/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Freedom > Security

Hi. This week I was given a faulty ASUS Aspire 8735 19" laptop for free. It was missing the memory, hard drive, and CPU. But otherwise working. I spent about 8 years with Windows, 8 years with Mac, and I want to start afresh now with GNU/Linux. I'm just wondering what OS you'd recommended I install and what software. 2.8GHz Core 2 Duo CPU, 2GB memory, 120GB SSD. I need a lightweight fully featured image viewer similar to Xee 2.0 for Mac, an excellent video player, et cetera.

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What’s the superior file system in Linux? zfs, brtfs?

Is there a guide to getting an internet connection up and running on linux in general? I keep installing distros that don't set up internet (Arch, Subgraph) automatically.


99% of the time you just start whatever DHCP client the distro uses

Depends on the usage. Ext4, btrfs and xfs are common choices. In home desktop usage, the difference is generally minimal.


Freedom = Security

What I usually do is install connman and use that.

You can also do it manually and just run the dhcp client on the wired ethernet or do that after wpa_supplicant for wlan.

Xfs doesn’t let you shrink volumes/volume groups?

What is he pointing at?

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XFS doesn't shrink, no. It only grows. So to "shrink" the filesystem you'd have to start a new XFS and transfer the data over.

That said, most people and companies don't shrink filesystems, so it tends to not be such a big deal.

He's requesting us to stand up for our freedoms.

He's not pointing, he's offering his hand. "Come with me if you want to be free."

My workspaces on debian 9 dont work anymore?
Anyone else have this issue?
I already checked that the workspaces are enabled and what the shortcut key is.
>pls respond ;(

Sell it for parts and buy heroin.

friendly reminder to donate to freetype.org
fonts are so nice nao

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debian w lxde
actually bunsenlabs is really good

where do i get that?

Does anybody even use btrfs?

For cheap single disk / soft RAID setups, ext4. The tooling and amateur forensics options are way better than anything else, and it supports all the stupid end user tricks like shrink and online defrag.

If you have ECC memory and a UPS, XFS for single disk and btrfs / zfs for multiple disks depending on what you're trying to do.

What's a cool command to run?

telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

Chewbacca is god tier

Attached: chewy.png (115x163, 1K)

>tfw realizing bitmap fonts works just fine with fontconfig after hours of trying to get it to work in st with xset font paths

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"works fine" is a bigger surprise than "hours of trying" desu

No need. The pleasure of installing Linux is pleasure enough.

I want a distro that's good for ricing but not embarrassing to admit to using and doesn't require the user to dedicate an entire weekend to learning how to install it, I'm mostly planning on using it for Jow Forums and programming.

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after adopting the cancerous CoC, linux is dead.

Install *buntu. Kubuntu would probably work well but there’s a slight learning curve with any distro if you don’t have experience with GNU/Linucks

>make visible the GNOME contributors who are women
wtf is this privilege? how is this not sexism?

>antialiased fonts (using fontconfig)

st -f xos4\ terminus-18

lubuntu, it's as minimal as it gets, just apt get i3, logout, select i3, login

kthx bai

well I don't have those problems luckily

suckless has some outdated documentation which led me down the wrong path
static const char font[] = "-misc-fixed-medium-r-semicondensed--13-100-100-100-c-60-iso8859-1";
this way not supported anymore

that has been gone for a looooong time
git.suckless.org/dwm/commit/14343e69cc596b847f71f 1e825d3019ab1a29aa8.html

I'm finally installing gentoo bros
What can I expect?

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>What can I expect?
A long wait, then big e-peen bragging.

Question for those who use playonlinux or lutris - Which of the drives, c:, z: and so on, are not connected to the rest of the pc, and is totally isolated?

None of it's "isolated". C: just points to Wine's files that make shit work, and Z: is mapped to the whole filesystem. That is, you can go somewhere like Z:\dev\sda1.

You're still running programs as whatever Linux user you are, you, and programs run with your privileges, can see and modify anything you can.

this , wine has two default mounts, c:, and z:, z: is /. c:, while in it's own folder, symlinks common directories like "documents" and "desktop" to your real home folder equivalents
wine is not a sandbox. if you want isolation, run wine under firejail and restrict it's filesystem access (see --private)
when running wine normally, treat it as if the windows program you're running is a native linux one, that's what wine tries to do

Can I run .sh scripts in BSD without any console sorcery?

Okay thanks

if you have the shell it was written for, or a sufficiently compatible shell, installed, along with any programs the script calls/uses, then it will work
don't expect a script that only work in bash to work in *BSD ootb (afaik no BSD ships with bash, though i might be wrong)

they never put in the base system because muh permissive licenses, but it's always available as a port/package. You just have to go get it if you want it.

oh i'm certain it's /available/, just saying it probably won't be there on a fresh install

>if you have the shell it was written for
how do I find it out?

>install GNU/Linux
>still use Google products, Facebook, etc. that all harvest more data than Windows
Full fucking retards

check the first line, it should be something like;
this tells the OS which interpreter to use if the file is executed
this is not unique to shell scripts either, things like python scripts may begin with "#!/usr/bin/python", for example


not everyone using linux suffers from stallman tier autism

If Freedom = Security Then How Come Kool-aid?

then there's zero reason to use GNU/Linux over Windows. Cost isn't even an argument given it's easy as fuck to activate Windows 10. If you're bitching about security, you're a tinfoil hat retard and a hypocrite.

>use ubuntu
>go to sleep last night, with my computer just on the desktop, doing nothing at all
>wake up this morning and see computer magically dropped to a fucking shell, while I was asleep
>keeps asking for "login"
>try and "linux" my way out of this random BS by commands, but my regular and root login passwords do not work for some reason, and it just keeps asking for my password again
>startx command acts the same
>"reboot" command only clears the fucking screen, instead of actually rebooting the computer
>say "Fuck it" after three minutes of this crap and just hard restart my computer

What kind of Winblows BSOD shit is this?

>then there's zero reason to use GNU/Linux over Windows

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name reasons to use Linux over Windows

Everytime I boot my Fedora I get a message "TSC_DEADLINE disabled due to Erra; please update microcode to version: 0x22 (or later".

I've done what's suggested already - "sudo dnf install microcode_ctl", and although it says it's updated, the message still persists.

it's a Lenovo H50 desktop. Tried updating with an USB but it didn't work, serial number in my bios is different than what I'd download from their site.

How do I fix this?

So I just switched to i3wm and I'm loving it. The only thing I'm missing is a way to split the screen unequally - for example, having a web browser take up two thirds of the screen and the terminal take up one third, instead of the default behavior of having half each. Is there a way to customize this?

I like it better. Is that good enough for you?

1. sane updates and control over them
2. no telemetry (unless you're a buntu baby)
3. no need to bother pirating anything
4. actual choice in customizing your whole system
5. bash > powershell/cmd
6. Programming is a lot saner
7, most games now work just fine
8. Goes along with 4 but you can actually compile how ever much of your system you want.
9. Can get a very minimal system with zero effort unlike Windows which is 1-2GB just idle, 9+GB on a common desktop
10. Easy workspaces that don't require hacky russian botnets
11. no registry bullshit
To start

Freedom, privacy, modability, not being a retard, more efficient,..

Name reasons to use windows

Here's what I use to resize. $mod is windows key Mod1 is alt

# resize window
bindsym $mod+Mod1+j resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+Mod1+k resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+Mod1+l resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+Mod1+semicolon resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt

bindsym $mod+Mod1+Left resize shrink width 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+Mod1+Down resize grow height 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+Mod1+Up resize shrink height 5 px or 5 ppt
bindsym $mod+Mod1+Right resize grow width 5 px or 5 ppt

I can have a barebones system where I only stall things I need. I can customize looks to how I like it instead of adapting to some pajeet's design. I find the fact that I have to disable and uninstall so much shit on a fresh windows install to be backwards. tilingwms. quicker boot up. free as in gratis. package managers being easy to use. update whenever I feel like it without anyone nagging on me. I prefer Linux file structure.

1. You can disable Windows Update, tell it not to update, and update shit yourself. Not that hard.
2. If you programs or other devices that harvest data, this isn't a valid point.
3. Literally one program that anyone can find if you aren't retarded. Not difficult.
4. My Windows 10 install is highly customized actually and takes the same amount of time and knowledge as it would for someone to customize Linux.
5. The vast majority of Linux users don't give a shit about command line and cite it as a reason not to use Linux
6. Opinion/10
7. Most games aren't all games and it requires work arounds for most to get even a fraction of the performance.
8. So your time is useless? Unless you run Gentoo or build LFS, this is pointless.
9. RAM is super cheap and 8GB is standard, if not more. SSD/HDD are cheap and if you're playing games, this isn't a point.
10. Burden of proof on you. Also, if you use any non-open source programs or devices, not a point.
11. You literally never have to touch the registry

If you any non-open source programs or devices then freedom and privacy aren't valid. I can mod Windows 10. Burden of proof.

>yes helo ser pls use Mikrosoft Windoze™, lenucks is bad!
the absolute state of pajeets

it's ok if you turn javascripts off, use vpn and don't create an account

I can change my backlight brightness by changing a file located in sys/class/backlight/.....
however to do so requires su
Would it be a bad idea for me to set up scripts to change the backlight by changing the value in this file? And if so, what would be the better way to go about doing this?

Basically a script that does:
echo *NUMBER* > /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
however it would need to run as su, or else it doesn't have the required permissions

>you can reason with your OS, and tell it please listen to me
>it's only one program
>just buy more RAM
imagine being this far gone

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Yuru_Yuri_06_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[F8694A5A].mkv_snapshot_21.17_[2018.07.11_11.39.11] (1280x720, 1.27M)

Do you have a package called xbacklight?

actually it says #!/bin/sh#

'sh' historically refers to bourne shell, the shell used in (actual) unix
in modern usage, it just means whatever is your systems' default shell
on a typical gnu system, this would mean bash, though bash does alter it's behavior when called as 'sh'. scripts that target this shell should be fairly compatible with other bourne-like shells

I have an NVME drive (it's an m.2 drive that goes in a PCI adapter) what would be the best filesystem for it?
Right now it's running ext4

One way would be to resize manually as the other user suggested. However, if you want to resize automatically, you can bind a resizing script to a key press
For example:
bindsym $mod+Return exec i3-sensible-terminal && exec my_script.sh

inside my_script.sh:
i3 resize shrink width 33ppt

This script resizes the currently focused window, in this case it would be your new terminal.

as I'm sure you're realizing, there are several ways of accomplishing this.
The first (and easiest) way to split the screen unequally is to click on the border between windows and drag it to desired dimensions.
This is not the best solution though, as it requires you to take your hands from the keyboard. In the default i3 config there is a "mode" keybind for $mod+r to enter resize mode. you can press $mod+r then the arrow (or vim) keys to change the dimensions of the windows.
An even better way to do that is as suggested and make the resizing keybinds not require a mode.
This guy's solution, AFAIK, will only have any affect on a floating mode window


Thanks, thats all I needed.

What are the differences between Antergos and Manjaro? Is Antergos more of a pure Arch distro?

neither of them are more of a "pure arch" distro
if you're going to use an arch spinoff I'd go with either archlabs or manjaro. They seem to be the best supported

antergos is arch with a pretty front-end and installer.
manjaro is based on arch, and uses pacman and the AUR, but uses its own repos.
if you want "pure arch" just do a vanilla install, it's really not that hard.

so does it mean it would run on my BSD without complications? I need to execute a script that installs a program, and it's in .sh format.

the sh part will work on BSD
I cannot make guarantees about how the installing of that program will go, especially if it was meant for a linux machine

How do i make the i3blocks status bar to show stock prices and crypto?

Besides xml and panel/no panel what are the differences between openbox and fluxbox?

I'm going to assume you already have a terminal command that will output what you need to know.
command="aforementioned command"
interval=10 #some number in seconds for how often it will run command

I need to install a dell bios update for my laptop. The problem: it's an exe file and I am on ubuntu. What can I do? I have inspiron e5450

my first instinct is to try WINE but I have no experience doing BIOS updates

Hey guys, can you answer my question?
In short: I'm going to buy a 100% free software computer, which CPU should I get?
Here are my options:
Intel Core 2 Extreme
Intel Core 2 Quad
Intel Core 2 Duo
Intel Pentium Extreme Edition
Intel Pentium D
Intel Pentium 4 Extreme Edition
Intel Pentium 4
Intel Celeron


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go ask

How is Core 2 not free?

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Give me quick tips on how to make my ganoo/loonicks look good, I've installed Debian and it looks ugly by default on all DEs

Attached: 1537729967388.png (474x395, 121K)

Install a MacOS theme.

I want tips on how to make it look good, not how to make it look even worse.
So far I've done a very basic cleanup of removing the bottom panel, putting a few things on the top panel and deleting the shortcuts on the desktop.

>tiling wm
>bitmap font
>firefox + userChrome.css
>big anime tiddy wallpaper
you're welcome. tell ben I said feck off

>but not embarrassing to admit to using
it's up to you to feel embarrassed for your preferences.
it's not sexism it's virtue signaling
>given it's easy as fuck to activate Windows 10
you don't even have to activate it to use it. you just cant change the background (easily). idk what your point is though. windows lacks basic functionality.
>What kind of Winblows BSOD shit is this?
I would check the logs. You might want to get into the habit of learning how to troubleshoot your problems. not everybody has perfect hardware for their software, and often times windows is no different on some hardware.
package managers
protips acknowledged.
btrfs with [/code]-o compress=lzo,autodefrag,noatime,ssd[/code]
check with dell website. sometimes the exe is just a self extracting that has the firmware image inside.
browse deviantart and read how they do it

I got a new gpu. How do i switch from nvidia drivers to amd?

arc gtk theme
breeze icons

>I cannot make guarantees about how the installing of that program will go, especially if it was meant for a linux machine
actually it's this program:

user.. you can try it, but I doubt that it's going to work with the BSD kernel