Linus says if you disagree with the CoC you are a Nazi

>Because I may have my reservations about excessive political correctness, but honestly, I absolutely do not want to be seen as being in the same camp as the low-life scum on the internet that think it's OK to be a white nationalist Nazi, and have some truly nasty misogynistic, homophobic or transphobic behaviour. And those people were complaining about too much political correctness too, and in the process just making my public stance look bad.

What a principled stance.

Attached: faggot.jpg (660x371, 14K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That's not what he's saying at all, he just doesn't want to be lumped in with either extreme

By leaving and implementing the CoC, he already has sided with the one extreme. It's too late, he was better off continuing as before

>saying no to chopped dicks makes you a nazi
good, I have no problem with that.
Let the gassing begin.


and Jow Forums thought linus was /theirguy/ lol

Can I get a quick rundown on CoC? Code of conduct, yeah? Since when is this a thing? I haven't been on Jow Forums in one year, I come back and all of a sudden everyone is mentioning CoC the entire time. Not from America so I haven't had a chance to experience it first hand.

Basically, Linus's life work now holds him hostage as a sunk cost, so he has to put on a corporate face now to even be allowed to continue being involved. It's what normies have to do every day to keep jobs. He's been outflanked.

The answer is also in the following joke:

Q: How do you create a bad idea?
A: Take a good idea, then add people.

It means some pink hair freak with problem glasses can ban you forever from a project by simply accusing you of being a "sexist" or "transphobe" or "racist". Of course, none of this is explicitly defined so its completely up to the pink hair freak whether you should be banned forever or not

No, he just says you and youralikes are shit.

>white nationalist national socialist

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phew, and to think I almost switched to linux

In whay way Linus lumped in with Nazis before adopting the CoC?

>there can't be too much political correctness

these scum never back down huh

>please dont call me mean names, I'll do whatever you want
What a weak person

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if you don't adopt CoC you are nazi.

His life's work is now at the mercy of a mob, he'll do anything to keep involvement at this point because of sunk cost. He's still the same Linus, it's just hidden, just like the bastards he's up against.

He got the big check to give away Linux to Google/Intel/Microsoft/Apple. He’s a secret billionaire now.

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>not realizing the owner of project can scrap the whole thing forever or that literally anyone can fork it

The CoC isn't extreme at all though and 99.9% of kernel developers won't be effected by it.

Basically they made some small rules about conduct (can't be openly racist or sexist in kernel development spaces) and a bunch of Jow Forumslacks that have never contributed are mad about it.

I agree

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>small rules
they set up a committee to take "complaints" from blue hair freaks and police the speech of contributors in public and private. Oops you said something "offensive" on twitter 9 years ago? Well you're fucked forever now

>free software
>cant be racist

As long as he can still tell people that their code is shit, politely of course.

What a shitstorm about nothing and it just keeps going on. Poor Linus. Hated by SJWs, now hated by Nazis as well.

>you're a nazi
Do those people even know what Nazis are?Neither side seem not to.

>if you are not SJW you must be nazi

>I absolutely do not want to be seen as being in the same camp as the low-life scum on the internet that think it's OK to be a white nationalist
He is a Swede by origin after all, of course...
You can't make this shit up...

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That's not what I am saying. I'm for instance neither if those, which is why I didn't take it personally that Linus doesn't want to be associated with literal Nazis, to quote him
>I absolutely do not want to be seen as being in the same camp as the low-life scum on the internet that think it's OK to be a white nationalist Nazi,

>Our Standards

>Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:

> Using welcoming and inclusive language
> Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
> Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
> Focusing on what is best for the community
> Showing empathy towards other community members

>Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:

> The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
> Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
> Public or private harassment
> Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
> Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

>Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
Why is this not defined? Blue hair freaks believe replying to women on twitter threads is harrasment
>Public or private harassment
Again, not defined. Can mean anything
>Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting
What professional setting? Some professions are more laid back than others, every company is different. So what is the definition of "professional setting" and what would be "inappropriate" in a such an undefined setting? Or is just whatever the blue hair freak believes?
>Using welcoming and inclusive language
What does that even mean?
>Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
Except if it's a white man? Then his viewpoints and experiences mean nothing compared to the systemically oppressed PoC's. What does this even mean, really? My viewpoint is that master and slave terminology should be continued, not scrapped. Will the blue hairs respect that differing viewpoint?

a literal cuck, i knew he had it in him

i was surprised he lasted this long

>Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
On what? Your code, or your "attitude"?
> Focusing on what is best for the community
And what if what is best for the community means scrapping the CoC?
>Showing empathy towards other community members
Why? If they don't contribute good code, they can leave. If they don't want to be part of the project, they can leave.


>Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at . All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The TAB is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

>Maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project’s leadership.

So when you have a differing viewpoint from some blue haired freak, they'll tattle on you like it was elementary school to some committee made up of other blue haired freaks and you'll be banned forever from your favorite project.

>Why? If they don't contribute good code, they can leave. If they don't want to be part of the project, they can leave.
Me saying this is not hypocritical btw. If Linus wants a CoC and this isn't going to be reversed in the coming weeks, I will not use Linux anymore. There you go

"The most perfect business has no employees. It has no managers. It has no products. It has no service, it has no customers.

The perfect business can never exist. So once you start adding things, it all goes downhill from there."

same concept, really. It makes people realize that if they want their perfect little flower to stay a perfect little flower, they should just stay in their basement. While the rest of the world accepts imperfection and moves forward anyway.

Adopting the CoC is an agreeable thing to do. Agreeability is what's best for linux. Get as many hands on it as possible. And that's that. I think he did what he did to avoid being crucified by the SJW's, and having his life's work destroyed as a result.

From his perspective, the risk is too great. I'd have made the same decision. Sure, maybe the SJW's wouldn't crucify him. But, considering the negative press he's already gotten, it's better for him to play it safe.

And if you all aren't SJW nazis as you claim you aren't. If you aren't a bunch of fucking snowflakes no better than the rest of them. Then, this wouldn't be a big deal to you.

My guess is the CoC is just some token change, like most other things involving SJW's, that makes no actual change but keeps them off his ass.

I doubt Linus really cares that much. Development has continued as normal.

you're all no better than the SJW's. I'm sorry your snowflake got offended because of some token change that has yet to do anything at all.

You're bitchy little whelps complaining because "muh safe space" the CoC has yet to have any impact, and it probably never will. Even if it does? Okay, then you make a decision based on the quality of linux. But nothing has happened yet so, that's not an argument.

Linux is not political, yet you're going to ditch it for political reasons. How snowflakey can you be.

What exactly would the consequences have been had he decided not to implement this CoC?

That didn't happen. You guys panic every single time a project adopts a CoC and it basically changes nothing other than having some basic rules codified in a single document. Basically no professional developers breech the CoC anyways.

Jow Forums btfo
Go install windows again and gtfo Jow Forums

>Linux is not political
It became political when they adopted the CoC...

did you read these "basic rules"? They are not basic at all.

So will these rules be enforced the same way against everybody? Or just people you don't like?

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>On what? Your code, or your "attitude"?
I'm assuming they meant attitude, but it works both ways. They have to accept critiques on their code as well and can't complain against it.

I don't mind him adopting CoC, what would you do in his place?
>"Will everybody be happy? No. People who don't like my blunt behaviour even when I'm not being actively nasty about it will just see that as 'look, nothing changed'. I'm trying to get rid of my outbursts, and be more polite about things, but technically wrong is still technically wrong, and I won't start accepting bad code just to make people feel better about themselves.
He's doing the least he can to get them off his back. He's not saying he agrees with them even.

And what said
>You guys panic every single time a project adopts a CoC
Not just then, but whenever anything that seems even slightly bad to you, there's always a massive panic attack on Jow Forums

Chill. Give it some time and see how it turns out. I don't think we'll see any major changes.

Whatever you say, rabbi

Seem pretty basic. Despite your paranoia none of the thousands of projects that have adopted similar CoCs have had any issues.

reading these threads you overwhelmingly get the sense that the CoC is some kind of gang sign
when I actually read the thing I didn't exactly disagree with anything other than that behavior outside of the project shouldn't matter
but the CoC isn't some kind of constitution either so it's not like they're going to go full behavior nazi about it, I don't really see what all the uproar is about

You're harassing me right now, the rules say you can't do that. The way you are acting constitutes public harassment

>didn't disagree with anything
you're not concerned about how basically everything is left undefined in the document and they let a committee of blue hairs take complaints and dole out punishment based on their own personal philosophy against white men or whatever the fuck these freaks hate at the moment

>let a committee of blue hairs take complaints and dole out punishment based on their own personal philosophy against white men
now hold up a second, did they actually say they will do that because that seems like it would actually CONTRADICT what is said in the CoC

> muh SJWs

That's basically what this is about. Nothing will come of any of it.

>they let a committee of blue hairs take complaints and dole out punishment

You sound like a retarded Republican going on about "muh death panels."

>>Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at . All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The TAB is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
>>Maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the project’s leadership.

Are you blind or stupid?

Of course not. The only "blue hair" even involved is only involved because Linus chose to use a CoC that she wrote years ago. He did all of this on his own accord.

You sound like a redditer

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we have no idea, the SJW's are so unpredictable. But we do know that it could seriously damage linux if it went awry. One possible scenario would be for a bunch of shitty journalists to write how he's a nazi, and for Linux to become "alt-right"

It's just Linus trying to keep linux out of the political fire by any group. In this case, that means adopting a CoC. You call that political, I suppose technically it is, but it's a token move to avoid trouble, that's all.

I looked who is on the TAB and not a single one appears to have blue hair. Moreover, I do not see any evidence of a anti-white agenda on the TAB either. You're not doing a good job of convincing me so far.

The Technical Advisory Board is full of long time kernel developers. There isn't a single woman or "blue hair" on the TAB.

Don't kid yourself, 99% of Jow Forums uses windows

it means you can suck my kok

> One possible scenario would be for a bunch of shitty journalists to write how he's a nazi, and for Linux to become "alt-right"
That would never happen, such bullshit
>It's just Linus trying to keep linux out of the political fire by any group. In this case, that means adopting a CoC. You call that political, I suppose technically it is, but it's a token move to avoid trouble, that's all.
So when Linus adopts a CoC, purely for political reasons as you have stated (not wanting to be seen as a "Nazi" or "alt-right" by retarded normies who don't even know what is), that is just a "token move" and not political.

But somehow, I'm the asshole for disagreeing and therefore "bringing politics" into it. Sure thing bud

Ok, let's see it.

Anyone that whines about SJWs constantly is a brainlet.

Precisely. It's a wise business decision in the long term to have created the CoC. To date, Linux has been a walled garden hardly used by every day people. Instituting the CoC will ensure more people contributing which can only be a good thing. Diversity is strength, and the CoC ensures that regular people without white male privilege have the best chance to also contribute. I shouldn't be judged by my hair color.

the REAL loss here is that we're never going to get any more funny Linus rants

>I'll call him a jew, that means I'm (((right)))

I dont really find anything wrong with the CoC but the fact that its being pushed in times of political polarization really activates my almonds (and justified since the tranny openly admits its a political document)
Linus may be a genius but he openly admits he is a fucking autist so of course he doesnt have the guts or the brain to handle this situation correctly

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Agreed. SJWs have only the best of intentions. Our community will be stronger.

1. The CoC isn't extreme, it's badly written by unqualified idiots and Linus needed something to work off. It an be edited through time.
2. Linus shat on the SJWs too in that BBC interview.
3. Linus will keep accepting only good code and reject bad code no matter what meme-identity it comes from because all identities are memes and irrelevant to coding skills.
4. You are dumb as shit.
Carry on.

>It's n-n-nothing goys, don't we all agree about the basic premise of the CoC anyway? Nothing will change and even if it does, its a good thing


Cocks turn big and black in frosty regions.

Agreed. I mean, if it makes no difference, then why have it? Answer: Unless of course it does make a difference. Anyhow, diversity is strength, black people matter, I'm with her.

You're a fucking nazi

>two abbreviations are the same
aren't you a very clever boy

Thank you

Assuming Linus will be even allowed back

BBC only has one meaning... I'm still working out how he spoke into a Big British Cock

>I don't like the basic premise, Linux is anarchy and no one should have to follow any rules in order to contribute
I agree. Let me just finish up these backdoors and force them to get merged because no one can stop me.

Underrated comment

>I don't like the basic premise, Linux is anarchy and no one should have to follow any rules in order to contribute
FOSS is anarchy. That's the whole fucking point you retarded brainlet. No, you don't have to follow rules whatsoever to write code and publish it on the internet you stupid fuck

The authority is the one with the key to the kernel, which is Linus.
There's nobody above him because there's nobody with the key and core knowledge required to operate the Kernel at his level.
So who is this "them" that decide Linus's presence?

Greg Kroah-Hartman
he's overseen a lot of commits without linus

Linux is not an anarchy based system. It's required extensive discipline to date to keep it on track. The addition of CoC helps to codify the rules that drive what is now a corporate, business entity. It's the first step to ensuring widespread corporate uptake and funding.

> not detecting bait that's using irony to make the point
It's ok user, we're all LARPing in this thread. The outraged posters are just having a bit of fun and aren't serious.

>FOSS is anarchy = I get to force other people to merge my shit code in their git repo

Kek. Also ...
> I get to force contributed code under muh licence that lets them revoke that licence any time
Kernel devs will just revoke all their code if they don't like it. But they will come to like it, once they get used to constant presence of CoC behind them. In time they will come to love The CoC.

Too bad that only Linux and NT have good support for a wide range of hardware.


It makes a very small difference when some Jow Forumslack shows up calling people niggers. It gives a nice concrete document to point them at as a warning. That's the only time I've ever even seen one of these CoCs being used.

We need to start a competing repo service called ShitHub.

Agreed. These fucking Jow Forumstards act like fucking niggers. I'm happy we have the CoC created to keep these sub-humans at arms length. They give decent people a bad name.

Linux isn't "fun" it's a very serious operating system for highly talented and paid professionals. Don't fucking bring your jokes and games around here unless you have something valuable to contribute. This is a meritocracy after all and only those who have demonstrated their worth are allowed to reap the rewards. You must be some pathetic little shitstain if you think you can tell ME what code to write and to not write. See I'm the boss around here because I have made over 1000 issues on the Linus Torvalds Github which have been PERSONALLY tended to by him because that's how good I am. You think you can write code as good as this? Watch this:

int i = 0x8b7eda7c;

Now suck my cock bitch, you'll take it and you'll like it because this is Linux, copyright all rights reserved Linus. This is some real shit, not your little pussy Steve Jobs faggot operating system for babies.

Guessing this means Linus's days are numbered.

yup, time to move to open/dragonflybsd forever.
corporate money can literally never come theo or matt's ways kek

best post in this thread. mein sides.


That's not what he said. Go back to .

>hyphenated last name
He's most like an SJW. When your mom is that much of a modern nu-woman that she insists on keeping her last name, you just know the kid won't be raised right

> rundown
Some bluehaired transvestite made a pass at Linus for some buttsecs at a conference, and after rejection quickly drafted the CoC to project xie's failed sexual encounter onto Linus by insinuating that xie got raped by Linus. Because blue haired xie can pretend to be repressed minority, xie can do this without repercussion. Linus realising he's completely screwed in this situation, has gone to ground, in case more shemales get him in a one-on-one situation, make fake allegations using the CoC to eliminate opposition.

>That's not what he's saying at all, he just doesn't want to be lumped in with either extreme

There are no fucking nazis or white supremicists, only larpers. Linux is a total cuck taking the safe stance.

His hair is pink, it makes it even worse.