both DXVK and native renderer, etc.

An Ubuntu "sudo apt-get upgrade" updates the packages of installed software.
An Ubuntu "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" updates the packages of Ubuntu OS or changes to the new available version (eg. 18.04)?

plain "upgrade" will never remove an installed package. dist-upgrade/full-upgrade are allowed to remove packages to satisfy dependencies.

if you look at the list of things apt wants to do and it says "some packages have been kept back", that's a signal that this is what's going on - something needs to be removed in order to upgrade something else and apt, by default, says "well I just won't upgrade that package then, if I'd have to remove something else", and dist-upgrade is the way you tell apt no, go right on through with that.

the name is because with Debian (stable) you usually only see this when moving to the next release, though it also happens sometimes in sid. No idea how common it is in *buntus though.


>something needs to be removed in order to upgrade something else

Thank you for your helpful answer and sorry for my brainletism.
So to 'update' completely my system by cli I run
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
in this order
and I won't get 'upgraded' to the next version(eg. 18.04)

always I see apt-get and never apt in the internet.
is apt-get deprecated?

update fetches the current list of packages from the server.

if you know you're upgrading between major versions you should go straight to apt-get dist-upgrade or apt full-upgrade (which are the same thing, just a sec) because its a superset of what plain upgrade does. You still should review the list of packages its proposing to change (install, upgrade, or remove) before starting it.

Now there's a bunch of Debian package management tools, not just apt-get, there's apt-cache, apt-mark, and so on. what just plain "apt" is is a simpler interface to the most common operations - update, upgrade, full-upgrade (they took the opportunity to rename some stuff when they made it, since they didn't have to keep script compatibility) and so on. apt-get and the others have functionality that isn't in apt, but that's the advanced stuff. you certainly don't need it here.

you see apt-get in most places online since a.) it's been around much longer (I think the simplified apt only came out in Debian 8) and because, of course, it still works and will continue to, so lots of longtime users still use it out of habit.

note that I know all this stuff as a Debian, not Ubuntu, guy. Ubuntu has their own repos and I forget if their upgrade procedure is more involved than changing sources.list to point to the new release and then update+dist-upgrade+reboot. If Ubuntu is telling you to do something different to upgrade from whatever you have to 18.04, do that instead.

I'm using kubuntu, how do I take a screenshot with the application launcher up? The piece of shit known as spectacle closes it and doesn't capture it

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just installed debian previously used arch and gentoo
why do I have 1k+ packages on debian after installing the same software that on gentoo or arch would only be around 600?

>Linux is free only if your time is worthless
this thread shows how true it is. I'm fucking sick of spending an hour every week to google some arcane command that achieves what can be done by clicking a checkbox on WIndows. I'm switching back to Win7, Linux is not for me

alright friend-os, i spent the last 3 days deciding which linux distro to install on my macbookpro9,2. eneded up choosing manjaro architect, and tried kde but ultimately went with i3gaps as my window manager.

spent yesterday and today configuring, getting acclimated to and customizing everything to my liking.

then like a dumbass i copied someone's dunst configuration and now i don't have any more icons showing how much my volume is when i'm changing volume, nor brightness etc.

if anyone could help me i'd be really grateful. just even the default dunst configuration file for i3-manjaro would be based as fuck.

pastebin with my dunst file: pastebin.com/ejb0gJPk

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delete ~/.wine64
if the folder exists, even if it's empty, wine will assume it's a 32bit prefix

I'm on Antergos and Firefox stable starts leaking memory a minute after opening it to the point where my computer hangs and I can't do anything. What's the Jow Forums approved Firefox fork? And no, I'm not going to use Chromium

>memory leak

Now that Linux is cucked is there a decent non-SJW open source OS that I can switch to?

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openBSD accepts nazis

>introduce coc
>get everyone riled up by being a massive asshole to anyone who disagrees with you
>"see, this is why we need a coc"
don't fall for the bait, the coc is an unenforcable suggestion at best, utterly pointless

Anyone here using radeon wx cards in their home workstation? I'm considering getting one over an rx 560 as it'll probably be more silent and has more DP outputs.

>Hurr durr Firefox using literally 7 out of 8GB RAM a minute after opening your browser to the point where your PC hangs as a result of it is intended behavior xDDD
And you people wonder why more people aren't using Linux

Then bitch to your distro managers that built a faulty version and pushed it to your repo. If there was a memory leak, it would be well known on the mozilla bug trackers, which there isnt
It could be your shitty hardware or more shitty software that you're mishandling since you dont know the basics of your own system
>HURR DUUR i dont know what memory caching is or even how to run a proper diagnostic to see what is actually going on
And you wonder why we dont want more people using Linux.

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>Asking for different Firefox distros I can try so I can see if the problem is just on Firefox stable or other distros isn't a part of doing proper diagnostics
>Memory caching is supposed to make your PC hang a minute after opening your browser
You have a special strain of autism, don't you?

You helped me very much.

>i dont know how i have my system configured so im going to bitch about it on Jow Forums instead of looking at my systems configs and how they were built. Im also not going to custom compile firefox from my repo in case THEY fucked something up along the way
Again, mozilla has no documented memory leak and i dont believe you know how caching works and you ahve some faulty hardware/software combo. You are one of a hundred million users using firefox and there is no other recorded case of this happening.

Firefox WERX on my machine.

Linux is a kernel.

What do you think "memory leaking" is?

Exactly, so just answer my question when I ask for different Firefox forks to try since I'm apparently the only person on the planet who have this problem instead of trying to tell me that memory caching is supposed to make my PC hang.

You dont need a fucking fork. Compile base firefox and diagnose from there. Why would you even want to touch a FORK when the CORE system dosent work?

debugging and figuring out what is wrong? nah rather install a new distro

guys pls help

Just get LARBS and work from there. Look it up "Luke Smith LARBS".

yeah but i already got everything, if i run the script wont it just install over my files?
i already configured my i3, polybar, pywal etc etc

Sorry, ignore my reply.

np, thanks for trying to help tho. just having the default config for dunst that comes with manjaro-i3 would probably solve my problem

Hi. This week I was given a faulty ASUS Aspire 8735 19" laptop for free. It was missing the memory, hard drive, and CPU. But otherwise working. I spent about 8 years with Windows, 8 years with Mac, and I want to start afresh now with GNU/Linux. I'm just wondering what OS you'd recommended I install and what software. 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, 2GB memory, 120GB SSD. I need a lightweight fully featured image viewer similar to Xee 2.0 for Mac, an excellent video player, et cetera.

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>Linus leaves Linux kernel a new code of conduct for the kernel the community in conflict
Did the journalist have a stroke or something?

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if you'd like it to look kind of like windows, linux mint with either cinnamon (preetier) or xfce (lightweight)
ubuntu if you liked mac more

why gentoo needs to be updated constantly?
are they tweaking the code everyday or something? what are they trying to fix since 2002?

ok i will agree my questions are dumb and i dont even use gentoo
i use ubuntu, i get security updates maybe once a week and i wonder what these updates actually do
is there a way to see?

Best distro for Gnome Shell?
I already installed Ubuntu 18.04, and looks good but the animations are a bit laggy I think.

I installed the last nVidia drivers and still a bit weird.

The computer is a i7 5820k + gtx 1070.

There's a utility for apt, I think apt-list-changes or show-changes, which prints changelogs when you upgrade.


trying to follow this guide for a touchpad, but both zsh and bash give me:

>cd: too many arguments

what do?

line im trying is:

cd /tmp git clone github.com/p2rkw/xf86-input-mtrack.git cd xf86-input-mtrack ./configure --with-xorg-module-dir=/usr/lib/xorg/modules sudo make sudo make install

My root is full as fuck and the cause seems to be two usr folders both of which have the same files. How do I clear more space on this?

Attached: rootsize.png (1395x706, 177K)

Do you even know how a shell works? You're squashing all commands into one

You're missing "&"

i know a tiny bit of shell, but this line is straight from the site, the dude posting his tutorial posted it like this.


The guy forgot newlines for some reason

After each cd command after ./configure after make.

oh fuck nvm /tmp is a fucking directory
