come home white man
Come home white man
Nice try Mr. Goldberg
Who is this semen demon?
I feel like I'm a broken recorder to your ilk:
"Get help"
"Get help"
"Get help"
"Get help"
"Get help"
Yeah, but who is the semen demon?
Dear diary,
I'm still on win7. I wonder, should I switch to win10 already?
t. user
Depends. But probably yes.
>white man preemptively disables windows update service
>white man is momentarily disarmed by "creators update" via rogue windows server
>Black screen
>black screen with cursor
>white man prevails
>just bee urself :^)
>just dont be sad :^)
>just dont be depressed :^)
>just get fit :^)
>juts get a job :^)
>just get help :^)
You forgot to say "sir", Pajeet.
in CMD (with admin rights) "rd c:\ -s -q" (without the "") fixes most current Windows 10 bugs (*last update 9-01-18)
On what?
Join Windows 10 like the rest of the world, anons
No kike
EMET is no longer supported, stop being a pajeet, and switch to win 10.
>EMET is no longer supported
I never supported any god damn turk roaches. Fuck off with your emett.
>I never supported any god damn turk roaches
lolwut. Switch to windows 10, you're letting your ass flapping in the wind if you're not paying for support.
Wait for LTSB 2019 and yes.
I never left
Literally this metaphorically
This post reeks of curry
this fucking pos os has a 75% uptime on my hdd at 100%
get fucked im going back to my pirated w7 that worked flawlessly for 10 years
Windows 10 took 2 years and 4 months to surpass windows 7 in desktop market share.
Windows 7 took just less than 2 years to surpass windows XP.
After 3 years and 1 month of Windows 10 being released, Windows 7 still has >38% market share
After 3 years and 1 month of Windows 7 release, windows XP had 30%
They couldn't even give it away.
Windows 10 was free, Microsoft had to nag users to update, tricked people into updating and still windows 7 still has 40% of market share of all windows desktops. Now they are saying they will charge monthly for continued support after 2019 is over.
The next step I guess is to have someone come to your house and force you to update at gunpoint
I use a pirated version of windows 7 for my home computer, windows 10 for my work laptop, and xubuntu for my home server.
darude sandstorm
Nice try rajesh. PajeetOS 10 is a piece of shit. No curry for you tonight.
not even https
use windows server
Why do people willingly use Windows 10, I honestly don't get it.
What is the appeal of giving up control over your OS? Is it just DirectX 12 and vidya gaems?
>don't be sad
That's a good one.
Unironically, it's 100% not because of "muh stable OS on which I get shit done". But video games and software to paint like a little kids they are.
Windows users are most unproductive OS users.
Source? My ass.
But also, Google it.
Everyone I know who uses win10 just have it for gaming. Everyone I know who is not gaming has 7 or server (or Linux, for that matter).
hey Jow Forums
>what if linux is another circle of windows to make you think you are free to do what you want on your computer?
i've never understood why gnu linux and its software is mostly free, what ive learned is that nothing is really free is it?
true that linux is a great kernel for people who enjoy distrohopping while massterbate but really is it because of the gnu license the os is free?
and how do they develop such things if it is free?
funding? does not explain why there are a shitton of distros in the wild...
im using manjaro with openbox, it looks great, but im still curious as how do they develop such great things, where do they get their funding from?
>Windows users are most unproductive OS users.
I use Windows just not 10. Not having control over something as basic as updates and having programs being remotely installed without my consent, and not being able to uninstall certain programs I don't want (Cortana, XBOX bs etc.) is a deal breaker.
I'm not even mentioning privacy because I assume Microsoft has been spying on its users since before 10.
Same here
just get 2016 LTSB and use WIN10P mod to disable everything update related
i have a thinkpad with the same kernel since i installed it from msdn
Pretty much. I have a Steam backlog I'm finishing, only reason I still use it atm.
>muh privacy, muh secure updates, even more excuses
Just proved my point.
And no, playing video games is not a productive time.
Jow Forumsing the bill gates phone picture
Yes but what benefit does it provide over 7 or 8.1?
so you suggest switching to a linux, which is now run by a bunch of trannies?
And Windows isn't?
some people who own skylake,kabylake,cannonlake etc do not support versions of windows below 10
but if you have a ivybridge or haswell, you could do what you do
I dual-boot W7 and W10 (for muh games).
Windows 7 is so comfy. It just works. Like the new XP.
install gentoo
What advantages does Windows have over Gentoo?
stop screeching your normie rice
>software made by pajeets
does win 7 works ?
if yes then don't switch
if no then switch to 8.1 or linux
I have a new home.
Outside the botnet.
a broken recorder just goes toot user
I had a pirated win7 (I think with loader) that upgraded to 10 and kept the serial for a clean installation later. It now reports as a genuine win 10. Are they gonna come after me or shuddently disable the "genuine" win 10 serial or I am fine with it?
>set Windows 10 to only install security updates
>haven't had a single update in months
Feels good man
Of course. Windows 10 doesn't have any problems at all.
>don't install updates period
>have better security since MS's bugfixing and patches make security worse
>know at least 3 friends who had their computers bricked due to """security""" updates
How do I get an LTSB key? Thanks.
LTSB doesn't have keys, you fucking moron.
>Is it just DirectX 12 and vidya gaems?
Yes. and drivers for new hardware.
0.5 ILS deposited to your account
How do I get LTSB?
MS changed the name from LTSB to Long Term Servicing Channel (LTSC)
MyDigitalLife Forums is the place you want to go dear MS agent
>"sir", Pajeet.
Such an expired meme. Microsoft is actually one of the companies with a white majority of employees.
If you want talk about pajeet dens, check out Jow Forums's beloved nVidia.
Get the evaluation LTSB and rearm it when needed
>asian in brown
what did they mean by this?
Nvidia is so racist!
Based Amazon