Why do you hate women?
Don't look away, the comments here show clear hatred. Why?
Alright, Jow Forums
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Because women are stupid and I don't respect them
That's right, i just have sex with them.
Too dumb for anything but popping kids, other than that they're all right I guess.
I don't hate women. Selection pressures caused nature to engineer their intelligence to cluster around the mean. Hence I don't have a lot in common with most of them.
I consider the assumption that women are fungible with men to be the genuinely misogynistic position. Denying the uniqueness of the female sex is unfair to them, hence their growing rates of childlessness, STD's, single motherhood, depression, etc.
They're incels.
You don't represent all women OP, so how is hating one dumb type of woman like yourself equivalent to hating all women? Are you saying that all women are as stupid as you are?
OP could be a man. Did you consider that?
That's silly user, OP is clearly a Westcuck and everybody knows that in the Westcuck world there are no men, only women and uglier women.
Wrong. OP here. Eastern European.