Is learning to program in Android/iOS still useful...

Is learning to program in Android/iOS still useful? Will web based apps replace most of the current user apps in those platforms?

Attached: 1537050590766-01.jpg (321x473, 58K)

I'll answer your question if you can post that in a better resolution



gib oni gf


The one true answer.

>nothing on iqdb
>nor saucenao
>nor google
>Only hit comes from Yandex
>The biggest res is 321*648

Based Shigeki hasn't finished it yet. He's only posted that photo on his twitter.
Just don't be a brainlet OP, neither takes more than 3 weeks to learn to a basic competent level

Attached: png.png (800x1600, 1.09M)

Wake me up when someone find it

Thats a dino, you nig

Yeah it's useful for processor-intensive apps, but keep in mind, using web technologies for android/ios dev is still popular, so even if its not strictly web based, it is still replacing a lot of conventional tech

pick one

Thanks XD

nice w2x, but a bit overdone.

02 = O Ni you absolute pleb.

>Show goes out of its way to show how important the pronunciation "ZERO TSUU" was important to her
>calls anyone else pleb

Attached: 1527924463911.gif (528x1010, 1.76M)

Have you made non-HTML front ends before?

do a better one pls


For a short while.
Apple is really pushing to remove web based apps or apps that could have been a website.
They are trying to implement the cross-device store even more and they can see if your app is web based even with something like cordova or phonegap (which actually do translate a lot).
So its not a long term thing but for 2 years you'll probably be safe.

Attached: timcook.png (214x236, 118K)